Search: teamrocketjames
17 stories
It's Not Rocket Science [James x Reader]

James washes ashore just outside of Ambrette Town in Kalos after yet another blastoff, only this time he is alone. What will he do when you find him? How will he fare without his best friends Meowth and Jessie? Will his Loyalty stay with Team Rocket, or will he develop his own Morals and Ideals for a better life?Read this book to find out!

49.4K 6 1.4K Full
𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥 | Drew Starkey

𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 a young girl makes her way to the big screen and gets casted in netflix's show outer banks and slowley falls inlove with her co-star.

381 6 17

Freddy and Monty are in the high school Monty is a new student all the kids bully him Freddy tries to help Monty Monty has feelings for Freddy Monty don't know Freddy is straight or gay Monty wants to hang out with Freddy more trying to make him fall in love with them or like him more Monty wants to go prom with Freddy but all the girls want Freddy Freddy was the cutest and hottest bear in the school Monty tries to get Freddy but all the girls tried to get him first everybody's cool still bullies Monty at Freddy's not around him or Freddy's Friends one day Freddy got called by the police telling him there was a plan b one of the cool kids Freddy thinks he don't know to do it or not Freddy did found a envelope in his locker and it's Helen to go up to the roof right away for the roof waiting for who is the secret lover Freddy and Monty will have a future or not Monty things if someone new Monty like Freddy everybody will bully him more Monty thinks in the head Freddy has feelings for someone tell one of his friends they tell him to do it and ask them go to the prom with them Freddie agree with that but Freddy found a love envelope and he's locker thinking who will be his lover for prom Monty tries to ask Freddy but he gets nervous and he thinks Freddy's won't like him back Monty will choose someone else for prom if they will go with them but no one didn't Monty feel sad as he stand on top of the roof hearing a door behind him Monty expected to be the bullies to hurt Monty a lot Monty they got fun of on the prom Freddy did hurt Monty Freddy did save Monty's life baby at school things Freddy and Chica look like a cute couple Monty hears us and he feels sad as his heart drop no one will like Monty Monty found a love letter and his locker then Freddy and Monty was top of the roof fishing the truth and the feelings Monty is the first one to lean but he don't know Freddy is the one for Monty,

902 17 46
The Squad With BTS

BTS are going to be in the squad

152 7 6
Kinda Like Rocket Science || James Love Story

At the age of 10, Charity selflessly put aside the wonders of her own Pokemon Journey to care for her 6 younger siblings. For almost 9 years, she's been the one that has nurtured them and sent them off to pursue the beloved world of Pokemon. But when her youngest sibling finally leaves the house, Charity decides that after all these years, it's her turn to have an adventure. Follow Charity as she travels the region and meets new Pokemon, new friends, and even stumbles upon a Shakespearean romance with a member of Team Rocket. Now that sounds like rocket science!

59 3 1
My Overprotective Boyfie {Jadine Fanfiction}

11.6K 9 306
Adora's Love Story {Bigi Jackson FanFict}

The Highschool Senior Adora's Bestfriend Lynn is dating her(Adora's) crush Bigi. Since Adora is such a good friend, She never admitted to having a crush on her bestfriends man. Adora doesnt want to ruin anything. BUT Lynn is also cheating on Bigi with his bestfriend Tristan. Yes Adora knows this but she promised Lynn she would never tell Bigi. Do you think Adora will keep her promise?

1.5K 5 39

build ay na love are first sight sa kaibigan ng kanya art designer ang kanya hilig.masayahin at kyut piro sa likod ng ngiti meron siya dun naman nakatago ang isang dark side niya na kapag meron siya gusto kukunin niya kahit lahat hamakin kahit kaibigan pa niya masira.lumalabas na siya kontrabeda sa relasyon ng iba. ang pagkakaibigan meron sila Us at build ay nasira sa isang lalaki na si build ang gumawa kaya hanggan sa pagtanda nila enemy friend sila dalawa na hindi magbabago pa..

