46, Niam - Sweater

*Niall's pov.*
"Liiiiaaammm??", I sing with a smile on my face. "Yes babe?", he smiles back and I blush. Me and Liam are dating since almost 3 months but I still blush at his pet-name for me. "Can you get me cookies?", I ask and he nods, getting up from his place on the couch. Immediatelly I get cold and wrap the blankes tighter around me. "Here you go." He gives me some of the black white Oreos and I eat them happily. "Thank you, you are the best!" He sits down next to me again and I cuddle myself into his chest. We watch the movie, he's put in a while ago, and I feel myself getting tired.
"Are you tired?", Liam asks and I quickly sit up. "No no I'm wide awake I'm not..", I lie but before I can finish my sentence I yawn. He chuckles at me and I smile with a light blush on my cheeks. I try to get up but he pulls me down again. "Don't leave", he whines and a small pout forms on his lips. "But I'm tired Li.. I should go home." He puts his head into the crook of my neck and places small kisses on my skin. "Li..", I say with a shaking voice and he smiles. "You could stay the night here?", he says and I look at him. I never slept over here but.. I mean we are together since 3 months.. so I think that would be alright. "You sure? I don't wanna bother you", I ask and his smile lights up. "Yes! You aren't a bother to anyone, babe. Stay the night." "Okay..", I give in and he smiles happy. He gets up and switches off the TV. "Lets go to bed." He takes my hand and pulls me with him. "Here you can use the spare toothbrush", he tells me and gives me it. After joking around and a few kisses we walk into his room and he pulls a shirt for himself out. "Uhh.. Liam?", I say blushing and look to the floor. "Yes babe?"
"I don't have any clothes with me except for those I'm wearing", I say shyly and he smiles at me, "Can I maybe borrow a sweather or something?" He chuckles and nods. "Here you go", he smiles after a few seconds and gives me a sweater of him. Quickly I pull off my shirt and put on the sweater. "I love it..", I mumble as I sniff at it. It smells like Liam, and I love it. "And I love you..", he smiles and I blush again. "I love you too Li", I smile and give him a kiss. "Lets sleep okay?" I nod, pull my pants down and step out of them. I feel Liam staring at me and as I loon at him I see that this is true. "What?", I ask and blush in a deep red. "You are cute." Now he blushes and I laugh. "You're an idiot", I smile and he pulls me to bed. After a minute we both lay there, lights out and staring at each other. "You are beautiful Ni..", he whispers and I smile, even though he can't see me. "And you are hot.."
He laughs and pulls me closer. "Good night Ni.. Love you", he whispers.
"Love you too.."
Niam fluff!♡
Sorry it's a bit short and maybe not that good but I really wanted to update today bc I told you this and yeah :)
Hope you like it;
Vote, comment if you do!
Jen xx
