Search: yvette » Page 350
19,281 stories
Wedding Bells

The beautiful white horse sprinting,The breathtaking sphere-shaped sun settling,The gushes of wind ferociously blowing,The birds mindlessly chirping, The insects frantically murmuring, But what caught her eye? THE PRINCE CHARMING. Ayla Yvette Whynes has dreamt and fascinated about love since she was thirteen years old. Now,she's turned a crucial and whopping age of twenty three. However,her loving parents give her a nerve wrecking surprise when they decide to select her future husband. Appalled,she confronts her future-husband-to-be,but is left speechless when he turns out to be her one and only high school crush.

45 2 2
Forget What You Thought

She sneaks around with her boyfriend all the time. Never has been caught. No one knows her secrets except one other person who is six feet under. So she thinks, until she gets a text that changes everything.

67 2 3
                                The Truth Untold

Long time ago there were a two girls that so very close and theyve been together for almost 10 years...Then one day someone broke that friendship. And there's a secret behind this all happenings. Who's the suspect?? Let's just find out Spoiler:On midnight there's a secret that you must know every chapter has a meaning you need to found out what the word and you must know what is the meaning of every chapter that I've made

42 6 3
kidnapped into strange love antisepticeye x darkiplier x reader

You are a 17 year old girl and you have really mean parents and your panents gets a demon! During this book you will have to choose between 2 demons, known as DARK and ANTI! Get your tushi prepared for this *cough* crappy *cough* good story! thank you

1.4K 10 65
Hayvean's favor (a janoskians fanfic)

17 year old Hayvean and her 11 month old sisters Marcella are faced with tragedy that turns their life upside down. After the death of their parents they move half way across the world, to Australia, to move in with a family friend. Even better this family friend has three teenage boys two of which are her age. Will the boys (aka the janoskians) welcome her and her baby sister with open arms or want her on the streets? Will there be a love interest between Hayvean and one of the boys or will nothing be in Hayvean's favor

7 1 0
To my sister: A voice like velvet

B-Day gift for SunnyVelvetENJOY IMOUTO!~Ao no Exorcist three/fiveshot?

236 2 8
Wyvern Academy

This is not your usual dragon academy's.Asher Dames has had a hard life living on scraps, with a family that kinda cares, sometimes fate always has to happen, but will it be for the better or the worse.

10 2 2
Criticisms from asekkh

Здесь лишь мое мнение.

787 19 156

When Setts parents die things get pretty real

2 1 1
GJ! Gen: New

Ik I have a shit ton of books to update but I really really really wanna write this sooooO btw this story is inspired by TNGJ by @ThunderstormnAnyways on to the REAL description.Xavier Ryvers, Son of Xuli Villa and Kyan Ryvers is a next generation Go Jetter. He has to face entirely new villains, solve drama, save lives and fix landmarks while he's at it. Can he live up to his family's legacy?

58 1 4
Strawberries and Cigarettes

Haven is a girl lost in her own thoughts One day she bumps into a boy who seems just as lost as her. Min Yoongi is a boy who is lost but he doesn't mind it One day a girl bumps into him. " You smell like strawberries," " You smell like cigarettes," -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------A New Story I hope you all enjoy it.

18 3 0
The devil and the Angel

Once there was a girl named Angel, she was an angel. On the other hand there was a devil/demon named Alex. He was the opposite of her. Now they have to go to the same college. What will happen? Will they get along? Or will they hide there darkest secrets forever?

223 11 10
Dawn of the Birds: The Journey Begins |||IN PROGRESS|||

"What do you mean we have to leave?!" Shadow Middlebranch caws, his black feathers puffed twice their normal size. "There isn't enough food for all of us!" Feather Highleaf trilled, flaring his wings in authority. "Only one thing can be done," Nightshade CrownBranch cawed loudly, fluttering to his place on the ancient Sakura tree all leaders addressed their flock from for countless moons. "We must leave"Azura the blue jay has lived her entire life in the floating Sakura islands of Skyven, food was plentiful, chicks were peacefully raised together, and they were all safe from eagles and other carnivorous birds. But one day, disaster strikes, and a famine grips their small island they call home. The flock can no longer sustain themselves,So they vote to leave. Those with chicks too young remain behind, as do those too old to make the journey. But a problem remains: Where will they go?

37 5 1
Mikor véget ért...

Na itt lenne az új könyvem!Elisabeth Jonson a főszereplő aki 17 éves és új életet kellet kezdeni ha kíváncsi vagy aki olvasd el!

273 9 5

Accept the person despite of her or his flaws

13 5 0
The Aeryn Awards 2018/CLOSED

Have you put so much effort into your book, only to find that barely anyone has bothered to look at it? Well, here, at Aeryn Awards, just sign up and get your book the chance to win popularity, stickers and follows!

