After All This Time

After All This Time

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Category: Romance
Emily has the feeling she needs to start all over. After the loss of her boyfriend she needs to go back to school. But it isn't that simple as she thinks.

The new boy on school who keeps on challenging her doesn't exactly makes it easier. He isn't that bad. But she's afraid for what will happen when she opens up.

She never told anybody exactly what happened. Only little pieces so they would leave her alone. So no one really knows the truth, or at least her truth, except for her.

Will she open up, or will she keep it a secret after all?

Find it out in After all this time.

Hope you guys enjoy ♡

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A wani zamani daya shuɗe, Da zarar magriba ta gabato kusan ko wani gida zaka riske su ɗauke da *FITILAR ƘWAI*Tun ba a fara min halitta ba na ke wahala, har tsahon watanni biyu a cikin ciki ina gwabzawa tare da mahaifata, ni ne ƙwan halittar dake cikin ta,ƙwan halittar da ake son a zubar. Kaifin kwakwalwar da Allah yayi ma jarirai ya sanya na ke fahimtar cikin labaran ta akwai rina a kaba. Mahaifiya ta ta shiga halin tsaka mai wuya, ta sha gwagwarmaya a rayuwar ta don kare ni daga magungunan da Abba na ya ke kawo mata don zubar da ciki na, Abba ya manta cewa mugun nufi, baya kashe ɗan barewa kuma da ikon Allah haƙan sa ba zai taɓa cimma ruwa ba akan gurbatacciyar buƙatar sa.A lokacin da sinadarin allurar ya feso zuwa mahaifar wato cikin in da na ke babu irin jijjigar da ban sha ba, maganin ya so ya tarwatsa sassan jiki na wanda bai da ɗe da zama tsoka ba, da ikon Allah na koma bayan mahaifarta na yi wa kai na ɓuya duk da tsananin wahalar da na sha tsakanin rayuwa ko mutuwa, Allah ya zaɓa min rayuwa, tsahon watanni shidda ina bayan mahaifarta sannan na dawo na zauna daram a cikin mahaifarta na kuma ɗaura daga kwanakin da na tsaya,lokacin na san da cewa kainuwa dashen Allah ne, haka zalika zakaran da Allah ya nufa da cara ana muzuru ana shaho sai yayi abin sa.

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