19 | WOTFI 18:19

It's time to start this... with this Chapters sponsor! The Sims 4 'cause it won't leave me the FUCK alone when I'm playing the ukulele on Ulitmate Guitar. Now, when I'm doing the rap battle, I'll say who's saying what, like this

(Y/N): Bloop

SMG4: Wtf was that

So yeah, now, ONTO THE CHAPTER!!


Past Lizzy before she changed it: also I don't know why I added the word boobies, might change it to Cookies.

Mario and SMG4 got transported to a barber shop. Outside the shop near the doorway, Waluigi stood with his sceptre, pointing it at the wall closest to him inside the barber shop, he summoned a T-Posed Bob, who looked at the 2 boys. Cracked his neck, then started cracking his entire body so he can move. SMG4 and Mario stood there in shock. Bob looked at them. "Yo, what up b*#$%es! How are you guys doing?" Bob said like his usual self. "Uhh... Bob?" Mario questioned. "Don't you feel anything... strange?" SMG4 added on. "Oh, I'm feeling great! But..." Bob said, then raising his hands in the air, revealing his sword or sharp hand blades. "I do have the sudden urge to cut some hair!" SMG4 and Mario got surprised and started making weird scared noises, as Bob was flying towards them.

"Swiggity Swooty, coming for that Italian booty!" Bob commented as he was flying. SMG4 and Mario screamed with their weird noises.


Zombox on Twitter: who can survive a haircut done by bob AND try not to die during it #teamsmg4


Mario and SMG4 were screaming stuff like "Oh god" and other words. "Alright, ladies, who is ready for the most beautiful haircut you will ever get?" Bob asked, to which no one replied, all that was heard was SMG4 and Mario continuing their screams of terror. "Bob! Mario just got a fresh haircut... he doesn't need another!" Mario told Bob, to which Bob replied. "That's nonsense! I can do better! I gave haircuts to people like Baldi." Baldi put his hands on the window while muffling "You're f***ed." Mario then screamed, either because he is scared, or he saw Baldi, no one knows.

"I'm glad you guys are excited. Now, time to get my haircutting blades." Bob said as he reached in a conveniently placed chest. He opened the chest and drew out 2 sharp looking swords with blood on the bottom half of the blades. "Ah, found them!" Bob replied to himself as he went up to SMG4. "WHAAT?" SMG4 yelled. Bob went in from a side, SMG4 dodged. Bob went to SMG4's right side, SMG4 moved out of the way. Bob went vertical down SMG4's body and stopped where his boy part was. "Oh, My D***," SMG4 said.

"Please, have mercy!" SMG4 cried for mercy

Bob slapped him, then whispered in his ear. "In my world, mercy doesn't exist." He then got in front of SMG4 and yelled: "Time to use my super sexy haircutting techniques!" Bob then proceeded to make helicopter noises and moving like a helicopter as he was waving his haircutting blades around SMG4, attempting to cut his hair.

Mario saw this and silently yelled "Ahhhh" so Bob didn't hear. "S**t S**t" Mario muttered to himself as he looked around the shop. "Woah, look at this! Cookies." Mario pointed into nothing as he tried to distract Bob, which worked. Bob fell to the ground and got out binoculars. "Where?" he asked. "The Cookies inspector is here!" Bob looked around the shop. "Freedom!" Mario yelled off the top of his lungs as he hopped in the chair, attempting to leave. Bob looked at him, a full-on concerned face he wore. Mario then fell down onto the pavement not far outside the shop. "S**t" Mario mumbled.


SomethingChara on Youtube: Who can make better anime for Fishy Boopkins?


SMG4, Mario, and Fishy Boopkins were in a courtroom, as Boopkins as the jury. "Show me what you got." He demanded. SMG4 pulled down a TV. "Hah! Check this f*****g s**t out!" He said as he turned on his anime.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Here's the anime, I didn't want to type what it looks like so here.)

"Eh, it looks okay. I guess." Fishy Boopkins replied. "Oh, come on!" SMG4 complained. Mario kicked SMG4 out of the way and pulled down another T.V. "It'sa Mario Time!" Mario said as he played the anime.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(I know, I'm lazy.)

Fishy Boopkins and Mario cheered as Mario's anime begun, SMG4 looked at the T.V, then saying "I quit!" and leaving the courtroom.


