Search: studyabroadforindianstudentsfree
842 stories
Not A Temporary Love | Finley & Harlyn #1

2023 WATTY'S SHORTLISTWhen Finley Bowers decided to study abroad in England, he wasn't expecting to fall in love. But when Harlyn Evans shows up in his life, he brings a whole lot of goodness - and chaos - with him.***Finley Bowers has always done what everyone expects of him. But the last few years have been rough, and he's decided to make his own decisions instead of what everyone else wants him to do. The first step is to get out of his tiny town and study in England for the semester with his best friend, Max. Little did he know three short months would change his whole life.Harlyn Evans is really good at taking care of everyone else. He's not as good at taking care of himself. And after a long semester of too many work hours, piles of schoolwork, and his family's host student freezing him out, he's wary when the new host student, Max, moves in for the term. But Max and his best friend draw him in in ways he never expected.As Finley and Harlyn get closer and try to figure out their feelings for each other, the end of the semester and Finley's return to the states looms in the distance. What will their future hold?COMPLETED: June 14, 2023SMALL EDITS MADE: July 6, 2023

45.5K 37 1.6K Full
The Philocalist 〰 ♡ 〰 Volume One

PhilocalistNoun. lover of beauty; someone who finds beauty in all things."Officer Lopez, you get our legacy and our study abroad rook""then who did?" "you wanna talk about potential, think about your other boot""and we've got the best rookie marksman""... and now this... I can't-..."

64.8K 21 2.1K Full
A Koala Called Kent - A Robert Irwin Story

Clemence (Nessie) is a student from Boston, Massachusetts. She's studying abroad in Australia and has the opportunity to volunteer at the famous Australia zoo where she immediately becomes best friends with Bindi Irwin, Steve Irwin's legendary daughter. Nessie takes on the challenge of hand rearing a sick Koala joey that was found by the animal rescue team at the side of the road after being hit by a car. She only has three months to turn his world around. But that isn't the only thing that happens in her three months at the zoo. Bindi's younger brother Robert is also working in the animal hospital and seems to have taken a strong liking to Nessie. Can Robert over come his nerves and tell her how he feels or will she return to America without ever knowing he had feelings for her? Can the joey survive? Can Bindi and Nessie remain friends despite Roberts involvement?Come and join the Irwins at Australia Zoo to find out!

158.5K 30 2.2K Full
IELTS Guide & Tips - Academic Module

Dewan M.I. Mukto wrote this book to help people aggressively "rip and tear" down their fears and confusions about IELTS and to help others reach their destinations and to mend IELTS candidates' confidence.Dewan Mukto himself had scored an overall band of 8.5 on his IELTS exam on December 2019. This fueled his appetite to kickstart a non-profit website that provides free resources for everyone's benefit.A student read this book's manuscript version and victoriously achieved an overall score of 8.0 on February 2021. You can, too!🏆 Book rankings as of 8th September 2023 :#1 in "IELTS" (out of 1,200+)#154 in "Non-Fiction" (out of 46,900+)#20 in "Exam" (out of 5,300+)#72 in "Advice" (out of 13,600+)#93 in "Guide" (out of 12,800+)#67 in "Test" (out of 9,100+)#92 in "Study" (out of 10,100+)#49 in "Practice" (out of 4,600+)#14 in "StudyAbroad" (out of 600+)Thank you for bringing success home for this free book! ⭐

2.2K 12 54 Full
Out of Bounds

(Completed) Santana is a college student, studying abroad with her best friend Quinn. She's never been on her own and has always had someone controlling her every move. When she meets Brittany, her point of view starts to change and everything she's been taught is questioned. (Self Discovery type of story) ...Brittana/ Faberry

39K 17 746 Full
To This Day

When Sydney Sherwood was thirteen, she fell in love. She was utterly enamoured with Carter Pearson - the cute, enigmatic, brilliant fourteen year old who lived across the street. But, after only a few months, Carter and his family disappeared, leaving behind a 'House For Sale' sign and one broken-hearted girl.Six years later, Sydney is beginning a year abroad at Yale University, over 3000 miles from her home in England. A chance at a blank slate, a leap into the unknown. That is, until she stumbles across Carter himself in line at a campus coffee shop.They're half the world away from where they met and just as far from the people they used to be. But sometimes, it seems, the universe has a plan of its own. And for Sydney and Carter, that means their story isn't over yet, whether they like it or not.[#1 Contemporary / #8 Chick Lit / #10 Teen Fiction / #67 Fiction / #81 Romance]

