31 Oneshots of Halloween Day 27

In 1949...

Reporter #1: "Major Nixel, the whole town is buzzing with anticipation for the opening night of your carnival. What was your inspiration?"

Major Nixel: "My mother had one dream that I could succeed that she could not. See, my mother had the worst luck. No matter how hard she tried, things never seem to go her way. You see, when I was a teenager, she got sick and then, she died. A poor lost soul. She left behind only one possession, a hold coin..." (holds out a golden coin) "...this one." ( puts the gold coin away) "I came to this country with one goal, to become the Nixel my mother knew I could be. I wanted to grab the American dream with both hands and never let it go. And then, I remember a story I knew my mother told me about her one good memory as a child, the day the carnival came to town and I knew then what would lie ahead for me. What I would dedicate my time and talent and Weslie to. I would dedicate it to bringing you the very show that you will see this evening."

Reporter #2: "Major Nixel, what do you say about your reports of you're behind schedule, yet you're refusing to delay the opening? That you're rides may not be ready for paying customers?"

Major Nixel: "I would say that those reports were nonsense. This carnival is my legacy and I will not jeopardize my good name by putting people in danger."

At the carnival, opening night came. Then, Betrayus Sneakerus Spheros (Lord Betrayus when he was in his body), Major Nixel's business partner, comes to him.

Betrayus: "Major, are you behind schedule?"

Major Nixel: "What do you mean?"

Betrayus: "You didn't have time to any time to test out all the rides for safety."

Major Nixel: "I guess you're right, but at least things can't get any worse, right?"

The merry-go-round collapsed and several people perished. Only the youngest daughter of one of the fallen families survived. The few men, women and children who saw their loved ones die became horrified.

Major Nixel: (shocked) " Oh no! I can't believe it! I should've been in such a rush! If only I had taken the time to do anything right! All my hard work, my money, blood and sweat I had poured into my precious carnival...waisted" (cries as Betrayus comforts him)

Later, Major Nixel and Betrayus are in a dark alley, unhappy about the ruined carnival.

??? (off-screen): "Major Nixel..."

Major Nixel: "You've got the wrong guy, mister."

??? (off-screen): "Oh, I never get the wrong man. That goes for your partner too."

Bill Cipher appears from the shadows.

Bill Cipher: "I'm Bill Cipher!"

Major Nixel and Betrayus scream in horror.

Bill Cipher: "Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy! What if there is a way to take your precious carnival back and it would be bigger than ever?"

Major Nixel and Betrayus looked at each other before smiling evilly.

Major Nixel: "Go on."

Bill Cipher: "You'll travel from town to town and when you leave, no one will remember you or Betrayus were even there. Their memories will be wiped clean, their fears will give you two vitality and make you both powerful and you will both be immortal. I know, it sounds too good to be true, but what do you say?"

Betrayus: "Is there a catch?"

Bill Cipher: "One day, a Mixel will be impervious to your powers. The Mixel will remember. It may be your undoing."

Major Nixel: (growls) "Why does it always have to be Mixels? It's a deal."

Bill Cipher: "Shake my hand, c'mon on boys. Won't you shake a poor sinner's hand?"

Both Major Nixel and Betrayus shake Bill Cipher's hands. Then, music plays

Bill Cipher: "Yes..." (laughs evilly) "Oh, my friends..."

Demon chorus: Are you ready?

Major Nixel: "No! We're not ready at all!"

Betrayus: "I agree, we take it back!"

Demon chorus: Are you ready?

Bill Cipher: "There are no take backs!"

Major Nixel: "You tricked us!"

Bill Cipher: "Oh, I did no such thing. I'm fact, I took away your entire existence. All that's left of you two are your souls, but don't worry, you'll be more inseparable."

Betrayus: "But we are inseparable!"

Bill Cipher: "Not the way I see it."

Major Nixel: "No, wait!"

Bill Cipher snaps his fingers and a black flame engulfs both Major Nixel and Betrayus, making them disappeared. Then, the music stops as Bill Cipher disappears as well. Then a ghostly shadow appears and opens its red and silver eyes before smiling evilly.

