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3,469 stories

Punctuation means everything. Punctuation does everything. Punctuation is everything. I'm promoting punctuation. Promoting bringing commas back, promoting exclamation points, promoting questions and promoting finishing sentences when they need to be finished. Leave nothing unsaid. And use punctuation.

7.2K 128 330
Ninja At UA

Master Wu is saying that the ninja have become soft, lazy, and flabby after their last big victory. So, after some searching through some of the nicer of the 16 realms, Wu has found a place where his students can train to be even better heroes of Ninjago with the help of pros and others who are training to become heroes.OrInstead of going on their quest with Clutch Powers, Sensei Wu sends the ninja to a school in another realm.(MHA x Ninjago) I haven't seen very many of these two shows together, both of which are my favourites, so I decided I would write one myself. This is my first fanfic I've written, so please be kind but also please don't be afraid to point out mistakes or suggestions you may have.I do not own My Hero Academia or NinjagoI also do not own any of the pictures, I got them all off Pinterest

153 3 11
Letras de canciones II

#the_1975 #the_neighbourhood #lanadelrey #arctic_monkeys #blackbear #fall_out_boy #panic!_at_the_disco #the_weeknd

182 62 0
Danganronpa Real Life: Total Despair

Total Despair tendrá la misma temática que los juegos originales de Danganronpa. Total Despair se basará en 16 alumnos de una misma escuela, los cuales serán obligados a participar en un asesinato mutuo. La finalidad de esta historia es como sería la saga de Danganronpa si alguien en la vida real llevara a cabo un asesinato mutuo. No obstante, hay cosas en esta historia que podrían resultar ser difíciles (incluso imposibles) de llevar acabo en la vida real. Total Despair intentará ser lo más real posible, pero, sabemos todos que, si se trata de un asesinato mutuo, hay ciertas cosas que aún pueden resultar ser ficticias. Las ejecuciones, por ejemplo. Hay 2 grandes diferencias con relación a los juegos de Danganronpa, los alumnos de no serán llamados como estudiantes definitivos, ninguno será especialista en alguna rama, aunque durante la historia se darán a conocer ciertas habilidades de los personajes. La otra diferencia es que Monokuma no será parte de Total Despair. Sabemos que Monokuma es un robot y tiene cientos de reemplazos, es por eso que en Total Despair Monokuma no partirá como un personaje más, aunque si será mencionado en algunas ocasiones. Una de las cosas que Total Despair tendrá en relación a los juegos de Danganronpa son las llamadas "Fichas Monokuma" y, claro, como no habrá Monokuma, tendrán un nombre diferente y su finalidad será la misma, dar cierta información sobre los cadáveres.Oliver Wood, un ex alumno de la Escuela Preparatoria Primera Oportunidad ha metido a sus 16 mejores compañeros durante su tiempo en esa escuela. Oliver fue expulsado en segundo grado por reprobación acumulada de materias y desde ese momento decidió en llevar a cabo un plan. Más bien, comenzó a organizar un asesinato mutuo, donde sus 16 mejores compañeros serían los participantes obligados. La historia girará en torno a Adam Ellis, el mejor amigo de Oliver, será quién se encargará de resolver todos los asesinatos y del escape de la escu

75 5 4
Pieces of Excalibur

MY FIRST STORY EVER• Genre: rivarly, angst, drama, fantasy, humor• Based on Tomb Raider series by Eidos. • For everyone not knowing the game (which is very hard not to know, ok) I decided to turn this into BTS imagine. This is purely to see if people who haven't played the game, like it and can imagine the plot. The storyline and coversation will be the same. I'll try to put every member into it. If you don't like this kind of writing then please don't leave comments but just leave. Since I am no person of such talent and time to work on my personal writings, I am doing this out of curiosity. Hope you guys like it x P.S if you find yourself enjoying this story, it would mean a lot to know if i should continue it or not.🤗 leave a comment x

69 5 0
Happily Numb (Reader X BTS)

#30 in readerxidol"Are you alright?" he asked, thinking that she was beyond drunk. "I'm fine." She said dismissively. "You go home without me. I have some plans." She attempted to push past him but he held his ground."With him?" he asked as he pointed his chin towards Tae."Yeah. Got any problems with that?"Jungkook gulped. It was now or never."Yes. I do have problems with that. I don't want you to go with him.""And why is that?""Because I'm in love with you."A crazy story about a short (both height and tempered) girl hopelessly in love with her best friend. A story about love, lust, laughter and a load of teenage drama to make you reminiscence about the good ol' days when falling in love was blissful and carefree.A collection of short storiesEnjoy!