MarvinComix on Twitter: #TeamSMG4 Who can steal Bowser's chicken nuggets without getting caught?


Bowser was sitting at a table eating chicken nuggets on a plate, there were about 6 or 7 on there. Bowser Jr. was sitting close to his father, playing with his toys. SMG4 peaked from the window, looking where the chicken nuggets and Bowser were, he looked away from the room, kick opened the windowsill and pulled out a fishing rod. He started trying to grab the nuggets but ended up grabbing a vase. "No..." SMG4 muttered. He then grabbed a picture of Kamek dressed up as Peach holding a heart, with the caption being "Kamette". "No!" SMG4 mutter yelled. SMG4's next attempt was also a failure as he grabbed Bowser Jr., Jr. screamed in pain as he was being held by SMG4's fishing rod. Bowser had a scared look on his face, he turned around and saw nothing, SMG4 had thrown the fishing rod out the window and hid behind the wall. Bowser looked around the room frantically, concerned where his son is.

Mario (who is in a Koopa shell that resembled Bowsers) quietly opened the doors to the room Bowser was currently in. Mario laughed to himself as he walked over to Bowser's chicken nugget table. He grabbed the chicken nuggets. Bowser turned back to his table and saw his chicken was gone. Bowser looked at Mario, who seemed to be in fear that he noticed him. Bowser realized this and said to Mario:

"Johnny Johnny..."

"Yes, Papa?" Mario replied.

"Eating chicken?"

"No, Papa." Mario lied.

"Open your mouth," Bowser commanded.

"Hah Ha- S**t!" Mario muttered as he yelled stealing the chicken from Bowser as he ran away. "I'm gonna give you 5 across the a**!" Bowser yelled, his hand already in the air. Mario jumped out a window and landed with a thud. Bowser Jr. came back into the castle by then and was already on his way back to the room he was just in to go play with his toys. Bowser than grabbed Jr. and pulled him into the room. "You're gettin' 7 across the ass!" Bowser yelled before the doors shut. A fishing rod was then taking a box. SMG4 was standing on a trashcan over a pile of junk, still fishing for the nuggets. He threw the Fishing Pole to the ground yelling "Aw Damnit!".


King Inkling on Youtube: Who can make Yoshi pay his taxes?


Yoshi was sitting on a chair, possibly in the kitchen on his phone. "FBI OPEN UP" The FBI screamed before knocking every door and wall down, even the room was in shambles. Yoshi put his phone away and put his hands in the air. Mario went up to Yoshi, both looked right into each other's eyes. "Your rents due mother f****r!" Mario yelled at Yoshi, pulling out a gun. Yoshi whispered to Mario "Okay, I'll do it.". Yoshi had a sympathetic look on his face. Mario looked surprised at Yoshi, then it turned into a smile. "Wow, thanks! That was easy" Mario accomplished himself before Yoshi yelled: "Gotcha B***h!". Yoshi pressed a button on his chair that was titled "Tax Evasion". Rockets came out of the bottom of his chair and flew him into the sky. Yoshi spun in circles in the air before landing with a giant explosion. Yoshi had somehow landed on a ship as he chuckled to himself. "I got away again!" He muttered. SMG4 walked up to Yoshi on a taller ship, overtaking a shadow. SMG4 had an evil smirk on his face. "I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse." He said. SMG4 held up a picture of Yoshi holding his child in the plains. SMG4 smirked. "Give me the cash or your son gets it!" He laughed and looked at Yoshi, who seemed to not have a care. "Ehhh nah." He said as he jumped off the ship into the water.


Viger the Magnemite on Youtube: WHo can build the best paper airplane? Farthest one to fly wins!


Mario dropped a stack of paper onto the road he was standing on. "It'sa Mario Time!" he said as he started making his airplane. Mario threw his hands in the air and moved them multiple times to get a small paper airplane, as almost everything around him is on fire. "Thats-a so sexy!" He complimented his work.

Mario walked to the edge of a mountain that had a road. "Let's do this." He muttered as he pulled out a large handheld slingshot. Mario put his paper airplane onto the band of the slingshot, grabbed a hold of the band, then ran backwards, giving it an extra boost. Maybe too much of an extra boost since he ran like 30 feet away from the slingshot. "Okay. Dokie." He said to himself. "This should be far enough."

