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There are millions of eye colors in the world of Pacata Societate, each special and different in the slightest of ways. Except each eye color, one set of eyes, has a twin, one other set of eyes, and that is the only other set of eyes with the same exact color as the first set of eyes in the entire world. These two sets of eyes belong to a person of each gender, the old saying in Pacata Societate goes, "Those without a match are those unworthy of love, and everyone is worthy of love." meaning that every one set of eyes has a match. The color of a person's eyes decides their fate, it decides their job, and it decides their spouse, the person with the matching set of eyes. The people of Pacata Societate believe that the male is the dominant human, so when he is born he is sorted into a Sector, the higher number the Sector the better the living arrangements and jobs, the lower the number the lesser the living arrangements and the lesser the working conditions, and the middle numbers are the Sectors containing the decent enough living arrangements and jobs. If you have a common eye color (blue and brown) you are sorted into the higher Sectors, if you have an eye color that is common, but not as common (hazel and green) you are sorted into the middle Sectors, and if you have uncommon eye colors (anything that isn't brown, blue, hazel, or green) you are sorted into the lower Sectors. Your Eye Match (the other person with the same eye colors) is put in the same house as you as babies, you are cared for until you are eight and then both you and your Eye Match are sent off to school and work, where you begin to fend for yourself, and when the male turns ten the caretakers leave and the male and female are left to work and take care of themselves. There is no set of eyes that does not have a match, at least, there wasn't, but then Kamaria was born.

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Thou Shalt Eat Dust

Have you ever felt punished for being who you are and for who you dare to love?From the Amazon Best Selling author of Ruby Sanders and Jared Anderson comes the contemporary love story Thou Shalt Eat Dust.Elizabeth Widenhammer has vowed to never give love a second chance after her beloved husband of thirty years, Charles, suffered an agonizing death from prostate cancer.Frank Davis, recently elected to a second term as Mayor of Chicago, is finding life difficult after the death of his beloved wife Julia from breast cancer.Both Elizabeth and Frank are dealing with the death of a spouse and the loss of life as they once knew it. Both are drowning in grief, but a chance meeting in Phoenix, during a rare dust storm known as a Haboob, sparks a renewed interest in life and love for both Elizabeth and Frank.The only problem with these two being in love is that no one wants them to be in love, at least, not with each other.Will love survive and conquer all, or will politics, family mistrust, and jealousy win out?

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Sylvan and Ronet: A Series of One-Shots

The two boys had been partners for a project in high school, and that was how they got to know each other. Sylvan thought Ronet was absolutely fascinating, while Ronet thought that Sylvan was too confident and a bit of a show off. Nonetheless, Ronet grew to like the vivacious, happy-go-lucky boy. At this time, both Ronet and Sylvan had mistakenly believed that Sylvan was a girl.One day, Ronet left school and cut off contact from everyone, including Sylvan, for unknown reasons. Several years later, when the two boys were in their early twenties, Sylvan chanced to meet Ronet again at a group for LGBT+ youth. As Sylvan had changed in both name and looks, he revealed himself to Ronet, and told Ronet that he was actually a trans boy, as well as bisexual. Ronet in turn told Sylvan that he was gay, which did not surprise Sylvan.As the boys got to spend more time together, Sylvan began to develop passionate and tender feelings for his long-lost friend. But he feared rejection, because Ronet had first known him as a girl, and Ronet was gay. All Sylvan's fears disappeared when Ronet confessed his love to Sylvan. However, while Sylvan was elated beyond measure, he worried that Ronet was only momentarily dazzled by the luckiness of their reunion. But Ronet reassured him that his love was real, and that it was more than obvious to Ronet that Sylvan was a boy. So why need Sylvan worry about being trans?This is a collection of one-shot episodes in Sylvan and Ronet's relationship, spanning all the way from when the pair were classmates, friends, then lovers, and finally spouses! These episodes are not in chronological order, and not all of them take place in a contemporary setting. There will be an author's note to introduce each episode.