228.8K 17 6.7K Full

"Daada, Maama; Did I for once told you what I want? You've always chosen what to wear for me, what I should eat, where I should go, even the environment I should stay in. Isn't that enough for you to grant my only wish?. It's okay if you don't want to, I might have been a burden on you. I'm sorry," with that, she sprinted to her room, locked it and broke into tears, ignoring their knockings.*"I think I will let you to study abroad,but only under one condition; you have to get married; for I couldn't let you there all by yourself," Daada spoke haltingly, hoping she wouldn't agree, but her answer made his hope vanished."It's okay, Daada, who's the guy? And have you started processing my admission?" She asked, a wide grin plastered on her face, not caring about the marriage thing, she thought it was all a threat."It's Sadeeq, Alhaji Mustapha's son. But he studies in Qatar, that means you will also study there," Daada encapsulated, his face deviod of emotion.Ihsan looked up at Daada, and wanted to bellow out the words, but they came out as a whisper " mean Sadeeq? He's just 19 years old. How would I marry him? Who will take care of who? Uhm Daada?" She slurred, tears rolling down her cheeks."He is. And would take good care of your health. What's there in marrying him? Isn't he a man?" Daada inquired."There is; it's just a one year gap between us. And he isn't a man in my eyes," she reprimanded and broke into tears._____What would happen to Ihsan? Would she agree on studying abroad? Fighting for her health, at the same time marrying the guy she looks down onto? As she would always avow "It'sjust a one year gap."It would be a hilarious roller coaster ride. Tag along.Your's always__AYSHATOU.

204.5K 13 8K Full
||ℭ𝔬𝔫𝔰𝔱𝔲𝔩𝔱 : 𝔙𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔶 ℌ𝔬𝔫𝔤 𝔵 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔯

Constult: to act stupidly or foolish together."You know they say the line between love and hate is thin I think I realized that a while ago when I fell for you" she confessed."What a horrible way to admit your feelings, I guess I love you too" he playfully scoffed."WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GUESS!?" she yelled .-in which a girl who always stuck to the plan that was laid out for her finds herself slowly breaking apart from the path her mother set finding her freedom in a cold hearted boy--in which a boy who's only interest involve food, money, fighting, and biking found interest in a girl who's stupidly running away from her problems instead of facing them.-Disclaimer I do not own any of the Windbreaker characters I only own y/n and and other OC's with that you may take it as you will .

10.4K 26 460
A Full Moon Curse

Lucy Chen is a witch burdened with a generational curse that prevents anyone loving her past the next full moon. To protect her heart from any more pain, she casts a spell on herself so that she can never fall in love again. Unfortunately, that heart binding spell proves to be no match for the feelings that Lucy starts to develop for Officer Tim Bradford. If only she wasn't cursed, she'd be thrilled by the way she's falling in love with him.Alternative Universe

8.7K 25 329 Full
Summer in Scotland (Prince Harry #1)

Prince Harry spends his summer away from the public eye. He's trying to clean up his image. No longer will he be known as the Party Prince or Spare. He wants to be known as Harry. And a summer in Scotland away from the eyes of the world will be good for him. But after going to a party and meeting a certain girl who is studying abroad, will he be thrown back into the public eye? Will his new found "good boy" image go bad? And what of this girl? What makes her so special and different? Well, Harry wants to find out too. Don't forget to comment and vote. Check out my other Prince Harry fanfics too! Harry, if you ever read this (I doubt you ever will), my apologies. It may not be great or even nice, but I tried. Have a nice life.

364.4K 67 6.7K Full
What if Tim and Lucy both had kids

In the heart of bustling Los Angeles, Lucy Chen, a determined rookie cop, and her seasoned training officer, Tim Bradford, navigate the challenges of single parenthood while forging an unexpected friendship. Little do they know, their children, Theodore (Theo) and Josephine (Josy), are forming a deep bond of their own. Despite their age difference, 14-year-old Theo and soon-to-be-13 Josy share a unique connection, both excelling academically and finding solace in each other's company. As Theo and Josy grow closer, their friendship blossoms from simple study sessions to an unbreakable bond.

5.3K 11 129
The Fifth Marauder |Sirius Black (BOOK 1)

Sirius Black only thought of two things during his 12 years in Azkaban: his innocence, and his wife. Remus Lupin only had the company of one woman after the First Wizarding War, his best friend. The fifth marauder, the twin sister to their best friend, James Potter. But who is she? And why is she so important to Sirius and Remus? This is her story.The story of the fifth marauder and how she changed their lives.

807.8K 71 20.3K Full
Grindelwald's Burden (Books 1-7)

Y/n Grindelwald is boy born into a powerful but feared wizarding family. At the age of 11 he has received his invitation to learn magic at the famous Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What awaits this boy in his seven school years? Unceremoniously boring studies? Or will his friendship with a certain trio drag him into dangers beyond his imagination...#1 Male Reader 25/03/24#1 Hermione 23/05/24

426.5K 86 22.9K
Marauders One Shots

Can't get these four boys out of my head! Set of one shots in story order preceding the Snape Showdown of fifth year. Definite Jily, slight Sarlene and guest starring Alice, Frank and Dorcas. Enjoy!

