There was a knock on the door.

  Yoongi had been staring at himself and at his phone all morning now. He locked himself in this room, noticing a few little things in the room that he could've sworn would be his. The cologne on the dresser smelled like something he would use. The candle next to it had an amazing scent. There was a desk that had a ton of paper stacked inside of one of its drawers, a few used papers on top of it, lyrics written all over them. Yoongi's lyrics, right?

  The lyrics sounded too much like Yoongi to be a coincidence. So he got his phone out and went to a familiar app, YouTube, to try and look for their music channel. But when he got to that app he noticed a bunch of Bangtan Bombs. Bangtan Bomb. He pressed on a video, confused as to how the thumbnail looked so unfamiliar, and so did Jungkook.

  He's... older?

  Yoongi only got twenty seconds into the video before he had to turn it off. He suddenly felt sick. Jungkook had grown up overnight, his voice much deeper, hair longer and thicker, more muscular and definitely not a kid.

  He set his phone to the side calmly, but then a knock on the door made him jump. 

  Earlier, there was a knock on his door as well, but Yoongi had locked the door at night apparently, so he just left it locked and didn't answer as Jimin's voice came through the door, a low mumble of something to himself. His voice didn't seem too different, so Yoongi had hope. He bad hope that this was all just a prank. They edited photos into his new phone, got an expensive hotel room, changed the dates on his phone, filmed things with makeup on that made them look older, probably put a voice effect on the maknae.

  Yeah, that's it—

  "Yoongi-chi?" Another knock came through the door. Yoongi tensed up, recognizing the voice as Seokjin's. But for some reason his mouth stayed shut. He didn't know what to do. "Yoongi, open the door." Jin said.

  At that, Yoongi stood up. He wasn't sure why he was listening now, but if this really was just a prank, Seokjin or Hoseok would be the ones to finally break and spill to him.

  So he opened the door.

  And there stood Seokjin, in all his glory and beauty. Taller than usual, more muscular, more meat on his bones, face structure strong and forehead revealing. Seokjin?

  Seokjin screamed, eyes wide as he nearly fell back and into the hallway wall. "What the hell?" His eyes genuinely looked like they were going to pop out of his head. Yoongi panicked, frightened as well, because this really isn't his Seokjin. This isn't the same Jin.

  "What the hell, oh my God." Jin pressed his arms up to himself, staying as far away from Yoongi as possible. Suddenly his eyes expanded even more. "You- You're not— You look like your younger self. You.. are your younger self. Oh my God. Namjoon-ah!"

  Yoongi stood in fear, this new Seokjin being way more talkative than his Seokjin. He was shouting for Namjoon while staring right into Yoongi's eyes. And the more Yoongi looked at him, the more handsome he realized he was. He looks so mature. So fine.

  "Why are you yelling for me—"

  He cut off the deep RM-y voice by slamming his door shut again, immediately locking it and sprinting back to the safety of the bed that must be his own. As the two voices spoke loudly to one another outside, Yoongi picked his phone back up, panicking to himself as he looked at the date on the screen.

  Okay. Yoongi woke up in a new bed. A new bedroom. He has a new, more cool, better quality phone. Nothing makes sense. He looks the same but the rest of the members don't. They're all grown up. And it's 2021.


  There's no way. Unless..

  Did Yoongi actually swap bodies with his future self? Is he actually in the future right now? Like a time traveler? Except hisself isn't here.. Then does that mean... 

  Is 2021 Min Yoongi back in 2013?

