Catches You With a Band Member | muke

(A/N At the End)

Mikey (caught with Ashton)
You're 18

Waking up from the previous , tangled  in your boyfriends arms. A small smirk was on his face, as he thought about the memories of the night before.

"Last night was the best night of my life" He smiled.

"Hmm, I agree." You replied, lacing your fingers with his. Laying peacefully, in each other's arms, everything in that moment was perfect.


"What the f**k is this?!" Yelled the all to familiar voice of your brother.

Luke (Caught with Calum)
You're 19

Calum grinned, placing a kiss on your lips as you both danced around in the rain, everything in the moment felt perfect.

Calum spun you around, pulling you into his arms. You giggled before kissing him again, this time more passion was in the kiss.

"I love you, you know that?" He smiled.

A blush formed on your cheeks, as you led Calum inside out the rain. Pushing the front door open, he held you against the wall, kissing you passionately.

You were distracted by one another in that moment, you didn't hear the car pull onto the drive way or notice a figure standing, looking at you both in shock.

"What the hell is this?" Said your older brother Luke.



Ok, so first thing. I'm sorry I've been MIA the last week or so. I've been busy and stressed. I started a new job & college work has been insane and I had an exam😩

Tomorrow I have an appt in London (at least a three hour drive there alone!) so I'll be writing some preferences/imagines up. Comment some requests if you have one so I don't run out f ideas!

But anywhoo, I writ this up, and I hope y'all enjoy it.

Part two or nahh????

I saw I have over 5K reads and I'm so so happy and thankful. I didn't expect anyone to even read these so to see I have that many reads I was so shocked.