??? (off-screen; in a mix of Major Nixel and Betrayus' voices): (chuckles sinisterly) "Looks like the carnival is back in town." (laughs evilly)

10/27/2019 - Nitrayus and the Carnival of Darkness

Present day...

Krader: "Wow, what nice day."

Flain: "Hey, my Cragster Compadre."

Krader: "Hey, Flain. What up?"

Flain: "I found a poster a wicked and rad fun carnival!"

Krader: "Really? Let me see it!"

Flain shows Krader the poster with the words "Carnival of Darkness" on it and Krader becomes concern.

Flain: "What's wrong, dude?"

Krader: "That carnival seems eerily familiar. Me used to go there when me child and me notice how frightening it is."

Flain: "What do you mean?"

Krader: "Let me tell you. It all started years ago."

The scene switches to Krader as a child going to the carnival by himself.

Krader (voice over): "Me was little child and me decided to come here alone, hoping it not too scary."

When the little Cragster arrived at the carnival, he notices a fire breather breathing fire.

Young Krader: "Wow!"

Young Krader arrived at the ticket booth.

Krader (voice over): "Me assumed it would be fun, even though me liked being scared."

Young Krader: "It really free of admission? What catch?"

Ticket taker: "No catch, little Mixel, it's one night only, but are you sure you can handle this on your own?"

Young Krader: "Yeah, yeah, me can handle it."

Ticket taker: "Sure, step right in." (lifts up his sunglasses to reveal empty eye sockets)

Young Krader screams in horror and looks away. When he looked back, he notices that the ticket taker has green eyes.

Ticket taker: "What are you staring at?"

Young Krader: "Nothing..." (goes inside the carnival)

Krader (voice over): "Ticket taker with no eyes seem pretty scary, but that no all."

Young Krader goes to get popcorn and was about to eat it.

Announcer: "Everyone enter the big tent! Tonight's spooky festivities will begin inside! Everyone report directly to the big tent!"

The attendees entered the big tent as Young Krader followed them. Then, everyone got into their seats.

Young Krader: "Hmmm, me wonder what all this about?"

Announcer: "Welcome to tonight's main event! And now, coming to you from the depths of the darkness, the master of ceremonies, king of the carnival, emperor of the night, friend to no man, god of terror and lord of darkness, the Great and Powerful Nitrayus!"

A puff of black smoke appears and out came Nitrayus, dressed like a cross between the Gentleman Ghost (DC Comics), Mr. Tophat (Are You Afraid of the Dark?), the Phantom of the Opera (Andrew Lloyd Webber version), the Puppet (Five Nights at Freddy's 2) and King Dice (Cuphead), holding a black cane with a blood red gem on it. Everyone applaud as Young Krader became a little frightened.

Nitrayus: "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, toons of all ages, ghouls and goblins, fast zombies, slow zombies, creatures of the night, enemies of the day, lovers of fun and haters of everything good and decent..."

The audience ( except for Krader) laughed until Nitrayus tapped his cane to silence them.

Nitrayus: "Welcome to the Carnival of Darkness!"

The lights went out, making everyone shocked and confused.

Announcer: "Ladies and gentlemen, we are experiencing some technical difficulties. We'll be right with you in just a moment."

Young Krader: "What going on? Me think me have feeling me being watched."

Nitrayus (off-screen): "You tell me."

The lights went back on as the little Cragster turns to see Nitrayus behind him and screams as Nitrayus screams as well.

Nitrayus: "Very good scream, little one. Use that one later." (to the audience) "Oh, don't be alarmed everyone, it's all part of the show! You may experience things here that will shake you to your bones! But just remember, everyone, it's all part of the..."

Young Krader: "Show."

Nitrayus: "Very good." (vanishes)

Krader (voice over): "Me understood what happening. When they putting on show, me liked being scared. It so much fun."

That's when Nitrayus appears next to an organ that plays by itself.