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The Cruel Regalia

His hands glided over her satin dress until he was pulling her even closer to him. "I have the bad feeling you will pretend this never happened," he whispered, one hand going to the back of her neck. "But having you like this and not doing anything is pure torture." Before Eleonor could register his words, he tightened his grip and pulled her flush against him. Eleonor's heart was racing in her chest, the alcohol probably being the only thing making her brave or stupid enough to close her eyes. Grayson didn't waste a second, kissing her as soon as her lids fell shut. She could feel his hand tracing her hips, pressing her against him as if he were trying to get even closer. Their lips meshed together, a sigh leaving her mouth before she could suppress it. Grayson tasted like the drink they both had and the bad decisions they took. _________________________________In a kingdom where high society is a glittering façade that masks the harsh reality for its women, Eleonor, the fierce daughter of Duke Fairdal, is forced to attend the academy for young ladies. Twice a year the season's ball takes place where young nobles are expected to find a spouse and secure their future through a noble marriage. Amidst the glittering lights and elegant dances, she meets a captivating stranger whose dark allure and promise of freedom leave her breathless. But the evening takes a deadly turn when tragedy strikes, plunging the kingdom into chaos.As Eleonor is swept away by the ruthless suitor, she finds herself ensnared in a perilous bargain. To win her freedom, she must navigate the treacherous court of a rival kingdom, posing as the fiancée of a man she barely knows but whose touch ignites a dangerous feeling within her.In a world where power is the ultimate prize and loyalty is a rare commodity, Eleonor must unravel the secrets of her captor's court, all while guarding her own heart. Will love bloom amidst the shadows, or will their dark natures destroy them both?

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Penitent heart

In the aftermath of a tragic accident, Delilah's world is forever changed by the loss of her beloved husband, Nathen. As she navigates the treacherous waters of grief and loss, she finds herself locked in a battle against the overwhelming sorrow that threatens to consume her. This sorrow has blinded her to the world as it once was, leaving her to grapple with the complexities of her emotions alone. Not only is Delilah struggling with the loss of Nathen, but she is also dealing with the grudge Nathen's family deeply holds against her for the loss of their son. The family's resentment further complicates her already daunting journey. Nathen was the only person who ever truly gave Delilah a chance and loved her for who she was. Losing him was a devastating blow, made all the more difficult by the fact that Delilah had already lost her parents years before. With no one left to turn to, Delilah was left feeling lost and alone. Despite everything she was going through, Delilah refused to give up hope. She knew that Nathen would want her to keep fighting, and she was determined to honor his memory by doing just that. The subsequent mental and physical abuse she endured at the hands of Nathen's family only compounded her suffering. Nevertheless, Delilah remained resolute in her determination to find a way to heal and to move forward, no matter how difficult the journey might be.DISCLAIMER:I do not often edit any chapters before published so if there are any mistakes please bear with me .

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To je asi všechno

Bylo slunečné páteční odpoledne. Nádherný, přenádherný letní den a zrovna začaly letní prázdniny. Ulicemi se rozléhalo radostné pokřikování studentů, kteří si navzájem sdělovali své plány na prázdniny, všechno, co musí během prázdnin stihnout a navzájem se podporovali ve svých nových nápadech, jak nejlépe využít tolika volného času. Sebastien Hook přišel domů tak, jako vždy a to sice pozdě večer. Měl za sebou náročný den v práci, když se pohádal se svým kolegou a ještě ke všemu musel sedět v kanceláři o tři hodiny déle, než u něj bylo obvyklé. Unaveně odemykal dveře od svého malého, moderně vybaveného baráčku a udělal si šálek kafe, přičemž si z aktovky vybalil veškeré důležité dokumenty, které si chtěl ještě dnes důkladně, avšak v klidu projít. Přišlo mu zvláštní, že je v domě takové ticho, nehraje žádná hudba, ani televize, stejně tak ho ani jeho milovaná dcera Blaise nevítala srdečnými úsměvy a dokonce ho ani neobdařila milým pozdravem. Nemohl si také nevšimnout toho, že se domem nelinula vůně palačinek a výtečného ovocného koláče, což byla u Blaise již tradičním pokrmem každý pátek.Celá situace mu přišla podezřelá.Vyběhl nahoru po úzkém točitém schodišti a když se dostal k pokoji své dcery, zdvořile zaklepal. Když se dlouho nikdo neozval, usoudil, že Blaise pravděpodobně spí anebo ho neslyší, protože má už zase na uších sluchátka. Nebyl si jist a tak po chvíli opatrně vešel bez vyzvání do pokoje. Ztuhl. Rozklepal se. Byl v šoku. Naskytl se mu pohled, kterého by neměl být člověk nikdy v životě svědkem a to ani v té nejhorší noční můře.Jeho jediná dcera, jeho největší poklad, ležela nehybně na posteli, do půli těla přikryta bavlněnou dekou. Její zářivě bílá košile byla skrz na skrz prosáknuta čerstvou krví. Kolem byla spousta krve, podlaha i zeď, vše bylo