4.5K 28 385
Oblivion (One-Shot)

I am not afraid of death, I am afraid of dying.

13 1 0
Kommentelem a

Egy könyvet fogok kommentelni aminek az a címe, hogy: MARVEL STUDIOS a szereplők nagykönyve.---Senki ne sértődjön meg a könyvön! Szórakozás miatt írom.

63 2 26
Wyvernia - Frihet eller Makt

Världen heter Wyvernia, en värld fylld av mystiska varelser. En värld som är indelat i fyra stora kontinenter. I mitten ligger landet Central Öarna. Omkring ligger Nortro (Norra), Östro (Östra), Västro (Västra) och Södtro (Södra). Alla kontinenterna har sina egna kungadömen och lagar, men de har en sak gemensamt. De mystiska varelserna i Wyvernia blir jagade och utrensade från sina hem, detta för att människorna är rädda för deras krafter: magi och alkemi, som människan inte besitter. Men den här konflikten är bara en av många. Många familjer i Wyvernia krigar om frihet eller makt. Ju mer de kämpar, ju närmare går dem till seger eller undergång. En av dessa familjer är familjen Järn, en av de äldsta familjerna i Nortro. De är i krig med familjen Frost, en girig familj styrd av en makthungrig herre vid namn Peter Frost, om den rika Silverskogen, ett krig som har pågått i nästan 500 år. Herre Albert Järn fortsätter att bekämpa Peter Frost från sina marker. Plötsligt sker det en vapenvila och Albert börjar fokusera på sin andra stora prövning: sina barn. Under 17 år växer de upp hos bonden Herman Bälte och hans fru Rachel. De får namnen Jonathan och Helena. Eftersom att barnen lämnades hos bönderna som spädbarn, vet de inte var deras riktiga föräldrar finns eller vilka de egentligen är. Herman och Rachel beslutar att hålla tyst om deras mystiska ankomst och barnen får inte lämna deras område Väståkra. Men en dag händer det något som förändrar deras liv och kanske kommer att förändra hela Wyvernias framtid också. Kommer Jonathan och Helena att vara med i kriget om Silverskogen? Vad kommer de att kämpa för och vart kommer allt detta att leda till?I krig finns det bara två saker att kämpa om: Frihet eller Makt. Inget annat. Men ibland vet man inte om vad det är man kämpar för. Ingen vet riktigt heller om den ena tillhör det goda eller det onda.

374 25 5

This book is gonna contain spoilers for the final pairings in my books, so if you wanna avoid spoilers, I wouldn't read these stories.I thought I'd make a book dedicated to the canon couples in my stories. It includes everything from AUs to scenarios with the characters. I may even post some art.I've been wanting to make this book for a while to avoid giving spoilers in my other books.I also will write the occasional fan piece for one of the many media I am consuming at whatever time (i.e Just Roll With it).Hope you enjoy!*Infrequent Updates*

4.3K 162 125
The lost princess of marydale.

Yvette an 18 years old girl who has been trapped in a dark castle with a witch whom she thought was her mother. She finds a book with all the answers of her question and a book full of mysteries. Will she get revenge for the people who killed her parents? or will she stay peaceful with her dark castle?to find out, read my book now!! :DDraft at: June 04, 2021NOTE THAT THERE WILL BE LOTS OF GRAMMAR PROBLEM FOR THIS ONEE SOO YEAA AND PLS BE PATIENT CUZ ILL TRY MY BEST TO UPDATE EVERYWEEK BAHAHAHA

2 1 1
Dealing With It | c.h.

"I loved her so much that it nearly broke me when she decided I wasn't good enough."Calum is trying to cope with the fact that the love of his life is gone and she's never coming back. He never felt that way about anyone. He had always been told to not trust anyone because everyone was just a big let down. Being let down was all he ever known, but when he met Harley he made sure that he would do everything in his power to make her love him. But he failed. He doesn't know how to deal with it.

11 1 1
Held On For To Long To Let Go

Yvette loved William so much there was no one who could change that or get between them... but there was one problem they always had... he lied he lied about being loyal.. it hurted hurt so much... she cut her self to make the pain go away she took pills for her depression but nothing helped she knew that no relationship was perfect but she theres to be a happy relationship she wasnt happy she was hurt and everytime she tried to talk to william he wouldnt listen but she trys to understand because he has a horrible life so she keeps trying.

4 1 0
Lost|| Book 1

lostlôst,läst/1.past and past participle of lose.adjective1.unable to find one's way; not knowing one's whereabouts.Analia Yvette Nava is the dork or punching bag of the school, she doesn't have any friends, she gets bullied, and worse of all her brother is the most popular boy In the school who hates her guts.Ace Jones is the new boy in school he has a little sister who's 9. Ace is your typical bad boy he smokes,drinks,sex,steals but when he runs into Analia will he change her or will she change him

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