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1,900 stories
When love arrives Regules Black

Adriana Moreno thought she knew exactly what Love looked like. Love had been with her ever since first year, Love had blond hair and bright blue eyes, Love played the guitar and knew all her favorite queen songs and didn't mind when she'd splurge out in song. Adriana Moreno though she knew that Love looked like Asher Kaye.But When Love had finally arrived, He was everything Adriana Moreno Had despised.(A Regules Black story)(Inspired by "when love arrives" by Sarah Kaye and Phill kay)

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Indescribable Instinct

Literature meant for the people that need to find a poem or a rant that they can have refuge in. A collection of self-published poems, this story isn't a story at all. It's a book to dig into when you need to find the words to explain you're most complex emotions.

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I Think I Love Me , Again

my words , written specifically to alter to your own definitions. Only YOU would know what this means. You may read this however way you like , front to the back , back to the front , starting off at a random page maybe. However you like . These are my words for you.

11 3 0
Letters Unsent

I've always been told that I'm good with words. The main problem is that I don't always know how to say the words I'm so good with. I find it hard to speak so i perfer to write them. Sometimes i write them in hopes it will reach the one it's to. Other times not so much. I possibly write them and store them here because one day i might finally be able to make these unsent letters sendable.Sorry for the editing it may not be good.

1.6K 44 65
feelings / emotions

These are how people feel. Some will say my name. But this isn't about me but about how people make us feel no matter what we do. somehow they will find a way to make us feel bad, sad, mad, or other emotions that we don't want to feel. In this writing we find self-expression and this is how we express it. everyone has feeling so try now to hurt someone because you never know everything that person has been through and may =be they were so hurt that they feel to hurt themselves ( cut themselves) or someone else but that not right because you are only doing the same thing that horrible person did to you. Be different take that pain and writing because he could be your talent and don't waste time crying because they don't deserve your precious tear.

111 10 0
write me pretty words

Poetry is Drew Cramer's life. It has been the only constant, getting her through the death of her best friend last year. Her family's recent move has left her feeling uprooted and frazzled everything seems to remind her of Lauren despite this being a new place. Gwyn Fairchild is a local poetry legend , 22 and on a mission to change the world. Only the problem is that she is barely making it, working in a local coffee house and living in a one room apartment that she struggles to make the rent for. It's hard to change the world when you have to worry about whether you can afford food and pay your water bill too. Gwyn has many friends, but she longs for a deeper connection with someone. Nothing has been the same since Pam, her partner of four years, died in an accident last year.Both reeling from loss and searching for something to hold on to, Gwyn and Drew meet each other at just the right time. But nothing this good can last, can it?

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Everything I could never say outloud

Life changed faster than I thought and the only way to keep my feet on the ground is by writing.So this will be a collection of poems, short stories, and other writing styles of things I could never say out loud.

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Phrases I Never Want To Hear

758 29 131
icarus syndrome

I flew too high too soon, and I'm paying for the consequences.-Short chapters with no update consistency. Short stories each chapter, with each chapter not at all relating unless specified. Adult themes will be touched upon, the following having a prevailing role in much that I write: suicide, sex, demons and angels, the existence of gods, murder, and alcoholism. Can't handle or dislike anything previously mentioned, this is not the story for you.On that note, I welcome any and all readers! Thank you for this chance for me to show you what I got!

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My Poem Book

Ok, so this (as stated in the title) is a book full of some of my poems that I have written. befor you read the book i want you to know a few things about the book.1- All the poems in this book belong to me, unless stated otherwise. 2- Please do not take any of my original poems without my permission, I pored my heart and soul into making these.3- Most of those contain mention of the following--Rape-Depression-Anorexia-Selfharm/suicideI recommend that if you are sensitive to any of these topics that you dont read this book.4- I am new to this so please dont hate, I will however accept cunstructual criticism.please enjoy

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#19 in myquotes 28th May 19The first time I ever wrote a poetry was back in third grade, it was lymeric (short poem with aabba rhyme pattern ) about a balloon.×D And now here I am on Wattpad writing others.I have also started quoting my thoughts. As in penning them down in hopes of spreading them.........................A collection of my poems an quotes.All rights reserved.

524 33 86
 A penny for my thoughts

Whine of heartbreak, healing, torment and laments. Gathered and put onto paper just to review and relive

821 30 31
I just can't

Love can heal and damage.Life is a fragile flower that needs constant care.Life is gift or curse.*Trigger warning*

280 19 63
Everything Is A Form Of Art

The best way I know how to express how I feel; With words.~ by B.M.D. A.k.a ~ BloopsqueA.k.a ~ ItamiTheSaiyanA.k.a ~ Me

119 62 0
The Swallows and the Sunsets

I tend to find meanings in things not intended to have one.

586 48 34 Full
Poems by me lol

A few years ago I had to write some poems and short stories for a creative writing class so I'm just going to put them here too. I apologize in advance for how bad they are.

507 40 16
Everything I Should've Said

A collection of poems, either written because of things talked about in my English class or because of things I experience. TRIGGER WARNINGS:- Talk of being dead- Talk of racism- Talk of Self HarmI will add more trigger warnings as they are needed.

62 7 14
Welcome to my life I guess?

This is a lot of depressing shit just saying.

1.6K 29 31
Sedated Youth

Poems by a moonberry and a recovering sadness addict about the way things should be and the way that things oftentimes were not. Dedications Dedicated to Glenda, the blind snootless bear because even if you can not see or breathe you can still feel. Also dedicated to our childhoods, May you Rest In Pieces.

568 25 0
Fragments Of My Thoughts

Mga hugot sa araw-araw.

601 88 22

An Auto-Biography A JournalA set of words written as poetry A Girl Me I do not care how you label thisI label it as myself, spilling the most memorable moments out to the world in words, showing I cannot be silenced, showing the demons that I am still haunted by and the ghosts that still cling to my bones holding me together. Here you will find important moments for me good or bad, I'm being honest in every sense of the word whether too brutally or not is for you; the reader, listener, and fellow broken individuals to decide.sincerely, your broken author;The Girl(Cover photo is an edit of 3 pictures taken by me representing something that I will later explain in the book)

436 12 45
A theoretical brain injury; or perhaps it's my heart?

If the brain rot does progress, I don't want to forget again. So I write this as I guide to whom it may concern.

160 13 2
notgrace's Poetry

Just some poetry. It's from the last 5 years of my life and it's pretty bad so don't get your expectations up too high.

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Tales from the Bard

A collection of short stories, poems, and writing prompts written for my college writing classes, as well as original content written in my free time. Each piece can be read as a standalone story and the genre will vary from piece to piece. But several pieces could eventually find its way into a larger project further down the line.Image made by me

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