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Buy Magic Mushrooms

At we don't just sell magic mushrooms, we give you a customer experience like no other. That's because we love magic mushrooms and through the years have identified the very best high quality shrooms and work with extremely trusted growers to feed our supply chain. And we don't stop there. We go the extra mile to ensure our merchandise get to you safely, discreetly and conveniently.However these mycelium develop kits are bought with a wink, and many people use them to illegally cultivate magic mushrooms, so I queried some on-line mushroom-growing outlaws to see how effectively these grow kits actually work. is classed as a Schedule III substance in Canada beneath the country's Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, 3 meaning promoting magic mushrooms might carry criminal penalties, though possession is legal. What makes Larsen's move so courageous is the truth that psilocybin mushrooms are illegal to own or sell in Canada. buycanadashrooms found in what is colloquially often known as magic mushrooms" is illegitimate in Canada, but Tobin said he has witnessed patients present process psychotherapy really feel calmer and fewer harassed by utilizing the compound. Like many illegal or so-called grey market" dispensaries that operated before cannabis legalization, Larsen says he will solely promote to folks positioned in Canada who present proof of a analysis or a recommendation for psilocybin from a well being-care practitioner. We use solely the best quality psilocybin in all of our products, to ensure our prospects buy magic mushrooms that will satisfy their wants every time. Unlock the mysteries of your brain with the finest collection of magic mushrooms from ShroomDispensary - your online source of psychedelics in Canada.We provide Free Categorical Transport on Orders over $one hundred twenty five.Store on-line now at

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Six ordinary people meet under extraordinary circumstances. Did fate bring them together? Or something much more dangerous? 🔮🛰🗺 "Get up Minnie! We have to get moving if we're going to make it on time!" In response to this rude awakening, the girl sleepily rolled the other way. "Come on, I am not going to miss this because of you!" Charlotte nearly screamed at the tired girl she called her best friend. "Are you kidding me right now, Char? It's two in the morning. I need my beauty sleep," the girl groaned. "Or so help any person who dares to every breath in my direction tomorrow." She then curled up under the covers. Charlotte rolled her eyes at Minnie's classic antics, but smirked nonetheless as she produced a handwritten note. I, Minerva C. Montgomery,Hereby and henceforth promiseTo accompany Miss Charlotte TilnOn Saturday, the 17 of JuneTo where the sunrise at 5:43 amAnd allow you to use my microphone (If necessary) Charlotte triumphantly waved the letter in her friend's face and sauntered down the hall, calling behind her shoulder, "I'll start the kettle!" Minnie begrudgingly slipped into leggings and a comfy hoodie and trudged down the hallway after Charlotte. She all but fell into the kitchen chair and glared at her excited best friend. "Give me sugar." She commanded as she walked back up the stairs to retrieve her beloved ring. Returning downstairs, she was gifted a warm travel mug full of green tea and her phone. "Let me eat first at least, geez." Minnie poured herself a bowl of sugar cereal and began chewing. Char shuddered at the very thought of such a disgustingly sweet breakfast. She had opted for a healthy egg and toast instead. "Let's move, lazy bones." Char scooped up her friend's bowl as she spoke. "We are already cutting it close, it took you half an hour to get ready, Min." Charlotte tisked her. "Now, let's move. We've got an hour and a half of road to burn. Oh, and I brought all the gear." Char announced, and off they went.

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How To Make Nail Polish??

Aug 03, 2022 / Post by by Darshana RathiJust like house paint that you can merge to produce different and unique colors, you can develop your own unique nail polish by mixing different coloring pigments. This allows you to have at your disposal a wonderful line of nail gloss colors that you can wear on your nails for different events.Why not make them as gifts for friends or loved ones, or even think about making your own brand of polishes to sell!You will need the following when you make your nail polish:• Nail topcoat or clear polish• Mineral eyeshadows in any colors you like• Glitter is optional• Paper funnelNow, here are the steps to making your nail polish:1. Pour out a third or a fourth of the range of the nail top coat bottle. This will give you added room for the eyeshadow and/or the glitters you will flow in. By the way, some eyeshadows already come with glitters, so if the colors and the glitters from the eyeshadow already mix, it will save you the problem.2. Improvise a funnel. You can simply get a piece of thick paper. You'll need a different funnel for every color if you're utilizing several shades.3. Make the eyeshadow mix (with or without glitters). Use a knife to scrape the shadow out of the palette onto a plate, and then grind the shadow down as fine as you can. Grinding the eyeshadow thoroughly prevents it from stamping.4. Push the powdered eyeshadow inside the nail topcoat container. If the eyeshadow gets stuck at the bottom of the funnel, you can push it with a toothpick. This can be tricky because you need to be quick enough to push the eyeshadow powder into the bottle to prevent the nail polish brush from drying out.5. Now that you have everything in your mix, simply shake the nail polish receptacle as thoroughly as possible. This will control the nail polish from clumping. Make sure that you try out your mixture as well so that you can adjust the nail class contents.

