29 || Twenty Nine



The long awaited debut is about to come, the whole volleyball club and even the vice principal and a few staff members are here to support CROW5.

They are all proud of the five boys who're a few steps in reaching their dreams.

The venue was dark and cold, only faint lights could be seen.

Everyone was thrilled to see the boys' performance, they have high expectations for it.

Then, the shadow of the boys are visible on stage. The crowd screamed loudly but it soon died down.

(Play the song above if you wanna listen)

'If I could throw everything away
Would it be easy to live my life laughing?Don't say any more words 'cause
It would hurt my heart again'

The crowd was quiet as (Y/N) sang. They were feeling the song and understanding its lyrics.

'If I could forget everything
Would it be easy to live without tears?
But I can't do that
Don't show me anything anymore'

(Y/N)'s voice sounded liked he was in pain, the crowd felt it.

'No matter how close I get to you
I only got one heart'

(Y/N) closed his eyes, letting his emotions take over for a better performance.

'Too bad, too bad, please tear up
Please tear up my body, do whatever you like
Shouting, struggling, eyelids swelling
Yet you hold me tight and never let me go
I had enough'

Kageyama just stared at (Y/N), not knowing how to feel.

'If my wish could come true
I want what you have
But I don't have it
So I want you to be here at least
''No matter how much you love me
I only got one heart'

Some of the people are already tearing up, feeling their emotions swallowing them.

'Stop, stop, don't be nice to me
I can't understand
It hurts, hurts, tell me
I don't know about this
Don't leave me alone'

At this point, (Y/N) was already crying. His members trying there best to hold their tears.

'Too bad, too bad, please tear up
Please tear up my body, do whatever you like
Shouting, struggling, eyelids swelling
Yet you hold me tight & never let me go
I had enough'

All of them have been through a lot, pouring everything on this song makes them feel a little better.

'If I had a heart
How could I find it?
With a little smirk you say
"You have it... here"'

(Y/N) ended the song quietly, making people sob louder. Even the vice principal's bawling his eyes out while swinging his wig.

Kageyama didn't notice the tears flowing in his cheeks. The song felt like it was for him.. again. But this time, he's certain it's directed to him.

He didn't know how much pain he brought (Y/N) in such simple actions, making him cry harder.

Hinata and Kaji hugged him as the volleyball team comforted him.

Soon enough, the event ended and people are slowly leaving. The volleyball club already left after congratulating the band.

Kageyama stayed behind to wait for (Y/N) outside. He wanted to make it up for his mistakes.

The band, who knew Kageyama is still waiting, told (Y/N) to go first and they'd be the one cleaning up.

But the truth to that is they'd just watch them silently.

As soon as (Y/N) got out of the venue, he was immediately engulfed in a hug by a certain black haired boy.

Noticing the familiar scent, (Y/N) smiled as he hugged back the boy who's a crying mess.

(Y/N) rubbed the back of Kageyama's head, hushing the boy who's continuously apologizing.

"Kageyama... Calm down, what's wrong?" (Y/N) said in a soft and soothing voice.

This voice. It's the sound Kageyama wants to hear the most.

He cried his eyes out, hugging the petite boy.

It took him quite a while to finally calm down but he eventually did.

"I'm sorry... for everything." Kageyama said softly, making (Y/N) tilt his head.

"Is this about you ignoring me? It's okay, I've forgiven you but I'd like to know the reason why."

(Y/N)'s voice was calm and collected. unlike the Kageyama who has a shaky voice due to crying.

"I... You deserve to be happy... So I left.."

(Y/N) couldn't utter a single word.

"W-what do you mean?"

Kageyama sighs before answering (Y/N)'s question.

"I know I'm a boring person... I barely express anything, I am not good at anything, and I probably just annoy you everytime. But you, you are so perfect! You have the talent, the brains, and you even have the visuals. I have none of those, I like you so much but I feel like I am not allowed to do so... You deserve so mu-"

Kageyama was stopped when a pair of lips crashed to his. Shocked, his eyes opened wide.

He cannot believe it. The person he loves the most is kissing him right now.

"You're so cute, god, I fucking love you idiot."

(Y/N) said as he broke down crying, confusing Kageyama.

"W-why are you crying?"

He asked nervously, not knowing what to do or how to comfort the latter.

Suddenly, (Y/N) chuckled, confusing Kageyama even more.

"Are you bipolar or something?"

"No dumbass, I was actually having the same mindset as you did. I felt insecure that I tried to cover up my feelings because I thought I'd never have a chance with you."

"Oh." Kageyama was out of words.

"W-well can I k-kiss you again..?" Kageyama asked, making (Y/N) laugh at how dorky Kageyama is before nodding.

The two shared a passionate kiss, enjoying their moment when they suddenly hear a round of applause behind them.

The broke off the kissed, both looking red.

The whole volleyball club and the band appeared out of nowhere

"I knew it! Congrats you two!" Nishinoya said as he hugged his junior who're so red cause of their sudden appearance.

The rest congratulated them, chitchatting and planning to throw a party for the band's debut.

"Umm.. May I have a word.." Kageyama suddenly spoke.

Everyone looked at him, kinda expecting what's up.

"Go ahead." Daichi said as he smiled.

"Uhh okay here I go.." he mumbled to himself making the others laugh at his adorableness.

"(Y/N).. I know I'm not the best person in the world but I will try to be the best person for you. When I'm with you, I do not care about the world. When you're away from me, all I think about is you. I wish to spend the rest of my life with you, (Y/N). I love you, like a lot! Words cannot express how much you make me happy. (Y/N), would you be my boyfriend?"

Kageyama said as he looked (Y/N) straight in the eyes. The latter couldn't hold his tears back as he hugged the tall male, saying yes.

They kissed once again, but as lovers now.

They broke the kiss off, looking at their friends.

Everyone was happy when...

"Oh my goodness, my child!"

