
  Seokjin heard the door open. He looked up from the couch, searching for Yoongi. A few steps, the sound of keys, then the sound of keys hitting against a table or something.


  His eyes widened as Yoongi came into view. Yoongi. Yoongi Yoongi. Their Yoongi. 2021 Min Yoongi, a blank face and a cup in his hand. Seokjin sat up slowly, not understanding a single thing that was occurring.

  Yoongi slowly walked forward and placed his drink down on one of the little tables next to the couch that Jin was sitting at, and without a word, he started to cry. Jin immediately stood up and wrapped his arms around Yoongi, hesitating as the younger pressed his face into his shoulder and continued crying.

  "Yoongi.." Seokjin frowned, but relief took over as he realized Yoongi is back.

  He's back.

  "Idiot." Yoongi barely pushed Jin, smacking him right on his left arm. Confused, Jin backed away and looked at him in shock. "You idiot." Yoongi wiped his tears, then pulled Jin back into a hug. It was so crazy, so weird, so chaotic— just like they are when they're together.

  "Are you okay?" Jin asked, his breath catching as he started feeling like crying too.

  Yoongi hugged him tighter. "I don't know what the hell happened, hyung." He muttered. "I woke up and I had no control over my own body." He said, earning Jin's full attention.

  So Yoongi does remember switching bodies with himself..

  "Hyung.." Yoongi chuckled, choking on his own cry. "I didn't go back to 2013. I was here the whole time. All I could do was see everything and hear everything that my younger self was. And you..."

  Seokjin's eyes widened. "Wait—"

  "Idiot." Yoongi repeated. "What good is deleting messages when I can see everything in the end, right?" He laughed, melting into Jin's tense hold. "I can't believe you didn't tell me." He said, causing Jin to fall into a deep embarrassment, suddenly aware.

  "I- I didn't—"

  "Hyungie." Yoongi pressed into Jin's shoulder. "I love you, too, you big baby. By the way, what the hell? You liar. You totally never called me baby before he came along."

  Jin blanked out, everything becoming a blur. "You love me?" He asked. "As in like.. love? In love? Like me?" He pulled away from their hug, eyes widening as Yoongi laughed.

  "I was so helplessly in love with you." Yoongi lowered his head, blushing as Jin finally looked down at him. "God, ask Hoseok. Poor guy has to listen to me talk about you all the time. Actually... Don't ask him. Don't"

  Jin smiled big, eyes sparkling as he looked down at his Yoongi. "You love me."

  Yoongi scratched his neck nervously. "Is it .. weird to want you to kiss me now?"

  "God, no."

  Seokjin lifted Yoongi's chin, a small gasp leaving Yoongi's lips as Jin pressed his own into him, their lips soft and gentle, just like Yoongi. The kiss is so much like Yoongi that it made Jin's head spin. Or maybe it was just the kiss itself. Or the fact that he's actually pressing his lips into the person he loves, right in the middle of their living room.

  Yoongi had to lift his head up to kiss back, but that was fine. Because as long as he finally got what he wanted, it was alright.

  This was it.

  This is Yoongi's home.

