Episode Four

Misty: *is dressed up in a Foxy outfit, fangirling* AYE. WELCOME TO THE FOURTH EPISODE OF 101 WAYS TO KILL A CHARACTER, MATEYZ.

Shadepelt: *is in a Toy Chica costume* hi.

Sans: *bursts out laughing from behind the camera* OH MY GOD! LOOK AT PAPYRUS!

Papyrus: *is in a Toy Bonnie outfit* SAAAAANS! WHAT THE HECK.

Misty: HA! Okay, mateys. BRING THE BB!

Balloon Boy: *toddles in laughing like a maniac* AAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA BAAAAAAATTERIEZ, FOOLZ.

Misty: okay, today, ye are gonna see if robots can handle.....THIS.

Sans turns the camera to show a huge lake filled with piranhas. There is a small bit of land in the middle with two batteries on it.
Balloon Boy: *turns head 180 degrees and eyes the batteries* BAAAATTERIES! *runs after them, jumps into the lake and shuts down, glitching because of the water. Piranhas eat him*

Misty: *waves both arms in the air* YAY. DEATH. THE ANNOYING IS GONE! VICTORY!

Mangle: has anyone seen my son?

Misty: oh shite. *runs away flailing arms around in the air*

Well, that was deadly and stupid.
*checks list* hm...okay next episode is a character from....YAY IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT ALLLLLL MY LIFE!  A CHARACTER FROM UNDERTALE!

WHY WE CHOSE THIS CHARACTER: Because I hate her. Yay.