84.8K 21 2K Full
Soirée ✶ Sirius Black

𝐒𝐎𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐄; ❝ You have me, you did from the very start. ❞Sirius Black never found anything about pureblood soirée's enjoyable. That was until he laid his eyes upon her. cover by: poetrysonnetsmarauders erasirius black x fem oc𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐤𝟐𝟒

318.7K 29 8.2K Full
Just Take Me Home

Broody tour bus driver Sapnap with greased hair and a Greek accent; Bright tour guide Dream, so American and uncool no matter how long he's lived abroad, leads a group of college students on a tour of Italy in August. All Karl wanted was to enjoy time not spent in his suffocating hometown. All Sapnap wanted was to get the tour over with, like always. But Sapnap finds he can't stay away from Karl... and Karl figured Italy would be the perfect place for a summer fling. Karlnap AU with a lil DNF. Ft. Quackity <3-.-"In case you missed it last night, my name is Dream and this is..." Dream held the microphone to Sapnap's mouth."Sapnap.""I'm from Florida, but took a gap year to come to Europe. When I made it to Italy, I fell in love and just never left," Dream explained before holding the mic to Sapnap's mouth again."I am from Greece. I lived there then moved here. I am Greek, he is American, so naturally, we are the best people to show you around Italy."It was then Sapnap first heard the bright laugh that cut through any room, any conversation. His eyes flicked up to see the boy, Karl, who had chuckled at his joke just this very morning. Sapnap tore his eyes away just as the boy met his gaze.

288 10 1 Full
The Marauders: Year Three | #Wattys2016

Third Year promises to be the most exciting yet as James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter decide to live up to their title as the Marauders of Hogwarts. Prepare for laughs and tears as they work on becoming Animanguses (it's Animagi!) and keeping their friends and families safe from the Dark Lord's ever growing forces...Be sure to start from the beginning with The Marauders: Year One! (

3.4M 120 164K Full
All For One's Successor

Most of people would think that being son of no.1 hero AllMight must be like dream, but none of them would guess what nightmare it can really be. This is story of Izuku Midoriya, who lived in that nightmare. Or atleast was, until man in black suit found him and revealed secret that was hidden for years.(I don't own anything ex story)

311.4K 35 5.8K Full
Maximizing Your Study Abroad Experience: Tips for Indian Students in Australia

Maximize your study abroad experience in Australia! Discover tips for Indian students, including academic strategies, building a social network, exploring the country, managing finances, and prioritizing health. Learn from overseas education consultants and real-life experiences to make the most of your Australian adventure.

2 1 0
Dripping Ink [Bendy X Reader]

It was nothing but a dreadful demon that lead me to this godforsaken studio. A demon that only casted fear upon us all. Ink drips down these walls all day and it makes me sick. Depressing whispers fill all rooms to only give me the feeling of uneasiness. But I knew I couldn't go. I knew I was destined to be here. I, (Y/N) (L/N), knew that the Ink demon needed me. And that's the reason I came....(This is a Bendy X Female!Reader. And I don't own batim).-Also this was my first story so don't take it too seriously. Started: 8th July 2020Ended: 12th February 2021

116.5K 67 3.1K Full
Unraveled - A Harry Styles Fan Fiction

Jordan has everything figured out. After getting out of a long relationship and fresh off the plane on her year studying abroad, she is ready to let loose and start living her life her way. That is, until she crosses paths with bad boy Harry Styles, a misunderstood bad boy with a temper and a strange obsession with sweet, studious Jordan. Will Jordan's abroad experience live up to everything she hoped it would, or will it take a turn for the worse?

317 13 13

Paul was studying abroad to be a librarian, he got his dream job; work study at the library. He thought it was a dream, until it became a nightmare.

44 7 1 Full
Studying in Australia: A Comprehensive Guide

Australia is a well-liked study abroad location for students from throughout the world. The nation provides several options for education, including undergraduate and graduate degrees in a range of disciplines.

5 1 0 Full
Nick and Grace true love book 1

Nick is new in town and moves in next to Grace who lives in grey house

95.4K 16 990 Full

Izuku Midoriya had always been interested in Quirks. He loved studying them and discussing them with his father. It was due to this interest in Quirks that he found a fascination with Heroes and becoming one when he grows up, much to the chagrin of his father and brother, who had tried everything to make Izuku change his mind.His dream school? UA High. The same school his idol and favorite hero, All Might had graduated from.But unbeknownst to him, he belongs to a family of villains. Can he really be a hero?-03/13/2020 - 03/20/2021(Oct. 9, 2021 500k reads)(Jan. 1, 2022 700k reads)Status: On-GoingEVENTS:• First Day (Ch. 1 - 3)• Battle Trial (Ch. 4 - 5)• USJ Incident (Ch. 6 - 12)• Sports Festival (Ch. 13 - 21)• Hosu Incident (Ch. 22 - 33)• Final Exams (Ch. 34 - 39)• Training Camp (Ch. 40 - 55)• Kamino Incident (Ch. 56 - 65)• Hisashi's Return (Ch. 66 - 70)• Super Move Development (Ch. 71 - 76)• Provisional Hero License Exam (Ch. 77 - 83)• Hero Work-Studies I Prologue (Ch. 84 - 96)• Nighteye Agency Internships (Ch. 97 - 115)• Hassai Organization Raid (ch. 116 - 128)-Inspired by From Muddy Waters by AO3@HLine and Stolen Chances by [email protected] art by [email protected]*Izuku Midoriya has All for One.*Izuku and Tomura are brothers.

883.6K 130 35.9K Full