Search: zeman
1,672 stories
Ono to žije?!

Ovoce a zelenina chystá atentát na Miloše Zemana.. Miloš je občas vulgární, ale jen trochu

539 10 24 Full
Love Come First

Many people believed Luz was lucky to be given the task of carrying the king's heir, but they didn't know the troubles and heartache that came along with it.Amity is the King of Boiling Isle, and she is intersex meaning she is born with a dick.She is married to Boscha, the Queen of Boiling Isle.Luz is a mere Servant.

2.1K 7 68
Reincarnated As A Dalamadur In A World Of Myth

At the beginning of the world, the Primordials ruled till the day the Greek Gods claimed the land. What if in the beginning, another Primordial appeared? One that could carve the very earth itself, breathes blue fire so hot that not even water or an ocean could drench it, and summon burning meteors falling down the skies. This is a story of how the Primordial Dalamadur carved his name into the Greek Pantheon.[Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians and Monster Hunter. Only my Ocs]A/N [Currently doing some rewriting on a few of the chapters]

142.2K 11 2.9K
you and me?

There seems to be a new boy in town, Katerina meets him and it starts off with a innocent kiss but slowly become more.

105 5 0 Full
I Got Reincarnated As Gore Magala In Highschool DXD

A young man died from a earthquake when a building crushed him. Having pity on the young man a God put his soul on the path of reincarnation and hopes that he will have a better life in his new life. Unfortunately due to some circumstance he was reincarnated as The Necromancer, God Of Frenzy. Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool dxd and Monster Hunter. On the side note there will be no lewd stuff inside of this story.

220.1K 19 3K

I was the opposite sideThat I never intended to be...

54 1 5 Full
Vlad/Plasmius x reader (Danny Phantom)

Ok so I can't find any Vlad/Plasmius x reader stories so I thought to myself 'why not make my own.'You are the same age as Danny and your very close friends with him. Your also really Kawaii! Danny and his family are invited to an old friends house, what happens when Danny invites you to come with them? Will you slowly fall for this deviously handsome millionaire who also happens to be a ghost? (P.S. You know Danny's secret.) WARNING: There will be sexual content. I know that I have put warnings on my other stories about sexual content maybe being in the story but on this there will be. So if you don't feel comfortable with it then don't read it plz!I do not own Danny phantom but I do own the story.

15K 6 212
What's going to happen is about to happened

A drunken encounter leads a couple of young adults into much more than they expected. Will they learn along the way to be together or will it break them apart?inspired by: BonneyQ (fan fiction)

347 7 28
Smokey Eyes

Just a little thought

4 1 1 Full
Even a Monster

Even a monster can feel

8 1 0 Full
 In fifty years [ In the mind of a sleep deprived teen]{essay

I wrote this for school but liked it so now you can read it to. EnjoyIn a world that is overrun by men created monster, humans have had to adapt and are now living as moles underground. And due to the lack of light they are able to see in the dark dut not in the light. How would you survive in this world?

1 2 0 Full
Parallel Berserker

On the night of Fuyuki a servant from a parallel world was summoned. His mind only has one goal, to be with his beloveds side. Unfortunately for him, he will be sent to a hard road. Disclaimer: I do not own Fate/Zero, Fate/ Stay night, and Fate/Grand Order. Type Moon does.

7.4K 4 124
A Hunters Night (Fate Fanfiction)

A person from another world was chosen to compete in a war to make there wishes come true. This is a story of Shiro H. Talos and his new life as a servant of war

7.2K 4 93
Undead Marionette: Date of Discovery

"The unknown should never have been examined. But the curiosity of what it is drives a person insane until they can explain it. The outcome would either be good or will it be bad. I hope that nothing bad will happen when we do try and see the mystery that is [Pathos]. Would have saved my right arm when things got worse. I should've seen that coming since a lot of Personnel were missing a limb or two." - [Researcher: Ener M. Zemando]

126 5 3
Reincarnated As a Zombie in Another World (On-Hold)

In the age of 17 senior high school student was killed trying to help a man out of harms way. With his last breath he wish that he can live again in a world where he can have fun and adventure. He then close his eyes letting death take but then he felt weird and when he opened his eyes he was in some graveyard.

2.2K 3 51
Tumblr Stuff

Basically quotes,pickup lines and song lyrics majority of these are NOT mine they are from sources such as tumblr,the web,wattpad itself etc.Message me if you want to a certain quote,lyric or a pickup line! Requests are open.

4.1K 100 296 Full
The Lament of Bronagh

Off the coast of Ireland there lives a selkie that belongs neither on land nor sea. As her kind are wont to do, her story is one of sorrow.

57 1 1 Full

Fadó (Fodd-Oh) - What Came BeforeThe sky is pouring and the temperature is low, driving a girl into the arms of an old bookstore. While she waits out the rain, she learns to love something she did not know how.

16 1 2 Full
Left Behind

#SciFridayA man finds himself stranded on a small planet five hundred and eighteen trillion miles away from Earth with only a woman who hates his kind to help him survive the harsh weather of the desert planet...and himself.

34 2 6 Full
Shadow of an Empire

A short story about a Roman Legion trapped in Rome during the Sack of Rome.This was one I intended to out into a competition, but decided not to in order to enter a better one. It isn't the best, but I think it's alright.

3 1 0 Full
New World: Short Story

A short story I wrote depicting events after a devastating event occurs, causing the collapse of the world as we know it.

24 1 1 Full
We Call 'em Deadheads: A Walking Dead Fanfiction

A 15 year old boy named Zackary Furler and his friends wind up alone in a zombie apocalypse set in the Walking Dead universe. Will they survive? Read to find out!

246 12 1 Full
Huli Na Ang Lahat(one shot short story)

This story is only one shot short story so maikli lang,try to read maganda ito promise(COMPLETED)Date:May 20,2019End:May 20,2019

57 1 4 Full

poetry I decided to write

31 6 6