24, Larry - Oops, Hi

*Harry's pov.*
As I wake up, something is sticking to my forhead. "What..", I mumble still tired and take the little note and read it.

Good morning sunshine!
I made you breakfast, it's downstairs in the kitchen. See you soon, love you! Louis

What is he doing again? I shake my head and see he's put a few clothes out onto the bed. I put them on and go downstairs. Two toasts with butter, a cold chocolate and a note again.
I sit down and begin to eat whilst reading the note.

I hope you like your breakfast, don't search for me or something. This is a surprise and I hope you'll like this :)
I put everywhere in the house notes and you have to follow them okay?
Love you lots my curly boyfriend.

I finish eating and put the dishes into the dishwasher. Then I see another post under the plate and take it.

You'll find another post where you slept at the beginning at our realationship.
Love you, Louis

I smile and walk to the living room. I look at the couch and see another one.

You'll never sleep here again, don't worrie ;)
You use this often when the leaves are falling.. go search it!
Louis loves you very much

I smile and put on some shoes. Then I walk to the little house in our garden and search the note.

Hey there!
Do you have an idea what the surprise could be? I don't think so ;)
What's my favorite snack?
I ♡ U, Louis

Quickly I walk back into the house and hear a door. Louis has to be in the house. Should I look after him? No, he said I shouldn't. I go to the kitchen and open the fridge. Another note.

I see you remember! :)
Do you also remember where we did some things..? ;) well go and search there for another note!
You have a cute ass by the way ;)
Love you and see you very soon!

I chuckle and walk upstairs again. Why didn't I see the note earlier? I woke up in that bed? As I enter the room I see why.
He made the bed and put my clothes away. Now there are five roses on the bed with another note.
I smile and take it.

This is the last note.. I'm very nervous now and you are probably very excited to know what the surprise is! At least I hope so :) You are such an amazing boufriend Harry, thank you for everything in these last 3 years. But I think now it's time to end this boyfriend-boyfriend realationship..

Worried I want to put the note away, but I continue reading.

I know that last sentence probably broke your heart a little.. but it's the truth. I love you to the moon and back Harry, I love you so much I think it would be my death if you ever leave me. I know I'm shit at describing how I feel for you but this is important to me and I'm trying my best. You are the most important person in my life and I hope you feel the same way. Now take these roses..

I take them.

I love you Harry. Now you just have to do 2 things more:
Turn around and say yes.

Immediatelly I turn around and see Louis on his knee. A little box in his hands and in this box is a silver ring.
I let the roses fall and begin to cry. I put my hands over my mouth and look at him.

I ship Larry so hard they give me so many feels omg
Vote and comment if you liked it please! Thank you for reading :)
I'll update every thursday and on other days if I want to^^
Love you lots,
Jen xx