"Boing!" He said as he released the band on the slingshot, making the paper airplane go at an incredible speed while also catching on fire. Once it passed the slingshot, that caught on fire and so did the area around it.

In the sky, we can see a bird, peacefully flapping. Mario's airplane fly's by and turns the bird into a turkey. "Look honey! A shooting star!" A red Yoshi says to a Birdo, both sitting on the bench. He points at the paper airplane that catches on fire. The Birdo aw's then rested their head onto the Red Yoshi's crook of the neck. Mario looked above the town on the mountain he slingshotted the airplane. He turned around and an explosion happened behind him. Mario smiled. The explosion got bigger as he walked off cheery and happy. Mario walked down an airplane landing as he heard a noise. "Woo-Hoo!" SMG4 cheered. Mario looked over and saw that SMG4 had built an airplane model out of paper. SMG4 made it took off as he yelled "Later!" to Mario, who stood and watched it all happen before his eyes. "Mama-f****r" he mumbled under his breath.


Damian Johnson on Youtube: Who can get Luigi a date


The clothes shop, people come for something new, wear it for a day, and the never wear it again unless they are normal which nobody in the Mushroom Kingdom is. Luigi was looking at a clothes rack, scratching his head, wondering why he chose to do this. "Okay, wait right here!" SMG4 told him. "I'm gonna get you a suit, a tie and some hair products! After I'm done with you, you'll look FABULOUS!!!" SMG4 then left. Leaving Luigi back to wonder. Mario snuck up behind Luigi, a wheelbarrow full of spaghetti. He bumped it into Luigi. Luigi yelled then turned around. "Mario!? What are you doing here??" He asked Mario. "Don't worry Luigi!" Mario said. "After this one simple trick, ALL the ladies will love you!" Mario walked up to Luigi, grabbed a plate of spaghetti, and smashed it into Luigi's face and spread it around his entire body. Luigi's entire body was entirely covered in pasta. He looked around the shop and whimpered. "Now go get 'em, tiger!" Mario cheered for Luigi as he pushed him outside the shop. "Now, flaunt it, Luigi!" Mario told him as he did so. A crow was flying above Mario and Luigi. The crow notices Luigi and flies towards him and clings to him. Other crows join in and cling to him. Luigi gets tackled to the ground by over 20 crows. SMG4 came back with a suit and hair products. He looked at Luigi. "What." He said in concern and confusion. "I did it," said Mario who had on sunglasses. "I saved the world." Mario then walked off. Luigi sobbed.


Silveos Algentum on Twitter: #teamSMG4 Who can beat Wheelchair Koopa in a wheelchair race, with obstacles?


The three of them, Mario, Wheelchair Koopa, and SMG4 on Rainbow Road, ready to start the race. Mario and SMG4 start making angry noises at each other, while Koopa just starting singing. Lakitu came down in his cloud with the lights and started the countdown. SMG4 and Mario zoomed off in the race while Koopa just stayed behind going the fastest he could. The 2 ran each other's wheelchairs into each other as they continued to race, Koopa still behind them. Mario knocked SMG4's hat off. He gasped. SMG4 pulled out a chainsaw while an evil grin appeared on his face. Mario screamed as SMG4 chased him with a tank. Koopa was far behind them.

Mario and SMG4 got some Item Boxes. Mario got a motorbike and cheered as soon as he got on it. "You won't beat me, Mario. Not when I shift into Maximum Overdrive!" SMG4 said as he opened his item box, which revealed to be Thomas the tank engine. Mario rode his scooter as SMG4 came with his Thomas train and blasted them both into outer space. Koopa got somehow far, and just fell over.


jazvi1 on Instagram: Who can scare Meggy?


"Callie!" Meggy called out to Callie who's back was turned to Meggy. "Callie!" Meggy called out again. "Please give me some turf war tips!" She asked. Callie turned around to reveal it was just Mario in Callie's clothes. "Hello!" Mario said. Meggy gave Mario a not amused look and walked away. "Hey. Come back!" Marie looked at Mario in Callie like clothing. "How ya doin'?" Mario asked.

