Search: thomasisstiles
18 stories
Welcome ... Home tw/tmr

This is a cross between Teen Wolf and The Maze Runner!!What happens when the FBI come to the Safe Haven? Claiming to want to save the Gladers and Scorchers. Stiles now goes by Thomas, will he be welcomed back to Beacon Hills or is he forgotten? How will the pack react when he comes back with a new name, sexuality, lover, and friend. (I don't own Teen Wolf or Maze Runner they belong to Jeff Davis and James Dashner)

131.3K 20 2.9K Full
Become alliance

Scott and Derek are enemies and stiles is in the middle of it all.

17.4K 38 377 Full
Thomas Stilinski

Thomas and Stiles are twins, Before their mothers was diagnosed with dementia she took Thomas out shopping only she didn't come back with him.The sheriff searched till he couldn't anymore and even then kept hoping he would find his lost son.(Contains M-preg and poly relationship thominewt)(Mentions of death and abandoned issues)Please comment on how I can improve this.

37.8K 9 958
Never Again (Teen Wolf/ Maze Runner)

Thomas, Newt, Minho, and Aris all make it to the 'safe haven', but after finding out everything they knew was a lie. They leave, in search of something more. They make it back to an abandoned WCKD compound in search of any information on the new found world. The only information that was left behind was a city and state. Beacon Hills, California.*I'm writing this here for all you future readers and because I've had comments (sometimes rude) about the minor inaccuracies in this book. May I remind these people that yes I know chuck was younger than 16, and yes I know about the freedom of information act. I am an adult now and when I originally wrote this I was like 15 or 16 I can't remember. A lot of the details are changed for what I want to do with this book and/or dramatic effect. I still enjoy reading and writing these stories because I miss Teen Wolf and The Maze Runner. So please DM me if you feel the need but please don't be rude. Thank you so much and thank you for reading I appreciate all the love. :)*

113.7K 14 2.8K
Stiles Crossovers

What the title says Basically Stiles being a badass bitch and the pack being fuck heads

542.1K 86 9.1K

What if the younger sister of Thor and Loki comes to Beacon Hills? She's faced with monsters and the supernatural. But what if she falls in love with a human, sarcastic,goofy boy? Is that so crazy?-STARTS IN SEASON 3-

435.3K 46 9.7K
Watching His Life (Stydia)

I have lived many lifes under different names. And i made a name for my self. Whether Stiles Stilinski, Thomas or Mitch Rapp. Not many know the real me and i am fine with that. I have gained and lost family but never found who my real parents are but i am fine with that too. Hope Mikaelson never new she had a twin brother since the witches erased his memories from her parents. However she is determined to find out who he is and connect with him, after all she was the big sister and was now her role to protect her little brother. No matter the cost and all her family agreed with her as well.Lydia has been worried for Stiles since he hasn't seen him in 3 years. The pack think he is dead and have stooped looking for him. But she knows he is not dead. Its stiles and he is a fighter, she knows that he is alive. Most in the pack tell her to move on but she wont, she loves him and will not give him up. The survivors are worried for Thomas they have been trying get in contact with him. They are family, but he needed space after loosing his friend, his brother Newt. They haven't seen him or header of him for over one year.Agent Coulson - Stilinski has been looking for his missing nephew for three years now. The smart kid he used to look after during some summers. Many told him to stop the search , that after such a long time he would be dead, but he knows better, he knows the kid, and he knows that he is not so easily killed and that he is alive.

82K 13 1.2K
Searching For You (TW/TMR Fusion)

TEEN WOLF/THE MAZE RUNNER FUSIONWICKED was an illegal organisation which captured teenagers and used them for experimentation. Thomas, Teresa, Newt, Minho and the rest of the Gladers had just escaped from the Maze and were facing a mind-controlled Gally when a bunch of people burst in and arrested the Creators. In the commotion, the Gladers were separated and each had the memory-wipes reversed. The Gladers were sent to their respective families and were prevented from meeting with each other again. Now, Stiles was struggling to cope with everything that had happened while feeling increasingly irritated with how his friends and family were treating him as though he was going to break any second. He missed the Gladers.Will he ever find them again? Can he heal before losing himself? Warnings: Allusions to PTSD, mentions of character death.Also, this story will contain SLASH. You have been warned. Don't like, don't read.Pairing: Thomas/Newt - Endgame. Past Stiles/Derek

168.8K 16 4.5K
Stiles or Thomas? (TW meets TMR)

Stiles goes missing because of the Ghost riders but what happens when they transport Stiles to the Maze Runner universe by accident. Giving him his old body and memories back. Stiles becomes Thomas once again. The rest of the pack have to figure out how to get him back not only to their universe but also get Stiles back. No one said it would be easy especially when Thomas has started a relationship was Newt. Could Derek get his mate back or will Stiles choose to stay as Thomas.

10.9K 11 224
A Call From Newt

When in class doing a presentation Stiles accidentally accepts a Skype from Newt. Now what Scott doesn't even now Stiles is bi let alone all the WICKED shit. And what happens when Newt mentions suicide.

3.8K 1 89 Full
Seeing the Memories

For pack bonding Deaton casted a spell (I'm making him a fucking witch deal with it lol) which allows the pack to see each person best and worst memories. Stiles was up first but this was a time no one knew about.The people here are in the pack are the following:Scott, Stiles, Derek, Isaac, Peter, Liam, Jackson, Danny, Allison, Lydia, Maila, Kira, Erica,Boyd, and the twins.Disclaimer I sadly do not own teen wolf or the maze runner trilogy.