Nitrayus: "Oh, now the real fun begins." (laughs) "Outside of this tent, adventure is in stored. We've got rides! We've got food! Thrills! Danger! Whatever you could possibly want! Whatever you could possibly feel! But remember, no matter how hard it may seem, it's all part of the show."

The music stops as the audience cheers. Later, at the ring toss stand, Young Krader is tossing some rings at the milk bottles.

Krader (voice over): "Carnival of Darkness too big for someone so small like me."

Young Krader then threw the last ring at the bottle, which bounced off and land somewhere else.

Krader (voice over): "Unfortunately, while me playing ring toss, one wrong turn led me to place where no child meant to be."

Young Krader runs to get the ring. When he got there, he notices that there are disturbing figures walking around, making him really nervous as he whimpered. That's when he saw Nitrayus leaning on a poll.

Young Krader: "Mr. Nitrayus?"

Nitrayus: "Hello, little Mixel." (picks up a spider and eats it)

Young Krader: (frightened and disgusted) "Ew... Did you just ate spider?! It part of show?"

More spiders appear and come to the little Cragster, making him whimper in horror.

Nitrayus: "What's wrong, little Mixel? I thought you liked being scared!" (turns to Young Krader while laughing evilly)

Young Krader screams in horror and runs away from the horrifying sight. Then, he runs into Ammo Baron.

Ammo Baron: "What do you want, kid?"

Young Krader: "No go in there, mister! Mr. Nitrayus just ate spider and now more spiders chase me!"

Ammo Baron: "Oh, don't be ridiculous, you tiny Mixel! Nitrayus said it's all part of the show! Look, I'll go there to prove to you that it's all fake!"A

The buff cyclops military leader went to where Young Krader was.

Young Krader: "Sir, me said no go in there!" (groans) "Can things get any worse?"

??? (off-screen): "Krader!"

Young Krader: "Uh-oh. It's Aunt Topaz."

Aunt Topaz (Krader's aunt): (comes to Krader) "Young man, I can't believe you snuck out of the house to come here without telling me!"

Young Krader: "But, Aunt Topaz, I wanted to see what Carnival of Darkness was all about! Unfortunately..."

Aunt Topaz: "No buts! You can't be going out on your own because you are still a little Mixel to me! Now let's go home! You're grounded for the rest of the night!"

The scene switches to Young Krader in his bed holding Mr. Fluffy Bell and shedding a year while Woe is Me by Richard Myhill plays. The scene cuts to Flain staring at Krader.

Flain: "You were grounded for sneaking out?"

Krader: "There nothing scary about being grounded, my aunt worry about me a lot. Anyway..."

The scene switches to Young Krader heading to the living room, holding Mr. Fluffy Bell. He turned on the tv and changed some channels for a moment.

Krader (voice over): "Me woke up next day and my memories from previous night turned out to be nightmares instead of what me expected. Me grateful it all over...that until..."

News reporter (on the TV): "And in breaking news, the Ammo Baron has been reported missing. Police have begun the search with the help of Ammo's allies and soldiers."

Young Krader watched the news on TV to realize that Ammo Baron has disappeared.

Young Krader: "Aunt Topaz..."

Aunt Topaz: "What is it, Krader?"

Young Krader: "He at carnival. Me told him no go back there."

Aunt Topaz: (confused) "What carnival?"

Young Krader: "Carnival of Darkness..."

Aunt Topez: "Don't be ridiculous, young man. There's no "carnival of darkness". I have no idea what you are talking about."

This made Young Krader horrified. The scene cuts tto the present day.

Krader: "When me got to where Carnival of Darkness was previous night, it no longer there. No one city even remembered that night. Not my aunt, not my friends, no one, except me. Only I know, but me not sure if it real or not. Me think it have something to do with Ammo Baron missing.

Flain: "Well, the Ammonian Army disbanded after the disappearance of the Ammo Baron years ago."

Krader: "See? But if Carnival of Darkness coming back to Toonopolis, that means..." (screams and hides in his house)

Flain: "Krader?"

