Mr Playboy

Mr Playboy

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Category: Fanfiction
Y/n a sweet and calm girl , having a dark secret who was sent to Seoul , South Korea for her higher studies from Osaka, Japan by her parents.
Taehyung , the university's prince who loves to bully newbies and then play with their hearts . His girlfriend Jennie who supports him in his every actions , hates y/n like anything...
What will happen when Y/n will meet him? Will he change or do the same????..

Sorry for my grammatical errors

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ORDER KLIK, Harga Biotank 2021 Melayani Pengiriman ke Citamiang Kota Sukabumi, Harga Biotank 1 M3 Melayani Citamiang Kota Sukabumi, Harga Bio Septic Tank 1000 Liter Melayani Citamiang Kota Sukabumi, Jual Septic Tank Biofil Melayani Citamiang Kota Sukabumi, Harga Bioseptic Melayani Citamiang Kota SukabumiTANQUE FORTE Merupakan Merek Bio Septic Tank Terbaik, Tahan lama dan Bergaransi Panjang, cocok untuk rumahan, IPAL Komunal, IPAL Medis, Rumah Sakit atau HOTEL SIAP MELAYANI PENGIRIMAN KE SELURUH INDONESIAPABRIK SEPTIC TANK BIO TANQUE FORTEJl. Cangkudu No. 7-9 Sukamukti Ranca Manyar Kab. Bandung Jawa Barat- IndonesiaBapak HendraCALL 0852-1533-9500 #HargaBiotech2M3CitamiangKotaSukabumi, #Biotank500LiterCitamiangKotaSukabumi, #BiofilSepticTankHargaCitamiangKotaSukabumi, #JualBiotankCitamiangKotaSukabumi, #BioPenguraiTinjaCitamiangKotaSukabumiPosting By:JELITASMKN 1 CARIU22-08-2022

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