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Fateful Trysts

"You can't have this." I whisper out with a shaky voice. Damn you brains, get my voice straight this instant. He stares into my eyes with a burning glare, his hands strong against the wall behind me. He inches closer and my legs turn weaker by the minute. My breath hitches in my throat and my eyes close involuntarily. I feel his intoxicating fragrance envelope me and a warm breath against my earlobe. Fyck, he's so close. "Watch me." he whispers, husky, deep, confident. Everything my voice is not. "I am not a trophy, Ahaan." I state clearly, not showing just how much I'm affected. "Don't you dare call yourself that again." He pushes further into me and I clutch his shirt tighter in my fist. I open my eyes and I see so much emotion in his, that it scares me. My eyes turn blurry and I'm so irritated. I don't to want to cry, goddammit I'm supposed to be angry. "You need to leave befo-" "Shut up." My words die in my throat. I push against his chest trying to get him away. I hit it continuously, but he doesn't budge. I pour all of my strength into my arms, shoving them against him, when in reality, I don't really want him to move. "You got to mean it, Sana."I pause and look up, and he looks at me like I'm... enough. And it almost breaks me into surrendering. He moves closer, bringing his face closer, ever so slow, tempting. My heartbeat pumps in my ears and in that moment, I want nothing other than him. He brushes his lips lightly against mine, almost taunting me for what I'm missing on. I'm gonna kill him. "Yes, or no, Sana?"***Bold and beautiful Sana has romanticised romance ever since. Fiery, independent, faithful. Charming and magnetic Ahaan has all but not what he truly desires. Eye candy, passionate, intense. Join Sana and Ahaan as their fateful tryst ufolds amidst fun, friendships and love.

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Tara Collins hates her life. Her boyfriend of two years breaks up with her, and her parents send her away to live with her Aunt. And it all happened because of a birthmark. So, sent to the small town Slaughters, in Kentucky, Tara learns more about herself then she could've ever hoped for. And might even find her soul mate along the way. Filled with love, heart-pounding action, and things that aren't supposed to exist, Shattered is sure to transport you into a whole other world. *Excerpt*"You're mine!" He snarls, bringing his face closer to mine. I suck in a harsh breath, squeezing my eyes closed tightly. Why did he have to be so damn scary?"I'm not yours. You're not my soul mate and you will never be." Of course, it only pissed him off further, but I have to distract him. "No!" He roars. "And you will never be his! You belong to me!" Over dramatic much?"No, I'm pretty sure he's my soul mate. We even had the council confirm it. So, as much as you hate to admit it, I. Am. Not. Yours. You have a soul mate out there somewhere." And I pity her. " But I'm not her." I yell. I'm really starting to feel the cold wall I'm pressed against to. The edges of the tile digging into my back. And I'm pretty sure my feet are blue from being barefoot and standing on the floor. "I only want you!" He screams, slamming his fist down by my head. I don't even blink, but for some unknown reason, rage boils inside of me. "Why? Why do you want me so bad?" I demand. "You really don't see it, do you Tara? Your birthmark? Your name, that is in thousands of books explaining our monarchy? How you look like neither of your parents? God! You think you're normal, when you're-" He is cut off by the door of the cellar flying across the room. I immediately know who it is, even before they speak. "Give me my mate!"