The scene switches to Krader lost in what appears to be a haunted house as he walks around. Then, a familiar evil laughter was heard. Krader turned around to see someone coming. So, he decided to run away and hide somewhere else so that he won't find him. The Cragster leader kept hearing an evil laughter that haunted him. Then, he gasps and sees a child version of him in a cage.

Young Krader: "Help me, Krader!"

The young version of him vanished, making Krader both frightened and confused. Then, he sees a music box playing an eerie tune. When he got close to it, it stops and the sound of creepy organ music continues the tune,much to Krader's shock and horror. Krader whimpers in fear and curls into a ball until he sees a spotlight over him.

Krader: "Huh?"

He heard footsteps behind him and turns around to see a horrifying sight.

Krader: "No, it no real..."

A shadowy figure comes to Krader until he reveals himself to be... Nitrayus!

Nitrayus: "Hello, Krader, welcome to the show."

Krader: (backs away) "No... No... No..."

Suddenly, a hand grabs Krader's right arm, causing him to scream in horror before he turned around to see Seismo.

Seismo: "Krader!"

Krader: "Seismo?"

It is revealed that Krader is in his house and Seismo is with him.

Krader: "What you doing here?"

Seismo: "Flain told me that you worried, so me decided to check on you."

Shuff appears.

Shuff: "Hey, guys, what me miss?"

Krader: "Seismo, Shuff, me afraid to go back to Carnival of Darkness. Me fear that my childhood fear, Nitrayus will come and get me if he sees me. What me gonna do?" (hears his phone ringing and answers it) "Hello?"

Werner Werman (on phone): "Hallo, Cragsters Max!"

Krader screams. At Werner Werman's house...

Werner Werman: "Hey, Max. It's Verman. Listen, zere is sis spooky carnival called ze as Carnival of Darkness."

At Krader's house, Krader screams again. Back at Werner Werman's house...

Werner Werman: "Zat's exactly how I feel about it." (screams) "Anyvay, it's gonna be so exciting, I can't vait to go zere."

At Krader's house...

Krader: "Ah, no go there!"

At Werner Werman's house...

Werner Werman: "I'm vaiting to go zere vith you, silly! I'll be right over. " (hangs up his phone) "Scheesh, Cragsters Max is so excited, I better not keep him vaiting!"

At Krader's house...

Krader: (screams in frustration) "Son of bitch! Curse you, Werner Werman! Now he expecting me, Seismo and Shuff in our Max form to come to Carnival of Darkness, but me too afraid to go because me scared of carnival's evil, creepy and scary owner, Nitrayus and plus, me no have Cubits!"

Seismo: "Krader..."

Krader: "What?"

Seismo: "Maybe it good idea for us to Max."

Krader: "What you saying?"

Shuff: "Well, when we Max, maybe this Nitrayus guy no recognize you."

Krader: "But me still scared!"

Seismo: "It okay, Krader. It okay to be scared. Trust me, me know."

Krader: "Fine."

Seismo takes out a Cragster Cubit and he, Krader and Shuff hold the Cubit. I'm the streets...

Werner Werman: "Oh, I can't vait to go to ze Carnival of Darkness vith mein best friend! I vonder if..."

Cragsters Max appears, wearing a silver mauve trench coat and fedora.

Cragsters Max: (sadly) "Hey, Werner..."

Werner Werman: "Cragsters Max, vat's wrong?"

Cragsters Max: "Nothing, me just..." (sighs and smiles calmly) "Excited."

Werner Werman: "Wunderbare! Let's go!"

At the Carnival of Darkness, Cragsters Max and Werner Werman arrive at the ticket booth.

Ticket taker: "Welcome to the Carnival of Darkness. How may I help you?"

Werner Werman: "Ve vould like to enter as carnival. Ve haffe zwei tickets." (gives the ticket taker two tickets)

Ticket taker: "Very vell. Step inside if you dare." (lifts up his sunglasses to reveal green eyes)

Werner Werman: "Ja, sir!" (goes inside the carnival)

Cragsters Max: "Werner, wait up!"

