21 | Bonding~

Welcome back to the LifeIsMySchool shopping channel, today we will be reading this story in 3rd person.

(Y/N) woke up the next morning, with less energy than usual. They looked around the room. "I don't remember falling asleep in my room..." they commented. They rose from their bed and rubbed their eyes. "Jesus Christ... is there water around?" (Y/N) looked at the closest table to them. All that stood were papers. "I guess not..." They sighed. "I don't wanna get out of my bed now! I wanna stay here but water helps when people awake!" They whined.

(Y/N) sighed once more before getting out of bed. They rubbed the back of their head. "Man, I feel like a drunk person. Waking up sober and wondering what the fuck happened last night..." they muttered. (Y/N) walked to the mirror and looked at themselves. Their hair was in a nasty mess, and their clothes were all wrinkled. "Looks like I'm wearing something Peach gave me in spare use." (Y/N) sighed as they changed into one of Peach's spare outfit.
The spare outfit was an (F/C) tank top with (S/F/C) capris. "At least she had my colours..." (Y/N) smiled. They grabbed a brush and started to brush their hair so it wasn't in tangles. After brushing, (Y/N) decided to head out their bedroom door and get something to eat while watching Saturday Morning Cartoons. Walking down the stairs, they spot SMG4 and Mario watching cartoons eating cereal and spaghetti.

"Hey, what's playing right now?" (Y/N) asked, heading to the kitchen to get cereal themselves. "That Kirby show. I already forgot its name." SMG4 mumbled with cereal in his mouth. (Y/N) thought for a moment. "Kirby, Right back at cha?" They asked. SMG4 almost choked on his cereal. "Yes!" he coughed. "That's the name." SMG4 patted his chest. "I'm okay." He said, which made (Y/N) chuckle. (Y/N) grabbed their preferred cereal (Mine personally is Oreo-O's), got their cereal ready, and headed to the couch to join Mario and SMG4.

A little while after the cartoon ended... Everyone went back to their usual schedule. Peach started her daily 'chores', Toad started reading Justin Beiber Magazines. Saiko, who showed up at the castle not too long ago, started doing Tik Tok's (Don't judge Saiko-), Tari and Meggy decided to play Super Smash Each Other in the Ass Brothers, Mario was trying to find his 99th plate of spaghetti in his spaghetti vault, and for SMG4 and (Y/N), they were busy looking at more memes and deciding on video ideas... which were really hard for both of them. "We could do Mario meets... uh... Jacksfilms." (Y/N) suggested.

"No, he sucks butt."

"Mario and the Time Machine."

"What would the plot be?"

"Mario goes back in time and tries to stop his life from ever happening?"

"Sounds dumb."

"No, you're dumb."

After their little quarrel, they started laughing. SOme dumb short quarrel makes people laugh? I mean, half of the population does it.

I wanted this to be short since I

1) Have no ideas and

2) I need to focus on reading a book for a book club and have barely any free time

so I hope you all can understand, and with that, I say: PEACE OUT HOMISICLES~
