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Codename Anastasia [Fanarts]

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1984 George Orwell

Londres, 1984: Winston Smith decide rebelarse ante un gobierno totalitario que controla cada uno de los movimientos de sus ciudadanos y castiga incluso a aquellos que delinquen con el pensamiento. Consciente de las terribles consecuencias que puede acarrear la disidencia, Winston se une a la ambigua Hermandad por mediación del líder O''Brien. Paulatinamente, sin embargo, nuestro protagonista va comprendiendo que ni la Hermandad ni O''Brien son lo que aparentan, y que la rebelión, al cabo, quizá sea un objetivo inalcanzable. Por su magnífico análisis del poder y de las relaciones y dependencias que crea en los individuos, 1984 es una de las novelas más inquietantes y atractivas del siglo XX.Por una extraña razón la historia se me borro de mi perfil. Así que la volveré a subir espero y no durar mucho.Gracias
Smoke Break /Georgenotfound/

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Dial Tone...

This is my first book yall soo be mindful But just read
A Body in the Attic : Myrtle Clover #16

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Murder on the Ballot, Myrtle Clover #17

If you can't beat them, join them.Octogenarian Myrtle Clover is so annoyed by the infighting at tiny Bradley, North Carolina's town council meetings that she decides on a radical course of action: she'll run for the open seat on the council. After all, she taught most of the elected officials-she should be able to enact some order.But order apparently isn't in the works. This becomes clear when a fellow candidate is found . . . murdered.Myrtle and her senior sidekick Miles must uncover the killer before someone else becomes a lame duck.

As modern-day Tara finds herself inexplicably thrust into the tumultuous era of the Mahabharata, she becomes ensnared in the intricate web of time and love. Caught in the midst of the Pandavas' desperate flight after the tragic wax house incident, Tara grapples with the harsh realities of ancient India while struggling to navigate the complexities of her own heart.
The Summoning of a Multi-ghoul

So, this is an idea I had for Swiss after his summoning. Not only was our beloved Multi-ghoul new in the clergy, but also was he a completely new kind of ghoul. Which probably made him double the amount of weird for the others.Anyways- I started this brainfart at like, 2am, so I can't promise if it will be good ;-;Maybe I will put some ships into it as well, but for now, I will keep it platonic, I guess-(Ship requests and ideas are very much appreciate- as well as feedback since this is my first story, and I have no clue what I'm doing-)(p.s. this story is also on my Ao3 account- so- if you see it there- you know ;-;)

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465 Days Later { Completed }

A bad boy Jack Brewer comes to seaford high school and he meets the warriors of the Warrior Academy and becomes friends with them. He meets then a girl named kim Crawford .Unfortunately Kim is a black dragon and he is not allowed to be friends with her and get to know her since they are forbidden until one day they have a tournament coming up. Jack really wants to get to know kim and she wants to know him too. DO you think they will get to meet and hang out and will kim leave the black dragons to be with the warriors ??..and will kim meet someone from her past and will she jack end up together and will things go back to normal ...?Enjoy it ♡

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