Fandom Quiz

This is a repeat of a quiz I did around 4 years ago plus some extra questions because I haven't updated in forever.

1. Who's your demigod parent?

2. What's your ShadowHunter last name?

3. What's your district?

4. What's your faction?

5. What's your Hogwarts house?

6. Who's your favourite Avenger?

7. Favourite ships at the moment?

8. What species would you be on TVD?

9. Favourite Pretty Little Liar?

10. Favourite Headcannon right now?

Answers (Allison's on top, Roses on the bottom)

1. Posideon🌊

2. Herondale🐥

3. District 4💧
District 11🌷

4. Dauntless🔥

5. Gryffindor❤

6. Spiderman😘

7. Delena, Clace, Percabeth, Roson😉
Everlark, Haleb, Bughead😝

8. Vampire💋

9. Hannah or Allison💗

10. "Demon!Dean starts feeding Sam demon blood and boyking Sam returns for endgame. The show finishes the same way it started with two brothers fighting side by side. And the question becomes, which side are they on?"

"If I were at teacher at Hogwarts I would give and take points a lot, but I wouldn't use multiples of 5. "Thank you for your answer, 3.76 points to Hufflepuff." "But you can't do that professor." "Shut up of ill take away 45.0000001 points away from Gryffindor."
