My Mysterious Lady

My Mysterious Lady

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Category: General Fiction
In the middle of the continent of Astria, a storm brews with many countries are on the verge of war once again after the villainous king Lysander of Zariya was found dead. The mysterious circumstances surrounding his death have caused many to suspect foul play with the fortune of his kingdom on the line with many vying for the kingdom wealth with no clear descendants to inherit; the tension between countries is palpable for who to gain control of the throne.

Le Lilli, a skilled diplomat and the current finance minister of the recovering country of Cordelia, is deployed to pay the country's respect towards the deceased king.

As she journey's to visit Lysander's funeral, she realizes tensions are higher than she had ever imagined, with many of the guests to Lysander's funeral more likely than not to stab the other behind their backs at a moment's notice.

With the lives of those around her threatened and danger closing in, she reluctantly teams up with the proud but skilled general of Azar, Kai to discover the plot behind the king's death with the dangers that surround them.

With tensions high and threats of assassination and murder on the way, will Le Lilli ever hope to uncover the depths of the darkness and horrors hidden beneath the beautiful and bright city and make it out alive?

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