Meggy was training at the training arena when Mario dropped in front of her. He has Octopus legs on top of his head. "It'sa Me! Evil octopus person! OOooooo" Mario said, trying to scare Meggy. Meggy shot him with her gun. Meggy was shopping for shirts. Mario grabbed Meggy's headphones. Meggy looked at his hands, her expression turned from happiness to annoyance.

Meggy was now on her 3ds playing some game. Her arrow looking phone started ringing, an unknown caller was, at least. Meggy looked at her phone, which was across the couch and on a side table. Meggy got up and answered the phone. "Hello?" Meggy answered. Whispering happened on the other end. The lights started flickering. Meggy looked at the window. Some shadowy figure was in the window. Mario was outside, messing with Meggy's electricity box, holding a ghost with a pole underneath it. Mario started laughing as Meggy was behind him, probably thinking on what an idiot he is.

Mario turned his head around to face Meggy. "Ahh... Piss." He said, facing the electricity box again. Meggy had thrown Mario in a Garbage can near Meggy's house. "Mama-Mia." Was heard from Mario. "Oh-no! I've-a fallen, and I can't get up!" Mario said again. SMG4 walked in, looked at Mario. He then took Fishy Boopkins out and threw him inside Meggy's house, then walked away whistling.

"Oh, Hey Meggy!" Boopkins said to Meggy, who was probably freaking out. "SMG4 said you wanna watch anime with me!" We then heard a Meggy scream.


gabenpereira on Instagram: Who can survive a night out with Saiko?


Mario was the first to go out with Saiko, and he was already cross-eyed. "So then after that, I went to the mall and got a latte but there was this girl," Saiko said, Mario completely ignored her. "The girl who was serving it to me got my name wrong, so I had to smash her face-" Saiko continued. Mario's brain was filled with Baldi's doing Fortnite dances, meaning: he wasn't listening at all. "What do you think, Mario?" Saiko asked. "You need to shut up!" Mario replied. Saiko got so angry she threw Mario across the restaurant.

SMG4 was next on the date. Let's just say he was in a panic mode, more than likely he was experiencing lots of Anxiety. "Maybe you'll pay attention to me better than that idiot did," Saiko said. SMG4 squeaked his head, then nodded. His anxiety sprouting through the roof. "Well...?" Saiko questioned. She then got a little angry, not as angry as she was with Mario. "AREN'T YOU GOING TO POUR MY DRINK?!" SMG4 put his hands up. "Okay," he said. "Okay, I will." Anxiety rushing through his veins more. SMG4 grabbed the wine bottle and started to shake. "No. No. No.No." He said repeatedly before he started to scream in anxiety. SMG4 and Saiko both had some worry in their face, SMG4 more than Saiko. SMG4 then poured it perfectly. "Thanks!" Saiko said. SMG4 was dead from anxiety by then.


Mike Geno on Youtube: Who can last longer in a match of "Super Smash Each Other In The A** Brothers"


Everything in the kingdom was either deserted, exploded, and had something that was caught on fire. Mario raised his hand in the air, hoping for nothing to be above him. "Mama-Mia..." Mario said. SMG4 did the exact same thing except saying "I LIVE." SMG4 raised his head above everything so he could get a good breather. "Anyone..." he mumbled. "Oooh..." Mario said, tired out. "Mario can't take anymore..." SMG4 burped in the background, he too was tired.

Waluigi teleported to where the boys were. "For the grand finale..." He started. "We're gonna play a match of Super Smash Each Other in the A** Bros.!" Waluigi raised his sceptre in the air. "Sit on my a** and just play games?!" Mario cheered. "Mario's good at that!"

"But it's in real life!!!!!" Waluigi yelled. "Wut?" Mario asked. Waluigi shot electricity towards Mario. Mario ducked down. "Mario!?" SMG4 asked concerned for Mario. Mario stood up and put a hand to his head, the other was being controlled. Mario's face was in shock when he realized he wasn't in control. His hand turned into a fist and he lunged towards SMG4. SMG4 was in shock too. Mario started fighting SMG4 as SMG4 did his best to dodge. Mario soon hit him with a spin attack. "Mario!" SMG4 shouted. "Stop! I don't want to fight you!" SMG4's face turned into sympathy. "I come in peace!" He said, holding 2 fingers up, making a 'peace' sign. Mario punched SMG4 in the face. Mario doubled jumped backwards. Mario looked at his hands. "What the hell is wrong with Mario?!" He said to himself. Mario's foot was soon lifted into the air. Mario screamed in terror. Mario then kicked SMG4 in his private part. Mario blasted him so far that SMG4 hit the closest building to him, making him hit the closet building and fall to the wall. Mario being controlled grabbed the nearest weapon, which was a crowbar. He waved it in the air. SMG4 yelled, then grabbed the nearest thing he could which was a pipe, probably a plumbing pipe. Mario lunged at SMG4, SMG4 defending himself with the pipe and Mario trying to hurt him.

