Marvel Memes ',:)

Marvel Memes ',:)

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Category: Random
Everything marvel (memes, incorrect quotes, headcannons) that makes me giggle (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

i find most of these in the wee hours of the morning when i should be sleeping, so they most likely make no sense or are just not funny even though my sleep deprived self thought it was the most hilarious thing ever

(mainly loki, stucky, daredevil, moon knight, irondad, and spiderson because i said so)

#1 in avengers (10/3/22)
#1 in deadpool (10/28/22)
#1 in irondad (10/29/22)
#69 in thorodinson (10/29/22) ',:)
#1 in memes (11/4/22)
#1 in tonystark (11/8/22)
#1 in peterparker (11/8/22)
#1 in stucky (11/12/22)
#1 in venom (11/17/22)
#1 in guardiansofthegalaxy (11/17/22)
#1 in incorrectquotes (11/25/22)
#1 in marvel (12/7/22)
#1 in clintbarton (12/10/22)
#1 in incorrectquotes (12/24/22)
#1 buckybarnes (1/21/23)
#1 spiderson (2/24/23)


Chapter list

- Last updated at 03:07 29-03-2024

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