My Stepbrother's A Wolf!

My Stepbrother's A Wolf!

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Category: Werewolf
Ellie Brighton gets her life flipped upside down when her Mother remarries. Only thing wrong, they are wolves and her Mom thinks she's crazy.

Once her Mom makes her move into their house strange things start happening, everywhere and Ellie's figuring it out.
Though her new step brothers freak her out, something about one of their way friends is intriguing to her.
And he won't leave her alone.

Now Ellie starts a new life, in a weird- ass town, and now her new half family are crazy wolfs.
But, everything is strange there's people that are out to get everyone, and now Ellie has to figure out her familiar mystery, the towns, these strange enemies, and maybe even a love triangle.

"Ellie, you are mine." His husky voice breathes in my ear, hips pinning me to the wall.
My stepbrother growls pulling him off.
"Jesus Christmas, are you a dog too?" I shout at them, their heads snap to mine with shocked faces.
"We're not dogs, we're wolves!" They both growl and my jaw drops.
"Wolves!" I scream, literally in shock. "Are you are kidding me!"

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Book 1The Ning family finally found the sole granddaughter after she disappeared for ten years. Grandpa Ning was overjoyed! He embarked on the search for a grandson-in-law in River City. With a raise of her finger, Ning Dai pointed at the Mo family's disfigured Second Young Master, Mo Chen.Everyone thought she was crazy, but only Ning Dai knew that when she was kidnapped, Mo Chen risked everything he had-even with a broken leg and disfigured face-to rescue her from the devil's lair after her elder brother died tragically. Ning Dai returned to repay Mo Chen for saving her life, and also to exact revenge on her uncles for her elder brother's death. Everyone claimed that the Mo family fell from grace after Mo Chen's injuries while Second Young Master Mo Chen became paranoid and ruthless too.No one dared to get close to him. However, Ning Dai insisted on clinging to him. "Second Brother, your medicine won't taste bitter today because I'll give you a kiss to go with it." Mo Chen was about to lose control of his emotions. "Scram. I don't love you." Ning Dai gave him a cheeky smile, "Two kisses, then." Eventually, Mo Chen kissed Ning Dai's forehead shakily, his resolve shattered into a thousand pieces. After seeing how profound Mo Chen's love for her was, Ning Dai was convinced that he would once again stand up for her and stay by her side at the top of the world.
Bound To You * Getting Published!*

"You don't know me Dean, you don't know what I've been though. So don't pretend to be my knight in shining armour you can't swoop in and try and save me, I'm too fucked up and too far gone." I spat at him before getting up and jogging away with Sargeant at my side. I felt Dean's hand on my arm spinning me around his green eyes were wild. "We're all fucked up Faye, every single one of us. Stop pushing me out I'm not the one that hurt you. I'm the one that will show you how to love if you let me. And maybe, just maybe you'll show me how to love too." He yelled at me at this point I had tears in my eyes. I grabbed a hold of Dean's cut and pulled him to my chest pressing my lips to his. He's not Matt. Faye is the daughter of the most feared MC leader in the states, everyone knew who her father was so when Faye went to collage to become a vet she told no one of who she really was. 7 years later she had graduated and came home to Boston. She was greeted with open arms and lots of change. Her fathers old V.P betrayed him so now Dean is the new V.P he is sexy and dangerous. Faye started to think she could have as normal life as she could until her ex boyfriend from collage finds her and brings back all the pain that Faye thought she left behind. I promise the book will be better than the disruption. Please read, enjoy, vote and comment.

Author: SanSobeeGenre: Fantasy, Romance, ShoujoSource:WebnovelStatus: CompletedTo beat a villainess, you must be even more evil than them. Aria is killed unjustly by her sister but along with the turn of a illusory hourglass, she is reincarnated 5 years into the past. She will now live for revenge, revenge against those who drove her into her death. This is the new life she has chosen.Disclaimer: I do not own this story. This is for offline reading purposes only. Credits to the original owner.

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