"Why are you so mean to me?" SMG4 asked, scared for his life. "I'm so sorry!" replied Mario, not knowing what's going on. Waluigi laughed, he had a popcorn box with him. "NOT SO FAST, VILE FIEND!" replied a voice. "YOU SHALL NOT HURT THEM ANYMORE!" replied another. Waluigi looked in the direction, so did Mario and SMG4, still holding their weapons up. Tari and (Y/N) stood on piles upon piles of rocks. Tari with her hands on her hips and (Y/N) with their arms crossed. "THAT'S RIGHT! WE, (Y/N) AND TARI HAVE-" Tari said before she started walking, realizing she was on the rock.. she fell off the rock. Tari fell off multiple rocks as (Y/N) just stood there aching and hoping she was okay. Waluigi gave her a look and so did the other 2.

Tari fell to the ground finally. (Y/N) jumped off the rock and held a hand for Tari to pick herself up with. "Are you okay, Tari?" they asked. Waluigi laughed. "How cute." He laughed. Tari didn't take (Y/N)'s hand, instead, she lifted her head to look at Waluigi. She giggled. (Y/N) smiled. Tari pulled out her controller, it was glowing. Waluigi put a hand under his mouth. "The f**k is that?" he asked. "Don't worry guys!" Tari said, "I got this!" She held the controller up high and electricity shot out of it. SMG4 tried to stand up but got shot with electricity instead. SMG4 was glowing blue. He looked at his hands in confusion. "WHAAAAAAT?" he said in confusion. Tari chuckled and started pressing buttons. "You got this Tari!" (Y/N) cheered. Tari lifted SMG4's leg, which he chucked at Mario. Mario screamed in pain. "What?!" Waluigi yelled. The comment appeared again.

Mike Geno on Youtube: Who can last longer in a match of "Super Smash Each Other In The A** Brothers" against Tari?

"Get them, Mario!" Waluigi pointed to Tari. Mario jumped up and started running towards Tari. Tari had an evil grin on their face. She pulled SMG4 in front of her for protection and winning standards.

Mario yelled in fear as he started getting beat up by Mario. SMG4 put Mario into the ground. Waluigi yelled, knowing he was going to be loosing. He snapped his fingers and Mario appeared out the ground, ready to attack him, which Mario did. He hit him all over the place before knocking him to the ground. SMG4 quickly got up and started kicking Mario, which he blocked. Mario body checked SMG4. Then super kicked him into the air then when he was close enough, Mario kicked SMG4 into a building. "SMG4!!!!!!" Tari yelled with worry. "NOOO!!!!" (Y/N) yelled. Waluigi laughed.

"Finish the job, Mario." Waluigi said. Mario started walking towards the building. "I'm so sorry, SMG4..." Mario mumbled, almost crying. (Y/N) looked at Tari. "Tari you have to do something!!" (Y/N) cried. Tari looked at her arm. She opened her control panel and did some stuff. Tari's eyes then turned a light cyan. Tari clicked the buttons on her controller quickly. SMG4 lunged out of the building.

"What... The... FUUUU?" Mario said as SMG4 jumped on his head. SMG4 started running towards Waluigi. "WAH?!" Waluigi yelled. "You're coming for me?!" Waluigi shot lots of electricity as SMG4 yelled in panic. Tari pressed a bunch of buttons on her controller. SMG4 ran towards the electricity and dodged all of it. SMG4 tripled jumped and went face to face with Waluigi. Waluigi was in pure shock.

