Champions (NHL smuts & Fluff)

Champions (NHL smuts & Fluff)

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Category: Fanfiction
I will write about anyone but if I don't know them tell me their team so I can do research if needed. I also can't write with the y/n formate because I'm stupid so every image will have a name I make up unless you give me one.

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Deep Thoughts

"A mind is like a parachute,it doesn't work if it isn't open."~Poetry, quotes, and sentences.Nothing much.
Butterfly Effect [BNHA Various X Reader]

[Cover was found on Pinterest. Posted by เธ…^•๏ปŒ•^เธ… Gแด€ส™ส€ษช เธ…^•๏ปŒ•^เธ…; Story is inspired by Changing History [MHA Various X Reader] by summerblack on Quotev.]You start this life with a blank mind. No memories of your name or family or friends. feels wrong. You know you have a name, you know you have family and friends, so why can't you remember? While on the subject, where are you? It doesn't feel like a bed, it feels like you're being held. As a matter of fact, it feels as if you're being rocked. Then you hear it, a soothing song being hummed by a young woman. You take the chance as you force your eyes open.It takes time to learn you've been reborn. In your case, it took two months of going through the same process day after day. Two months of wondering where you were and how you got here. Two months until your memories came back to you.You've been reborn and you know exactly which world this is.

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