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Step into the dimly lit world of "Obsidian Heart: A Dark Tango of Love," where passion and rivalry entwine in a seductive dance. Meet our brooding protagonist, Liam Anderson ,a virtuoso guitarist whose melodies echo the depths of his tumultuous soul. He prowls the shadows with a guitar in hand, his music a haunting symphony of longing and desire.Opposite him stands our enigmatic heroine, an artist whose canvases capture the essence of raw emotion with every stroke of her brush.LYDIA HART ,moves through life with a grace born of pain, her heart shielded by walls as impenetrable as obsidian.Their worlds collide in a whirlwind of intensity and tension, fueled by a mutual animosity that simmers just beneath the surface. Yet, amidst the chaos of their clashing egos, a spark ignites-a forbidden attraction that threatens to consume them both.As the guitarist finds himself enraptured by the artist's ethereal beauty, he becomes the unwitting architect of his own downfall. With each chord he strums and every glance he steals, he surrenders a piece of himself to the intoxicating allure of her presence.But it is she who holds the power to shatter his carefully constructed facade, to unravel the mysteries of his tortured soul with a single touch. And as they navigate the treacherous waters of love and betrayal, they must confront the shadows of their pasts and the demons that lurk within.Will they succumb to the siren song of passion, or will their love be torn asunder by the darkness that threatens to consume them? Join them on a journey of seduction and redemption, where the line between love and hate blurs into oblivion, and the heart is the ultimate battleground.

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Sincerely, my 11th (Genshin Impact Fanfiction)

'Childe', the 11th Harbinger of the Fatui. A 22-year-old diplomat, a skilled warrior with aggressive tactics on the battlefield. 'Ajax' to his family and friends, and the infamous 'Tartaglia' to most. So many names, all for one man. A dangerous man, according to the people of the Teyvatian continent.It's a wonder when no sightings of him are made anywhere for 2 years. Some said he died in battle, some said he got exiled from the Fatui, and some said he was executed by the Queen Tsaritsa herself. Turns out, He's been kept in Sneznhaya, his homeland! Years of recovery he's experienced, all because his severe trauma got leaked. Hesitant, he went radio silent anywhere else.Hungry for an international assignment, things don't go as planned when the excitable ginger got rejected by the sixth harbinger he had a crush on. Following suit, he goes to Liyue in pursuit of the man, only to meet new people, new cultures, even a new language! And what's worse is everyone here seems so keen to hate and be afraid of him because of his past sins.Read as this man experiences hardship, falls in love, makes friends, gets a ton of enemies, and more in this foreign country. Maybe, he'll even begin to love it like home...(Original Story based on Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact is owned by MiHoYo, content related to the game is owned by the company)

87 21 0
Balade Dangereuse

Un soir de décembre à Londres, une famille allait rendre visite à leurs grands-parents, ils dinèrent et s'asséyèrent autour de la cheminée avec leurs chocolats chauds.Les grands-parents se mirent à raconter une histoire quand ils étaient encore de jeunes mariés..."Nous étions de jeunes mariés quand Jean-Louis votre grand-père me proposa une petite balade dans une forêt à quelques kilomètres de Londres, j'acceptai car j'adorais les balades,nous prîmes un fiacre. Quand nous arrivâmes, je pus apercevoir une grande forêt sombre et profonde mais surtout inquiétante. Nous commençâmes notre balade qui dura environ cinq heures, vers à peu près vingt heures la pluie commença à apparaître et l'orage de même, il faisait tellement froid! Jean-Louis aperçut une petite lueur au fond de la forêt, plus nous nous approchions, plus la lueur devenait plus vive. Cette lumière éclairait une petite cabane en bois, elle était tellement vielle et laide , son odeur nauséabonde m'écœurât et elle était surtout terrifiante, nous toquâmes. J'aperçus un vieillard sexagénaire plutôt massif et de grande taille avec de long cheveux gris qui laissait apparaître des yeux bleu, il avait un petit nez et une bouche plutôt souriante, il était vêtu d'une robe de chambre où l'on pouvait voir quelques tâches de sang et de petits chaussons noir. Il se dégagea pour nous laisser le passage, nous entrâmes et ...Après être entrés, dans la maison, le vieillard nous donna à manger puis une chambre où nous passerons la nuit. Quelques heures plus tard vers le milieu de la nuit, j'entendis les douze coups de l'horloge. Une quinzaine de minutes plus tard, je sentis un regard qui se posa sur moi j'ouvris mes yeux discrètement pote voir celui ou celle qui m'observait, quand je distinguai une silhouette je me dis que c'était sûrement une hallucination. Je me rendormis, soudain Jean-Louis me réveilla en me disant que une silhouette s'était rapprochée de lui

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Other Favorite Songs

Here's other song lyrics since I couldn't add anymore to the other one.