He turns to see the ticket taker with empty eye sockets and screams in horror before following Werner Werman.

Werner Werman: "Cragsters Max, vy did you scream?"

Cragsters Max: "Oh, nothing. Me just so excited, that all." (sighs and whispers to himself) "That close one. Me just have to lay low on my fears and just have fun with Werner Werman. How bad can it be?"

Announcer: "Everyone enter the big tent! Tonight's spooky festivities will begin inside! Everyone report directly to the big tent!"

The attendees entered the big tent as Cragsters Max and Werner Werman followed them. Then, everyone got into their seats.

Werner Werman: "Hmmm, I vonder vat all zis is about?"

Cragsters Max: "Yeah, me thinking same thing." (laughs nervously)

Announcer: "Welcome to tonight's main event! And now, coming to you from the depths of the darkness, the master of ceremonies, king of the carnival, emperor of the night, friend to no man, god of terror and lord of darkness, the Great and Powerful Nitrayus!"

A puff of black smoke appears and out came Nitrayus, holding his cane. Everyone applaud as Cragsters Max became nervous.

Cragsters Max: (whispers to himself) "Me hope he no recognize me in this form..."

Nitrayus: "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, my enemies, my children, my people. Tonight is a very special night. And when I said "tonight is a very special night", I mean it is indeed a special night because tonight is opening night. You came here for an experience! You came here to live your fullest life! You came here because the outside world is dull and dreary and safe! You are here because..."

Werner Werman: "Free admission, baby!"

Cragsters Max facepalms in dismay while everyone else cheers.

Nitrayus: "Yes, it did not cost you money. Nothing in this world is free and it may cost you everything else."

Cragsters Max shivers at this.

Nitrayus: "So, now that I have your undivided attention, I'd like to ask you for a little bit more! I'd like to ask for your obedience! I'd like to ask you for your allegiance! And I'd like to ask you all to have the greatest time imaginable! Welcome to the Carnival of Darkness!"

A circle fire appears around Nitrayus, causing the audience to become surprised and Cragsters Max to shiver in fear. Then, the fire disappears.

Nitrayus: "Now of course, you know there will be thrills and chills, but remember, no matter how these things may seem, it's all part of the show."

Werner Werman: "Zis is so awesome!"

Cragsters Max: (whispers to Werner Werman) "Werner, me scared..."

Werner Werman: (whispers to Cragsters Max) "But zis is gonna be so much fun!"

Nitrayus: "Now, among the rides and attractions here at the carnival is a very small golden coin that looks exactly like..." (takes a golden coin with a skull on it out of his top hat) "...this! This golden coin grants you admission to a secret part of the carnival. Would you be the lucky one to find it? Will you find this passport to paradise?"

Cragsters Max: (whispers to Werner Werman) "Just say no..."

Werner Werman: "Ja! Ja, I vill!"

This made Cragsters Max shocked.

Nitrayus: "Good luck and remember, it's all part of the show."

The audience (except for Cragsters Max) cheers as Nitrayus laughs. Then, as the audience (except for Cragsters Max and Werner Werman) left, Werman comes to Nitrayus.

Werner Werman: "Hallo, Mr. Nitrayus, sir, I am Verner Verman und me und mein friend, Cragsters Max vill be ze lucky vones to find zat golden coin! Right, Cragsters Max?"

Cragsters Max: ( nervously) "Right..."

Nitrayus: (stares at Cragsters Max) "Hmmm, do I know you?"

Cragsters Max: (sweating nervously) "No..."

Nitrayus: "Well, good luck to you both."

Werner Werman: "Danke, ve vill!" (grabs Cragsters Max and they leave)

Nitrayus watches them exit the big tent and smiles evilly. At a pirate ship ride...

Werner Werman: "Zis is vere ve're going first!"

Cragsters Max: "Werner, me have to tell you something."

Werner Werman: "Not now! Ve'ffe gotta find ze golden coin in zis ride!"

