Stories by: OhBin0
34 stories
The Thing Is To Think

A Collection of Puzzles, Teasers, Riddles and other creative thinking problems

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The Amazing Effects of Meditation

Meditation does great wonders to the body and mind.It's the Path to Perfect Peace, a state beyond space and time.

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Am I A Buddhist?

Do we really practice the sublime Dhamma that'll ultimately lead us to Nibbana?

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Words That Inspire Me

When great words of Inspiration set in within, we'll begin to do many a positive thing.

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What is Karma and how does it work?

"Practice the Dhamma diligently," says the Wise."The Truth of Karma and Rebirth you will realize."

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10 Ways To Increase Mindfulness

When Mindfulness is practiced very constantly, insights arise, you'll be more peaceful and happy.

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See The Funny, Reflect Wisely

Seeing many a funny thing, may we all hear WISDOM bells ring.

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Of Rites, Rituals and Offerings

When we see clearly WISDOM Ways, we can have much more happy days!

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Superstitious and Deluded Beliefs

When one acts with muddled thinking, one's bound to meet with suffering.

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The 'Devils' In Us

Conquering the 'Devils' in the mind will lead to joy, peace and Truth Sublime.

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Ways To A Happier You

All beings wish to be truly peaceful and happy.The wise ones know the ways and they practice ardently.

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Of Guan Yin and Compassion (Part 3 )

The cultivation of Wisdom and Compassionleads one to Peace, Happiness and Liberation.

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A Selection of good material on the 'What, Why and How' of Mindfulness Meditation

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A Wealth of Wise Words

A Selection of Quotes and Sayings with good Wisdom Messages.For reflection in one's spiritual cultivation.Contents from Pins in Pinterest

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LIFE Lessons from 'School Stories * Travel Tales * Hotel Happenings'

A PowerPoint Slideshow of my Presentation at the Popular Book Fest 2016 at KLCC on Saturday 2 July 2016 at 5.20 pmPromotion of my book "School Stories * Travel Tales * Hotel Happenings* - 1 of the 10 Non-Fiction Nominees in the POPULAR-The Star READERS' Choice Awards 2016It's a joy to share LIFE Lessons from a Story. The mind grows wisely as we reflect mindfully.

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Doodles of Wisdom

A Collection of Doodles ( from Pinterest Pins) with Captions of Wisdom for Reflection.May our Wisdom grow and grow.The Truth we will soon come to know.Then through the mind real Peace will flow,

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Of Guan Yin and Compassion (Part 2)

A Collection of 16 Portraits of Guan Yin with Quotes on Wisdom, Compassion and Morality."Developing Compassion and Wisdom is the Way to Peace and Enlightenment."

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Wesak 2016 Reflections & Aspirations

A Presentation on the Reflections and Aspirations we can make to help us develop our compassion and wisdom

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Short, Wise Advice

Cartoon Pics with short , wise advice. For reflection in one's quest to grow spiritually.

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Another Essential 2-in-1 Companion

A motivational and inspirational book comprising two parts:* 70 Motivational and Inspirational pieces* Creative Mental Exercise - a variety of thinking problems and puzzles

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Mindfulness - What. How.

Can we afford NOT to practice Mindfulness ? It is the Key to Joy, Peace and Happiness.

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10 Good Reasons Why You Should Meditate

When you realize why you must meditate, you will no longer wait or hesitate.

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Laughter is the best Medicine

Let's learn to laugh more for better health. We can also gain some WISDOM wealth.

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This book aims to* impart many important points in the Buddha's Teachings* help us realize and correct our weaknesses and defilements* help Dhammaduta workers cope with the many challenges and obstacles* motivate us into Dhamma practice."Seeing Dhamma Matters" is a collection of 30 Dhamma or LIFE Lessons articles inspired by the happenings and experiences of the author's Dhammaduta work at Persatuan Buddhist Hilir Perak over the last 25 years. The contents touch on various Dhamma teachings like the The Four Noble Truths, The Noble Eightfold Path, Kamma and Rebirth, the Eight Worldly Conditions and so on.May All Beings Be Well, Happy And Peaceful!

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22 Humor Pics...My Reflections

A Collection of 22 Humor Pics each with Reflection points to help one grow in Compassion and Wisdom

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Humor On The Board

A Collection of Humor pieces. Each contains a message of Life Lessons for Reflection.

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