Roast yourself challenge

I just got tagged by @allieagainsthumanity and will be doing it in honour of (finally) reaching a hundred subs!

Oh look! Guess who finally got tagged?
And all I have to do is let myself get dragged.

Started off with 3 now we're down to one, writing by myself that sure is fun.

'Fandomsunitecrew' that sure is unique! But how can it be a crew when it's just one freak?

I update what, two days a year with enough notifications to make your eyes tear.

200 thousand views yet no one follows, if the jokes were mine the book'd still be hollow.

Spent a year on this app and how many books? Oh yeah, I only care about how the one looks.

I read excessively but can anyone tell?
I don't vote or comment though that's just as well.

"I'll write another book," yeah as if, my writing makes people want to jump off a cliff

And to top it all off, I'm not really writing! And if I were? Still nothin' exiting.

*mic drop*


Okay I'm done sorry if that sucked!
What was your fav verse, comment it!
I tag;

(Just because they comment lots)
