
Hey y'all!

I'm glad you guys like this book. I just started college, I moved eight hours away from home to attend a university in which I sit at my desk all day lol. I'm doing my best to roll with everything.

I'm still taking questions if you have anything you want to ask, but middle school is not something I even really remember anymore. Just be yourself because someday you'll be me, sitting in a college dorm, laughing at midnight with your friends over a big bowl of popcorn. You'll get through whatever you're going through, I promise. I cannot stress enough that someday you'll make it. It may be hard now but trust me it's worth it.

Middle school is scary, but it'll be over before you know it (and you'll be thankful it is lol). Just stick with it.

Have a wonderful day ❤️

(Picture at the top is me. I'm gay as shit.)