SMG4 punched Waluigi's sceptre out of his hands. The sceptre fell to the ground, then exploded. Waluigi's eyes went from electricity to normal. He put his hands to his head. "NOOOOO!!!" He yelled. Mario fell to the ground, happily he said: "OOOH Mario can move again!" He started crawling. SMG4, (Y/N), and Tari cheered. (Y/N) hugged SMG4. "I knew you could do it." They said. Some noise came from the right as the 3 of them looked that direction. Luigi, Boopkins, Meggy, everyone who was a T-Pose zombie turned back to normal. "NOOO!" Waluigi yelled. "MY T-POSE ARMY!"

"Wah...." Waluigi said, angry. Everyone was in a big circle, (Y/N) still hugging SMG4. "It's over, Waluigi." SMG4 said sternly.

"Wahhhhhhh!..." Waluigi clenched his fists. "It's time to kick someone's pingas..." Mario said, angrily.

"WAAAAAAAAH!" Waluigi yelled as he jumped into the air. "FINE. FORGET SMASH BROS. I'LL JUST FINISH YOU ALL MYSELF." Waluigi pointed at them, he then pulled out a radio. "Waluigi Style..." He pressed a button on the radio. Everyone looked at Waluigi. Waluigi charged at them, as they charged at Waluigi.

**GET READY FOR THE RAP BATTLE!!!!!! Which I can rap perfectly (with breath-catching of course)**

Waluigi: What's up losers? It's me, Waluigi!

Waluigi: What? New opponents?

Waluigi: Wah! Too Easy!

Waluigi: You can't stop my powers! I'll snap you like a twig.

Waluigi: I'll be dancing on your grave with this groovy dance jig!

Waluigi: You need the force of a million battalions,

Waluigi: But the best you have is a dumba** Italian.

Waluigi: Think you can beat me?!

Waluigi: Rejection Perfection.

Waluigi: Drop the protection and give in to the infection.

Mario: Your obsession for rejection must be a weird complexion.

Mario: The only power you have is making guys lose erections.

Mario: Here's Mario's tip: Go and cry to Wario.

Mario: We all agree that'd be the best scenario.

Mario: Don't wanna be rash,

Mario: But your backstory's trash!

Mario: Having a tantrum cause you weren't put in Smash?

Mario: Have a sit-down bro,

Mario: It's time to go to class,

Mario: 'cause we're about to school your purple lanky a**.

SMG4: When will you ever come to your senses?

SMG4: You're a weakling disguised with demonic hexes!

SMG4: Hold on folks,

SMG4: Things are getting tighter!

SMG4: You don't even qualify as a damn echo-fighter!

SMG4: You just sound like noise pollution!

SMG4: Getting rid of you is the only solution!

SMG4: Come one now,

SMG4: Your image is being defiled...

SMG4: You're like Nintendo's accidental child.

Waluigi: Oh, now my mercy has just departed.

Waluigi: Now, this is where things get really started!

Waluigi: You can't beat the power of my hypnosis,

Waluigi: Come on Bob!

Waluigi: Give them their diagnosis!

Bob: Oh crap boys,

Bob: Bob is here,

Bob: and Sakura Daddy just made him S tier.

Bob: Hold your pingas, cause it's going to throb,

Bob: When it lays it's eyes on the magnificent Bob!

*4 seconds instrumental*

Meggy: Waluigi,

Meggy: Your tyranny nears its end.

Fishy Boopkins: You're so mean!

Tari: You know,

Tari: Fightings kinda lame.

Tari: Why don't we all just play some games.

Mario: Your half baked rhymes are clearly evident,

Mario: 'cause you're based on a meme to irrelevant.

Mario: Your ass getting wrecked

Mario: in a state of permanence

Mario: looks like you're gonna have to end your turbulence.

Waluigi: and in the red corner, with an infinite weight.

Waluigi: Here's a fat idiot

Waluigi: Who can't even look straight.

Waluigi: the only thing you can do is hump a pasta bowl

Waluigi: Just stay being useless

Waluigi: While I take control

SMG4: Listening to you is like a new form of torture,

SMG4: I liked it better when you were just a launcher.

SMG4: Perfect epitome

SMG4: of the word miserable.

SMG4: The annoyance you bring

SMG4: is definitely considerable.

Waluigi: You impotent fool

Waluigi: You think you're so cool?

Waluigi: A Youtuber influencer is super minuscule.