168 9 6

The Surface Treatment Solutions Market for Aviation MRO to reach $750.1 million by 2030 at a CAGR of 4.7% during 2023-2030.

1 1 0
FNAF: Security Breach Smuts

A collection of juicy shots written by yours truly! Security Breach is by far my favorite game in the entire FNaF game franchise, and when scrolling through a bunch of... *ahem* suggestive content on Twitter, I got the idea to write this! I hope you guys enjoy it too!Warning: this books contains scenes not suitable for anyone under the age of 18! Reader discretion is advised!Enjoy, superstars!💫

287 1 9
Surface Treatment Solutions Market for Aviation MRO

According to this latest publication from Meticulous Research®, the surface treatment solutions market for aviation MRO is projected to reach $750.1 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 4.7% from 2023-2030.

1 1 0
They Need You I Need You

A story about a girl named Atlantis Vera who moves to California and meets Hunter Rowland and must find a way save him from stopping what he loves.

39 2 0
Vampyr 22

Han vaknade och såg sig omkring. I rummet fanns tända stearinljus i ljusstakar och kistor och bilden på den döda glamrockstjärnan. Hans flickvän hade vaknat och sträckte på sig sömndrucken. Hans långa hår var lockigt och hans blå ögon glimmade i mörkret. Han log och kysste henne och de vandrade ut i natten i New orleans. Hon viskade se där och vampyrer kom mot dem i droskor dragna av svarta hästar. De hoppade in och körde ut i natten med de andra vampyrerna. De presenterade sig. Jag heter Jean Louis de Bartelac och är vampyr. Jag har varit det i fem århundraden nu. Han log och såg spöklikt blek ut i månskenet. Det här är min syster Miranda som också är vampyr. Vi överlever på råttor, fåglar, människoblod. Vi vill introducera er till stadens överhuvud inom vampyrklanerna innan vi letar offer. Hans svarta hår var lockigt och hans gröna ögon glimmade mystiskt. Hans systers bruna hår hängde till axlarna. Vi var döende i pesten, när vår skapare kom och räddade oss. Han sänkte oss i en dvala lik döden och vi vaknade odöda. Han är nu stadens överhuvud inom vampyrklanerna och den du ska träffa angående ditt arv. Hans syster log och visade huggtänderna. De log tillbaka och de körde till deras skapare, Christian de Lanfont.

9 1 1
The Forest

Jack and his friends Charlie, Amro and Noah have to make an incredible journey though the infamous 'Forest' to destroy the evil WorldEater Crystal. Will they make knew friends or foes on their adventure...

40 3 2
Na krilih duše

PRINCESA, POPOTNICA ALI UBEŽNICA. NI VEČ POMEMBNO. SAMO ŠE ŽIVLJENJE IN NJENA NALOGA, DA PREŽIVI.Zoe je sedemnajstletna princesa, njena starša pa sta cesar in cesarica mogočnega imprerija Orlan. Zmeraj se je najbolje razumela s svojo najmlajšo sestro Lilith, vendar pa tudi njej ni zaupala svoje največje skrivnosti. Ima namreč samo pol duše, saj je, takoj, ko se je rodila umrla, zaradi strele, ki je treščila v njeno telo. Zdaj si dušo deli z mogočno ptico, ki je umrla v istem trenutku, tako da ju je strela zvezala, kot še ni bilo zvezano drugo živo bitje že od zelo dolgo v preteklosti. Ampak svet kakršnega je poznala se kaj hitro sesuje, ko ji umorijo starše, sama pa je prisiljena pobegniti v najbolj neobljudene predele Orlana. Je znana ubežnica in izgleda, da nima več kam kamor bi se skrila. Magija je v kraljestvu prepovedana, kar pa ne koristi preveč, saj je nobeno živo bitje že stoletja ni posedovala. Zoe se odloči, da bo pot nadaljevala do Meglenih otokov, saj obstajajo govorice, da zečetki magije izvirajo iz tam. Ampak pravo vprašanje je: Sta s Thunder edini, ki imata samo pol duše?

18 1 6