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They say her voice was once bewitching to all who heard it. She was like a siren luring sailors to their deaths on quiet nights...Those are just rumours that once were, truth be told the youngest daughter of the Count was a mute. Her voice had long been lost in her childhood years, disappearing like a whisper in the wind soon to be forgotten.She too disappeared with it, fading into the background, outshined by her talented siblings. The harder she tried to regain her worth, the more she was ignored. Until a chance encounter with a stranger changes everything... Word count: [100,000 - 150,000]

Anybody who is a somebody knows that the blue-blooded heirs of Queens Erlington Academy keep secrets. Never fall in love with a blue blood or you'll become another one of their secrets.
Harrowing Hiraeth: Suicide note that I never wrote

.・゜゜・✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・゜゜・𝗛𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗲𝘁𝗵 : longing for a home which never existedA poetry collection of obscure sorrows, of longing, solitude, nostalgia, healing and trauma. .・゜゜・:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*.・゜゜・ ᴅɪsᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ -> This poetry collection or title, in no way romanticises self-harm but sympathises with those affected by it. In no way, I promote or glorify any type of romanticism of suffering of any kind. The title is hinting towards healing; "towards the note that I never wrote" because I am healing. The poems are all inspired by my personal experiences, so it's my story, my experience, not relating to anyone else. Any relation will be a coincidence.
Mha memes

Jus a bunch of Mha memesAlso first story niceNo shipping is really implied, maybe a bit here and there. Assume it is all platonic.
Amane-Sama, Amane-Sama,Oh Please Let Me Feed You My Blood.

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**COMPLETED AND UNDERGOING EDITING**Note: The title's not a typo.His fingers traced up my arms as I steadily backed away, stopping only when I felt the wall. His feather light touch sent satisfying shudders down my spine. He leaned in and kissed my collarbone and slowly moved up, leaving a trail of kisses behind. I hissed and reached up to stop him."Ash!" I chastised.He looked into my eyes with his own, the blue in his glazed over with desire, "Hm?""We can't. Not now."He let out a low whimper, "Then when?"He'd never been so persistent before.It was the wine.What if your kingdom was on the verge of destruction, and the only thing that you could do to stop it is marry an intolerant, rudimentary, blue-blooded man who you detested since birth? The king of Sedalia has passed away, bringing two kingdoms on the verge of war. Evelyn must marry Prince Ashton in order for him to take over the kingdom as the rightful heir. How will this arrangement work out, if at all? Will Evelyn succeed with all the duties of being Queen, nonetheless being the wife of a highnASS?
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Silence Breaking

Family - the most important thing in the world, right? If it's your own, maybe. But if it's the family of the incredibly powerful, incredibly alluring businessman with whom you've been conducting a secret office affair, and they don't yet know about the affair, things are a little bit different.Life is about to get real for Lilly Linton. All those stolen moments behind closed doors, those secret kisses and whispered words are about to catch up with her. As she and her boss, business-magnate Rikkard Ambrose, travel north to his parents' palatial estate, she is about to discover whether she has the strength to step out of the shadows and change her fate forever.Volume four of the award-winning "Storm and Silence" series.

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Xét nghiệm lậu mãn tính

Bệnh lậu mãn tính là nỗi ám ảnh của nhiều người. Bệnh có thể khiến nam giới mắc các bệnh viêm nhiễm mãn tính, vô sinh và còn nguy hiểm đến tính mạng. Do đó, xét nghiệm lậu mãn tính là hết sức cần thiết, nhằm xác định mức độ bệnh để có hướng điều trị kịp thời. Vậy xét nghiệm lậu mãn tính như thế nào? Các chuyên gia Phòng Khám Chuyên Khoa Nam Khang sẽ cho bạn biết.Các phương pháp xét nghiệm lậu mãn tính hiện nayBệnh lậu thường diễn ra hết sức chóng vánh, từ giai đoạn cấp tính chỉ khoảng 1-2 tháng không kịp chữa trị bệnh chuyển thành mãn tính. Khi bệnh chuyển sang mãn tính những triệu chứng của bệnh không còn rõ ràng, khiên việc xét nghiệm lậu khó khăn hơn, cần nhiều công đoạn hơn.

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the Wanda Maximoff x Reader Collection

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Cách chữa lậu

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Angelo x Reader .Canvas.

Request by CodilynLunn. Sorry, it took way to long! I can't find the request so for so long and life problems happened. I hope you forgive me. Summary:"A blank canvas is just another gateway for endless possibilities." She let go of my hands and stood up. "And you're the one that will bring it to life."

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