7.6K 1 150 Full
Find Your Anchor - Part 1

15 months after Stiles Stilinski, the boy who runs with the wolves disappeared without a trace. 13 months since WICKED supposedly ended. 1 year since they were happy on the Safe Haven.Now their happiness and comfort is being shattered. By the 'FBI', who is claiming themselves as the 'hero' who is saving the New Gladers.Scott and his pack is not much worried their lost friend, Stiles Stilinski. They had eventually found a new human, Mason Hewitt, for the pack. The pack isn't exactly going along with all of them, but there wouldn't be a difference even if Stiles was here, wouldn't it? Plus, everyone believed that Stiles was, in fact, dead. Even if Lydia Martin, the banshee who predicts the dead, haven't screamed for him. It was obvious that the weak, defenceless human couldn't survive out in this tough world! But for a certain girl, it was not obvious. She still had hope. She reached out, calling his name, never getting the answer back.Thomas and his friends finally passed the test which WICKED had given them. Newt, Minho, Fry, Brenda, Jorge, Aris, Sonya, and Harriet were alive, even though Teresa didn't made it. But Thomas was being weird. He began screaming in middle of the night, sweating. He began to have nightmares, no he couldn't even figiure out if it's a dream. And he's having a strange memories. Killing people. Killing his friends. And werewolves.Then the Gladers move into some town, called Beacon Hills. They never knew how much it would bring. How much it would take.Then a new student arrived. Called Theo Raeken.They never knew, that the girl who was so important to the Asian Kitsune, was alive. And that she was not herself anymore.They never knew, that the 'supposedley ended' organization was still alive and well, bloodthirsty for revenge.They never knew, that the new student would bring Chaos. Chaos that has once came upon them, killing them, suffocating them.They never knew how much it would bring. How much it would take.

4.6K 26 179
My Music Taste ;)

So this book is kind of a list of the songs I loove to listen to and also the lyrics are available aand the video clip! Length? - as long as it gets (let's find out)Wishes? - 1) It'd be really cool if you voted the songs you like so to see which songs are more popular among you guys :) and which ones you don't prefer.. and - 2) I'd really like it if you commented on the songs telling me why you like it or if maybe you have connected it with some memory of yours.. or even to who you would wanna dedicate this song ;) .. or I don't know.. any of your thoughts! :)

3.8K 171 553
The Mystery of Mieczyslaw Thomas Stilinski... or is it Winchester

Stiles Stilinksi isn't a mystery. In fact, he's the opposite. Mieczyslaw Thomas Winchester on the other hand... Well, no one knows he exists. No one knows Stiles' real name--except maybe the Sheriff. No one knows Thomas--or, at least, not yet. No one knows about the third Winchester John never mentioned--except maybe Dean. No one knows Mieczyslaw Thomas Winchester inside out. Except, maybe... Me. I feel like it's time the mystery ended. It's time for everyone to know the truth, even if it means disrupting the timeline in the process. For the mystery to be completely unraveled, they need to not only know the truth, but see the future. Besides, what good is shattering everyone's opinion on the poor kid, if you're not going to fix some of everyone's mistakes on the way?

5.1K 3 103
Stiles or thomas? || Stiles/Thomas harem

It's been a year since stiles has returned from being missing, and 2 years since he's gone missing. He refuses to answer anyone's questions on what happened, but it's obvious it was something very traumatizing, some people still think he ran away, others think he was kidnapped, and some think he went willingly but something bad happened that wasn't planned after leaving. It took stiles about 5 months to get used to being called stiles, and even now sometimes he doesn't reply so you can say it was a surprise when a new group of "Troubled" kids come to town the one day stiles is absent and ask for him, calling him "thomas", and even weirder when the cops show up the next day with said kids looking for stiles... Either way stiles harem NEEDS to find out what the fuck is going on.Or, I decided don't see enough stiles/thomas harem stories so I decided to make my own, and it's about stiles coming back but never being the same. ships included(that include stiles/thomas or thomas/stiles):Stiles/thomas x Scott/ScilesStiles/thomas x jackson/Stacksonstiles/thomas x Jordan/Starrishstiles/thomas x theo/SteoStiles/thomas x derek/sterekStiles/thomas x issac/Stisaacstiles/Thomas x Liam/StiamThomas/stiles x minho/Thominhothomas/stiles x newt/NewtmasAris x thomas thomas/stiles x gally/"thalby"(according to google)(Slightly one-sided at first) Stiles/Thomas x danny/"stanny"(according to google)(Platonic⚠️more like a brotherly relationship but they playfully flirt(mostly chuck) to piss off thomas/stiles simps⚠️) Thomas/stiles x chuck/"Chomas"(according to google)(One-sided) stiles/Thomas x malia/Stalia(One-sided) Stiles/Thomas x lydia/Stydia(One sided) Thomas/stiles x Brenda/"Trenda"(according to google)(One-sided) Thomas/stiles x Teresa/Thomesa(One-sided) Peter x stiles/Steter(I ship it but I know it pissed alot of people off so none of that ship in this story)

496 1 15
The Stranger in the Mirror - TMR/TW

People are disappearing from the safe haven, it started in sets of three but only grew from there. When Minho vanished people gave up. It was only after Minho was gone that Thomas figured out what was happening...But at that point, there was nothing he could do to stop it.As the world faded around him he didn't know what was happening. As he woke up he was sure of one thing... They weren't in the safe haven anymore.I own my plot but the characters belong to the creators of Teenwolf and The Maze Runner.

508 3 24