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Category: Romance
'' You see my love, you should have drink something before you smell these roses and this Aphrodite scent in the room,'' he said walking towards her playing a very evil grin on his handsome face.
She tried to move back after hearing his words which gave her the biggest shock of her life. She was about to trip back on her feet when he grabbed her waist saving her.
'' I told you before you look so beautiful today. But you look even more beautiful in my arms,'' he said huskily playing with her hairs.
'' I want to go home, please,'' she said pulling his hand down from her hair.
'' This is your home, isn't it. You even liked coming here before,'' he said grabbing her hand in his which was trying to move him back before.
'' No nothing is right you say!'' she yelled with teary eyes but met with his warm lips with hers. And there went her first kiss without her permission.
She lost her consciousness in his arms but he pulled her in bridal style.
''MINE!'' he spoke looking at her face with some crazy obsession that didn't seem to have any limits at all.

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