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Lost In The Wilderness: Chapter 1

September 20, 1985 (8:46 A.M.)My name is Charlie and I am a seventeen-year old amateur adventurer. I am going on a road trip by myself to visit my sister Misty; who lives deep in the majestic Rocky Mountains. I have decided that I will write my own journal, who knows, maybe others will read this one day, like my grandchildren or my future wife. I live in Arizona, where it is constantly hot and humid, so it will be nice to visit my sister where it is cooler and not as scorching. I am currently in my motel known as Colorado Roadside, which is just something cheap to rest before I hit the road again.September 20, 1985 (12:35 P.M.)Well, this is great, my car has broken down in the middle of nowhere! Thankfully, it is only midday. I must call Misty to let her know I will be late. I take out my phone frantically, just to find out there is no service here. Let's see what is wrong with my truck. One thing that doesn't help is it's a 1968 Ford F100, which has broken down a few too many times. I slowly lift up the hood, to find it steaming hot. It seems as if the engine has overheated. I spot a tiny light inside of the engine. I look closer, and notice it is a flame! If I don't get out of the way, I will be killed by the explosion! But I can't leave my clothes and items in the truck. I quickly take two of my suitcases out of the truck at random. There is no time to decide which to take. I quickly climb up the mountain and I hear an explosion. I hit the ground, my ears ringing, and see my beloved truck tumbling down the face of the mountain. I feel something tearing my leg, and I glare at a piece of my truck burning straight through my leg. I snatch my water bottle out, tear the cap out and pour the entire bottle onto my leg. I start to feel nauseous and I suddenly black out.

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Casino boss makes pledge to re-residence homeless greyhounds

In Macau, the Managing Director for distinguished local casino operator SJM Holdings Limited has reportedly announced that she is ready to take in each one of the over six hundred greyhounds which can be set to be made homeless by using the forthcoming closure of the Macau Yat Yuen Canidrome Club.According to a report from Macau News, the offer from Angela Leong On Kei got here after local animal rights organization Anima urged the government to take over the greyhound racing facility 우리카지노 for as a minimum a yr as soon as the venue closes from July 20 so that it is able to have time to re-residence the animals remote places.The offer from 56-12 months-antique Leong, who is the fourth spouse of nonagenarian on line casino wealthy person Stanley Ho even as additionally serving as an elected member of Macau's Legislative Council, reportedly got here throughout a Tuesday fitness and safety occasion being held at her company's below-creation Grand Lisboa Palace.SJM Holdings Limited reportedly owns the operator at the back of the closing greyhound racing facility, Macau (Yat Yuen) Canidrome Company Limited, and was ordered in July of 2016 to shutter the venue in the metropolis's northern Fai Chi Kei neighborhood inside years so that the authorities should remodel the website online right into a cultural, leisure, sports and training campus.Leong reportedly declared that her agency's call골드카지노리뷰 골드카지노 become being 'blackened' via unsubstantiated claims that the Macau Yat Yuen Canidrome Club puppies were being mistreated and killed earlier than stating that it had invited members of Anima to check out the racetrack for themselves."I agree with that the puppies are now residing properly and the proprietors of those dogs love and care approximately their dogs," Leong reportedly instructed those assembled on the Grand Lisboa Palace occasion.

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PHOENIX -Book Four Chapter One: Aftermath

Now that the dust has settled and the dead are buried can Cassandra and Silver take over the reins and guide Weavers into a new era? Not everyone is comfortable with their assumption of power and an old enemy lingers, begging the question - are they ready to face the Soul Eater? Find our in PHOENIX, Book Four of the Weaver Series.The Weaver Series** Spoiler alert! **CHIMERA(Book One Super Summary: Cassandra Rainbow is held captive by her parent’s murderers for eight years and is then liberated by an uncle she doesn’t know. Ultimately, she finds out she is a Weaver and has to learn to live with and navigate a vast world of minds, plus accept an unexpected twin while overcoming attempts on her own life.)CHANGELING(Book Two Super Summary: Earth is not alone. Other sentient life across the universe have formed the Galactic Alliance of Sentient Planets. The Rainbows agree to live on Axsa with their Aniy guardian Kal for an unspecified period of time. Will they ever make it back to Earth?)VECTOR(Book Three Super Summary: The Weaver compound is attacked and half destroyed. Traitors reveal themselves and loved ones die. From the rubble of battle those that are struck with grief find strength to journey on. Can evil ever truly be defeated?)This is a work of fiction. Names characters, places and incidents either are the product of my imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.Copyright © 2015 Vaun M MurphreyCover illustration and jacket design by Nathalia SuellenEditing by Todd Barselow and Dr. Susan J. NixFormatting by Author’s HQAuthor photo by Sam NormanAll rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of author rights.ISBN: 978-1508852032

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