Chapter 17: Now that we dont talk

Luke sat in the conference room, his hands clasped tightly together as he listened to the executives from the team's management discuss the upcoming media interview. His mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, torn between his desire to speak his truth and the repercussions it could have on his career.

"As you know, Luke, the media has been buzzing about those pictures of you and Quince," one of the executives began, his tone grave. "We need to address this head-on during the interview to avoid any further speculation or negative press."

Luke nodded, his jaw clenched with tension. He knew that he couldn't avoid the topic any longer, that he had to face the scrutiny of the media and the public head-on, no matter how uncomfortable it made him feel.

"I understand," Luke replied, his voice tight with apprehension. "But I want to make it clear that Quince and I are no longer together. Our relationship was a mistake, and we've both moved on."

The executives exchanged a knowing glance, their expressions unreadable. "We understand, Luke," another executive chimed in, his tone measured. "But we need to be careful about how we frame this. We can't afford any negative publicity, especially with the playoffs approaching."

Luke felt a surge of frustration welling up inside him at the thought of betraying his true feelings for the sake of his career. But he knew that he had no choice, that he had to play by the rules if he wanted to stay in the game.

"I'll do whatever it takes," Luke replied, his voice tinged with resignation. "I just want to put this whole situation behind me and focus on hockey."

The executives nodded in agreement, their faces inscrutable as they outlined their strategy for the upcoming interview. Luke listened intently, his mind racing with the weight of their words.

As the meeting came to a close, Luke couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over him. He knew that he was about to embark on a charade, pretending to be something he wasn't for the sake of appearances.

Luke's mind raced back to that fateful meeting with management, the memory burning like a brand in his conscience. The executives' words echoed in his mind, their ultimatum ringing loud and clear: break up with Quince or risk being traded to another team.

He remembered the sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as the weight of their words settled over him. It was a choice no athlete should have to make—sacrifice his personal happiness for the sake of his career, or risk losing everything he had worked so hard for.

Luke had felt a surge of anger and frustration at the time, the unfairness of the situation burning like a fire in his veins. How could they expect him to choose between love and his passion for the game? How could they demand that he betray the woman he loved for the sake of a few headlines?

But as the reality of the situation sank in, Luke knew that he had no choice. The stakes were too high, the consequences too severe. He couldn't risk jeopardizing his career for the sake of his relationship with Quince, no matter how much it pained him to do so.

And so, with a heavy heart, Luke had made the only choice he could. He had broken things off with Quince, burying his true feelings beneath a facade of indifference. It was a decision he had come to regret with every passing day, but one he knew he had to live with for the sake of his career.

As he prepared for the upcoming media interview, Luke couldn't help but feel a sense of bitterness wash over him. He was about to betray the woman he loved once again, all for the sake of preserving his image and his standing in the world of professional hockey.

But as he squared his shoulders and prepared to face the cameras, Luke knew that he had to put aside his personal feelings for the greater good. He was a professional athlete, after all, and sometimes sacrifices had to be made in the pursuit of greatness.

Luke sat in front of the sea of reporters and cameras, his heart pounding in his chest as he prepared to face the barrage of questions coming his way. The harsh glare of the lights bore down on him, intensifying the weight of the situation as he braced himself for what was to come.

The reporters wasted no time in launching into their inquiries, their voices a cacophony of noise as they vied for Luke's attention. He did his best to remain composed, to keep his emotions in check as he fielded their questions with practiced ease.

But as the interrogation continued, Luke felt a sense of unease creeping over him. The questions grew more probing, more personal, until finally, one reporter dared to broach the subject that had been weighing heavily on everyone's minds."Luke, can you tell us about the recent pictures that surfaced of you and Quince?" the reporter asked, her voice cutting through the air like a knife.

Luke felt a surge of panic grip his heart at the mention of Quince's name, his mind racing as he struggled to find the right words. He knew what he had to do, what he had been instructed to say, but the thought of betraying Quince in front of the entire world made him sick to his stomach.

Summoning all of his resolve, Luke forced himself to speak, his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him. "Quince and I were never truly in love," he lied, his words feeling like a betrayal with every syllable. "She was just using me for her own gain."

The reporters murmured in response, their pens scratching furiously as they scribbled down Luke's words. But despite the facade of calm he presented, Luke felt like he was going to be sick. The weight of his lies pressed down on him like a suffocating blanket, threatening to crush him beneath their burden.

As soon as the interview concluded, Luke made a beeline for the nearest bathroom, his steps faltering as he stumbled inside. He barely made it to the nearest stall before he doubled over, retching violently as the contents of his stomach spilled out onto the floor.

Heaving and gasping for breath, Luke felt a sense of shame wash over him as he leaned against the stall door, his body trembling with exhaustion. He had betrayed Quince, betrayed himself, all for the sake of preserving his career.

But as he struggled to catch his breath, Luke was startled by the sound of someone entering the bathroom. He looked up to see one of the management members standing in the doorway, his expression a mixture of concern and apprehension.

"Luke, are you okay?" the man asked, his voice tinged with worry.

Luke felt a surge of anger welling up inside him at the sight of the man's face, his resentment bubbling over as he struggled to contain his emotions. "Do I look okay to you?" he snapped, his voice laced with bitterness.

The man flinched at Luke's outburst, his eyes widening in surprise. "I-I'm sorry, Luke," he stammered, his voice tinged with remorse. "But you have to understand, we were just following Coach Thompson's orders. He told us what to have you say during the interview."

Luke's anger simmered at the mention of Coach Thompson's name, his resentment boiling over as he realized the extent of the manipulation that had been perpetrated against him. "Don't blame us, blame Coach Thompson," the man continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "He's the one who's been pulling the strings all along."

Luke felt a surge of righteous fury coursing through his veins as he listened to the man's words, his resolve hardening with each passing moment. He may have been used as a pawn in Coach Thompson's twisted game, but he refused to be a puppet any longer.

With a sense of determination burning in his heart, Luke pushed himself to his feet, his muscles tense with resolve. He may have been knocked down, but he wasn't out of the game yet. And as he stared into the mirror, his reflection staring back at him with steely determination, Luke vowed to fight back against the forces that sought to control him, no matter the cost.

Did you get anxious though
On the way home?
I guess I'll never, ever know
Now that we don't talk

Authors note

Finally you guys all know why luke has given up!

I love you guys!
