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"Do you love me?" She asked with her devious smile."I don't know." I answered quietly.She walked closer to me causing me to back up. When my back hit the wall, I looked away from her. Her hand lifted my chin, forcing me to look at her. "Then why do you look at me like you want more hm?" She whispered in my ear sending chills throughout my body.Seraphine is in an arranged marriage. Sure it upset her, but when she met the guy, she thought maybe she could be happy with him. At least that's what she thought before she met his sister.(Going through editing process)
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The title is tentative because while this is the suggested english title by the author, I'm trying to come up with a better one LMAOSome chapters are labelled mature because it's just smut so you can skip them if you're uncomfy <3Original title: 몇 번째 남편Support the original work here:
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The day the Earth stood still: 9.11.01♥

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Forbidden Love

"Do you love me?" She asked with her devious smile."I don't know." I answered quietly.She walked closer to me causing me to back up. When my back hit the wall, I looked away from her. Her hand lifted my chin, forcing me to look at her. "Then why do you look at me like you want more hm?" She whispered in my ear sending chills throughout my body.Seraphine is in an arranged marriage. Sure it upset her, but when she met the guy, she thought maybe she could be happy with him. At least that's what she thought before she met his sister.(Going through editing process)

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