14.2K 207 654
Amongst the Sky

**I will be posting this story to RoyalRoad**First came the stars. Then came the dreams.Dreams that warn of the coming of celestial beings.The year is 2036 and humanity faces one of its greatest challenges yet.A technological war between the sky and the Earth manifests after aliens and cosmic beings seek revenge for a fallen brother, stolen and experimented on by the U.S. government.Celestial entities from another dimension invade Earth, infiltrating the atmosphere through a hole torn in the sky. Humanity has to fight for survival and protect those they hold dear, while three teenagers must rise together to alleviate the battle before it spins further out of control.Phoenix Newman, Alex Ramiro, and Andy Caulfield are three victims of a fallen economy, polluted to no end. Together, they derive plans to take down the enemies and save the good. The issue is . . . they don't know which is which.Amongst the Sky is a book about the value of friendship, the fault in our stars, and the fears of mankind. It is a story about bravery and heroism, love and determination - how easily mankind falls under the heels of pressure.---They swaggered from the vehicle and stopped halfway across the junction with a disturbing aura of ambiguity, as if their bodies were robotic and all the components that made them human were stripped from their fibres; as if they might've been only so-so from shoulder to shoulder but dangerous from the waist down. Andy knew they were up to something - the way they instinctively glared at him was all the more reason to believe so. It appeared as though the apparel wasn't intimidating enough; they needed to foster nightmarish insanity - a demeanour he wouldn't want to spend the night alone with.

305 34 20
Sea of Exultations › Love Live! - Eliumi fanfic

WARNING: contains mild mature content, read at your own risk :')sequel to "Sea of Lamentations › Love Live! - Eliumi fanfic" please read that story first in order to understand this sequel, thanks! "If you and I become an item, would the school devolve into a sea of lamentations?" Eli finally got her answer. The school did devolve into a sea, except it was not quite like what she had expected. The school devolved into a sea of exultations. Exultations › triumphant elation or jubilation; rejoicing. It was the sound of laughter. There are two types of laughter: the good natured laugh- naive and childish; the careless laugh - fake and pretentious Eli always love Umi's cute giggle until one day, it sounded enigmatic. "This is our last chance." "What will happen to you and Umi after spring?" "She's a charmer. If you give her up, she'll be gone in a blink of an eye." "Yes, there could have been a million better ways to handle it, and believe me, I told her that myself a million times. But you know her, she never thinks about herself. She does what she believes will benefit the greatest number of people."Amidst the sea of exultations, Eli found herself drowning. "Then I don't seem to be in that number." Umi's sultry amber eyes grew cold, her luxuriant blue hair turned dull, her smile was stiff and her hands lacked the warmth they once had. "It was all a game to you and Eli, wasn't it?"other genre: a lot of drama & angst (other ships will be included as well)IG: umisonoduhbook cover art by: Min on pixiv (link to Min's profile -

2.5K 6 208
the spring comes early (poetry #4)

the superior onesare the ones in controlloss is needed beforechange can be committedhere's another one for anybody who wanted itand i know that nobody wanted it

564 191 6
jikook 7w7 (BTS)

Como le digo? como le digo que me gusta mi mejor amigo? como le digo que vanina y rocio están bajo sus pies como hago para confesar mi verdadero amor hacia mi kooki mi querido kooki mi amor mi bebe mi mundo entero te amo hasta el infinito y mas allá y si lees es to quiero que sepas que me gustas mucho desde esa ves que nos conocimos en el parque y nos miramos a los ojos por primera ves desde ese entonces estoy enamoradizo de ti Ese cabello que me roza suavemente, esa piel que me da caricias, esos brazos que me rodean con ternura y ese amor que me hace sentir tan pleno.Llamé a un artista para que pintase tu rostro, pero me dijo que no existían colores para algo tan precioso.El otro día corté una naranja en dos; uno de los trozos se fue rodando hasta tu casa, intentando encontrarte, ya que es consciente de que tú, amor mío, eres mi media naranja.jimeno todo sexykooki todo tierno y bonitovanina toda una traviesa igual que rocio ya que las dos son iguales de bldas jajajjajajajajajajMi abuelo dijo:Abuelo, ¿Tuviste miedo cuando te encontraste con el tigre? No me dan miedo los tigres sino los hombres malos. Abuelo, ¿Te has encontrado con hombres malos? Hay más hombres malos que tigres pero no puedes cazarlos con la escopeta.

66 3 3
Concours de Noël 2016

/!\ INSCRIPTIONS CLOSES /!\ Concours d'écriture d'OS qui va se dérouler sur tout le mois de décembre, comme un calendrier de l'avent version écriture ;) A chaque jour un thème différent Chaque jour on poste les OS du jour Les écrivains en herbe sont les bienvenus, vous pouvez participer par équipes de 2 si vous le souhaitez Les lecteurs sont également les bienvenus pour voter et/ou commenter vos OS favoris ainsi que pour découvrir les OS de chaque jour et arriver doucement et dans la bonne humeur jusqu'au 24 décembre :)

9.8K 198 724