Chapter 5 - Into the Unknown

Chapter 5 - Into the Unknown

'Wake up!' Screeched a haunting voice.

Reg opened his eyes to investigate the commotion. It was the fattest clown standing above him, nudging him as the lied on the ground. Upon seeing this Reg gave a nasty glare and was going to say something horrible to the figure, but was instead astonished at how he was in a clown costume. The trousers were white with spotted blue on them, his shirt was a button up with red stripes going in a downwards direction, with ginormous sleeves, and he was wearing a tie. Reg rubbed his face to see white make up come off and go onto his fingers.

'Get up, boy!' Shrieked the clown. 'Today, we have a big big day ahead of us!'
Now Reg was fully awake, he could see that he was sleeping on the same spot when he came here.

'What do you want you rat!' Reg snarled at the clown.

'I want YOU to preform, later on today were going to circus, and you're going to make me rich'

'What about if I don't?'

'Then I'll be cutting out your tongue with THIS!' The clown threatened as he pulled out a large butchers knife, that was long, pointy and hideously stained with blood. Reg was too afraid to ask any more questions, and willingly went with the clown. The clown walked him outside, where it was sunrise. Reg could see lots of fields and trees. I must be very far from the city, he thought to himself. He looked back at the circus but It wasn't bright and colourful as it was on the inside, but instead the outside showed a dull, grey unidentified building made of metal that looked derelict. Reg was slowly lead to a truck, the same one Coraline had walked out on those wooden stands, tripped him up and brought him here with.

'Your trip begins here', laughed the clown as he opened the back container door. Inside there was Coraline sitting on the ground, and the second clown, waiting for him smiling sickly, with a pump action shotgun. The sitting clown then quickly stood up and dragged Reg in by his arm, forcing him off his feet and making him fall onto the hard metal surface. Now in pain, Reg scampered to his knees an sat into the opposite side of Coraline and the other end, of his capturer. The fattest clown looked at all three of them, two shivering in fear and one his partner in crime and eerily whispered in the trailer.

'Why so serious?' And the slammed the door shut, creating a loud bang.

The trailer was now bindingly dark. Trapped here with the armed criminal and the victim girl who got him into this mess, Reg could only wait for their next actions. He sat there silently, and so did Coraline as they both listened to the clown babysitting them breathing heavily on the other side. He could faintly hear the birds outside singing their daily morning tunes, and the faint sound of wind rustling the nearby trees, then the scary rumbling sound of the ignition coughing, starting up for the truck, that was going to lead him away to the unknown..
