The Killer Clowns (Completed Horror - Action story)

The Killer Clowns (Completed Horror - Action story)

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Category: Horror
'The ride was painful. Locked in pitch black in the hollow trailer trapped with the butcherer and his victim. The only sounds were his deep and heavy breathing, and the wheels on the ground vibrating, driving to the mysterious destination. Where are they taking me? Thought Reg. Why do they want ME? All these thought just made him more paranoid as he already was. The girl who was sat on the other side of him was silent, he couldn't hear or see her at all as he sat quiet and motionless, waiting for the unexpected.'

Reg was a normal teen boy who was going to school until he stumbled upon a very strange girl. The girl was twisted in a very sickly way. Things only got worst for him as he unrevealed the evil, monstrous horrors that laid within the circus...

Man eating murderous clowns creep within the darkest areas of the shadows, kid napping and trapping young teens like himself to his doom.

The only choice is to fight back or die...

It's all a matter of life or death... to survive this living nightmare.

© 2015 berzerkJoe
® All rights Reserved


'The Killer Clowns™' was written entirely by berzerkJoe in 2015 for wattpad.


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