Waluigi: You're just a tool

Waluigi: Mindless you drool,

Waluigi: Go back to your channel they call a cesspool

(Y/N): Waluigi! Time to bring this to a close!

(Y/N): Listen closely, cause this is how it goes.

(Y/N): Now, whenever your ugly face is rejected,

(Y/N): Your powers seems to be greatly affected!

(Y/N): But there has to be one person that likes you,

(Y/N): Sounds crazy, right?

(Y/N): But it has to be true!

Waluigi: What?!

Waluigi: That's impossible!

Waluigi: Why do you persist?

Waluigi: Such a twist surely can't exist!

Wario: Waluigi!

Wario: I'm here to say:

Wario: I'm sorry!

Wario: I should treat you better...

Wario: And I'll never reject you!~

**Rap battle over!**

Wario was hanging from a rope as Waluigi was in shock that his brother was back, while everyone else was wondering how Wario was hanging from that rope. Waluigi turned from his rejection form to his normal self. "Wah?!" Waluigi said. "Brother?....." He asked. "You idiot..." Wario started, putting a hand on his head. "Argh... I'm not good at these things." He stated. "Even though you're an a**... You're my bro... and I still care about you... or some dumb crap like that..." Wario finished.

"NOOO!!" Waluigi yelled, turning back into his rejection form. "IT'S TOO LATE FOR THAT!!!"

"I'd thought you'd might say that," Wario stated. "So, I went on a journey..." Waluigi gave Wario a confused look. "Yes, I traversed the deepest oceans... explored the widest valleys and space... just to find..." Wario stated before everyone teleported to a place. "A THERAPIST FOR US!!!" HE yelled in excitement. A sign above Wario and Waluigi signalling the audience to applause started flashing, as everyone did so. "Wha?!" Waluigi yelled in confusion. "WHAT'S THE MEANING OF THIS?!"

"Bro, meet Dr. SMG3 the therapist!"Wario said, introducing SMG3. SMG3 replied with a "What's up?". "Huh?!" Waluigi yelled in confusion, again. "SMG3? Why are you helping these idiots?" Waluigi asked. "Because ...I'M SUPPOSE TO BE THE EVILEST HERE! NOT YOU!" SMG3 jumped onto the desk and yelled at Waluigi. "But... but... you're not even a therapist?" Waluigi questioned. "Uhh... actually before I went all crazy and evil, I got a psychiatrist degree." SMG3 smiled.

"Wow, SMG4, where's your degree?" Luigi asked. "Hah! An intellectual like me has the best kind of degree... A degree in memes!" He pulled out his degree, as (Y/N) who was sitting beside them wondered why they ever chose to wander into the kingdom. SMG3 put on his glasses. "Okay, let's do this thing." He said. The side lights dimmed, Waluigi looked at the ceiling, confused as ever. "So Waluigi, tell me how you feel," SMG3 said next to Waluigi, who looked at him. "INSOLENCE! YOU WILL BOW DOWN TO ME!" Waluigi said with his fist in the air. "I see a lot of repressed emotions and pent up rage" He diagnosed.

"Wario, is there something you want to say to Waluigi?" SMG3 put a hand in front of Wario. Wario got sentimental. "Waluigi... My Brother..." He started. "Somewhere deep down in my heart... I still love you." Wario was in tears. Emotional tears came from Waluigi, who turned back into his usual self.

Waluigi ran to hug Wario, which succeeded. Everyone clapped. "Aww..." Meggy sighed. Toad gagged. "Yeah! We did it!" Boopkins cheered. "I secretly ship it..." (Y/N) said under their breath. "Nice," Bowser commented. "I'm not crying... You're crying!" Luigi said in tears.

"What? Are you serious? Is this how we're ending the arc?" Bob commented. Shroomy and Jermy cheered. "Boring!" Saiko rolled her eyes. Steve hummed. "Well, I'm glad everything turned out ok." SMG4 smiled. "Wel... now what? The whole kingdom is destroyed." Mario replied to SMG4. "Yeah, it pretty much is..." (Y/N) said, jumping off the chair. "Uh... you guys wanna play games?" Tari asked. Everyone cheered, as they rushed out the door while Waluigi and Wario were still hugging. SMG3 walked the same way.



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