Cragsters Max groans as he, Werner Werman and everyone else get in their seats. The pirate ship is swinging back and forth as Werner Werman laughs and cheers while Cragsters Max screams in shock. Suddenly, Cragsters Max notices something between his and Werner Werman's seat. He pulls it out a reveals itself to be a golden coin with a skull on it.

Cragsters Max: "Hey, me found coin!"

Werner Werman: "Cragsters Max, you did it!"

The ship kept swinging back and forth until it's upside down. And everyone is falling down. Captain Nexo laughs at this.

Captain Nexo: (laughs) "I wonder who stopped the pirate ship ride." (winks),

The scene cuts to Cragsters Max and Werner Werman sitting at a table, eating ice cream.

Werner Werman: "Vant some?"

Cragsters Max: "No thanks, Werner. Me talk to you... " (whispers to Werner Werman) "...in private?"

Werner Werman: "Sure, vat is it?"

Cragsters Max: "Follow me."

The duo head went inside a tent. Little did they know, it was labeled "Freak show". Inside the tent...

Cragsters Max: "Werner, to tell you truth, me afraid..."

Werner Werman: "Vat do you mean?"

Cragsters Max: "Ever heard of disappearance of Ammo Baron?"

Werner Werman: "I've heard of it before. Vy do you ask me zat?"

Cragsters Max: "Years ago when me child and not maxed with tribemates, went used to go to that carnival and..."

After Cragsters Max told Werner Werman...

Werner Werman: "So, you afraid of going back to ze Carnival of Darkness und zat you vere afraid of Nitrayus?"

Cragsters Max: "Yeah, that true. But at least he no recognize me, right?"

Werner Werman: "Ja."

They heard a growl from behind them. The two turned around to see Ammo Baron.EXE in a cage, grunting, growling and wanting to get out, causing Cragsters Max and Werner Werman to scream in horror.

Werner Werman: "Ein monschter!"

Cragsters Max: "Let get out of here!"

The duo head out of the tent and run into Nitrayus.

Cragsters Max: (screams) "Nitrayus..." (nervously) "...what you doing here?"

Werner Werman: "Ve found ze golden coin." (takes out the golden coin) "See?"

Nitrayus: "I see. It's so nice to see the two of you volunteering. But I have one question... Are you afraid of me?"

Werner Werman: "I'm not, but Cragsters Max is."

Cragsters Max: "Werner!"

Nitrayus: "Oh my, did your friend really fail you just like you failed to warn the Ammo Baron?"

Cragsters Max: (gasps in horror) "You knew?!"

Nitrayus: "Oh, I recognize your cowardice anywhere and it looks like you've gotten bigger, but do you really think I would be easily fooled by your Max form?"

Cragsters Max became horrified and whimpered.

Werner Werman: (gasps) "Cragsters Max!" (to Nitrayus) "Who do you zink you are?!"

Nitrayus: "Oh, I'm just someone who is about to make you disappear, but at least you will both be together." (takes out his cane and laughs evilly)

Cragsters Max and Werner Werman screamed in horror and everything went black. At Mixopolis, Flain is hanging missing posters of Krader, Seismo and Shuff on the walls.

Teslo: "Flain, what'zzzzzzzz wrong?"

Flain: "The Cragsters, Krader, Seismo and Shuff disappeared without a trace. They're gone."

Teslo: "I heard. The same thing happened to Werner Werman."

Flain: "Wait, Werner Werman is missing too?"

At Nitrayus's tent...

Nitrayus: "Well, well, well, welcome to your new homes, Cragsters Max and Werner Werman...or should I say... Cragswern Wermax!"

Cragswern Wermax (the amalgamation of Cragsters Max and Werner Werman), who is in his cage, whimpered in fear.

Nitrayus: "I know how you feel. I was two different creatures. I'm faccreatures who were inseparable. We used to be ourselves as well, but alas, no one ever saw me again. I know you will still remember, but you are mine now?" (chuckles evilly and vanishes)

Cragswern Wermax: "Ugh, woe/voe is us...... Oh, now we/ve will/vill never/neffer be the/ze same again! Now, we/ve are more scared then/zan ever/effer!"
