Mythology [Moon Knight]

Mythology [Moon Knight]

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Category: Fanfiction
Contains Moon Knight spoilers.

Everyone knows that the MCU had a ton of Gods hovering across their universe, ready to be discovered. Unbeknownst to others, there were other unknown gods that lived at died for their realm. Like the Egyptian Gods, there was a certain Goddess that picked her own avatar. To maintain peace among Moon gods.

Mayari was the Philippine Goddess of the Moon. She was known by Filipinos from around the provinces in Luzon and some places in Visayas and Mindanao (idk, I'm just making this up.) yet none gets to know her existence unless they went to the internet. Her avatar was someone so pure, yet someone so dark. A dream in the eyes of many, yet a nightmare in the eyes of a few.

Khonshu seeks for Mayari's help, leading for their avatars to meet and work together as one. Though unlike the Egyptian God, Mayari wasn't always with her avatar. The fated souls started to meet, breaking one in order for another to fix and love it.

(I don't own majority of the characters, it all belongs to Marvel except for the OC. I don't do well in Fanfictions so bare with me. It's probably cringe so yeah.)

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