26 3 4
Living Fantasies ≪Kpop fanfic≫

"I've have 3 applications to Hyong Hoshi University!" Jaiden exclaimed."No, you're kidding!" Rachel replied to the consent."Well, all three of us are going! Right Jason?!" Jaiden defended to her friend's comment."I guess." Jason sighed.Hyong Hoshi University is not your average college. Hyong Hoshi has two tracks, General Track and Idol Track. Most importantly, the Idol Track is what makes Hyong Hoshi different.From rookie to senior, pretty much every K-pop group went there for training and studies. Jaiden and Rachel, two girls who love K-pop, (kind of including Jason, Jaiden's brother,) are attending Hyong Hoshi to meet the All Star Groups ranging to BTS to Twice. Read this book to find out just what goes on in the University!Everything in this book is fictional, the terms of events, my OCS, groups having different personalities, etc.I do not own any of the videos, pictures, and every group and company in the book. I only own Rachel, Jaiden, Jason, Natalie, Soyou, Minjee, Hinata, Heeyoung, AKB Academy, and Hyong Hoshi University. Also, the pictures picturing their outfits are made in Love Nikki, which doesn't belong to me...Me and @Cypher-1-2-3-4 made this up while hanging out with each other. Although I'm still getting into K-pop, I hope you enjoy this book!Highest Ranks: #10 in #Momoland 6/25/2018#309 in #girlsgeneration 7/15/2018#34 in #Mnet 7/21/2018#5 in #Akb48 8/10/2018Author's Note-ishkind of like one-shots, but gives you depth, sympathy, and story to characters to form a plot lineIMMATURE WRITING IS A GENRE IN THIS BOOK

274 27 8
(Giving It Away)(Cancel) the betrayed hero (avengers)

this is my first story so please go with it."suga" was once a kind hearted girl who loved to help people aways helped the bad and good even if she was abused by her family,being bulled by the kids at school and out of school because she was smart (like more then tony stark smart way smarter then him)and being so called weak.what they don't know is that is a strong girl never one to run from a day when she was walking home from school she was pulled in a allyway by six hydra of them stepted forward to suga and said 'hail hydra"then he stabbed her neck with a syringe and nocked out then when she woke they abused her and experiment on her that give her lots of cool powers and trained her to be the best the avengers attacked the hydra base and hawkeye and black widow found her when searcing the base took her to the avengers tower suga woke and showed them her powers and her life story the avengers toke pity on her and let her stay and become a avenger her code name is 'suger' for her sweet personalty then one day when the avengers thougt she was alseep they bad about her and said they only toke her in because they took pity on her tho what they did'nt know was that suga was awake and heared what they siad and lift. FIND OUT THE REST IN "THE BETRAYED HERO"

51 3 1
Second Chance•••정국 FF

"Diana sweetheart please list-""It's Mrs Kim to you Mr Jeon.And don't call me sweetheart anymore,you lost that consent the day you denied me infront of everyone so please don't come anywhere near me and forget that you met me after all these years."You said moving past him.He tried to hold you arm but you jerked him off."You can't move on from me and we both know that you still love me.Im the one that showed you happiness and love in this world."You tracks came to a stop and turned to him while a scoff left your mouth."The last time I checked I never seeked happiness and love from you.The only thing you did to me is that you made me believe that you loved and cared for me but you fuckin' manipulated me just to get inside my pants and, denied me like nothing happened between us and I loathe you for that."Your eyes became teary and you bit your lower lip while looking at his eyes.You saw the guilt in his eyes but it's too late now you're married.Nothing related to the idols just a fanfiction.I'm here to feed your delulu brains I hope you like it.Please don't repost or spam I'm no harm to all of you so treat me with love also.

8 1 0
The twist in my story

"I talked to Zoey yesterday." I muttered and he grinned but his eyes were clearly confused. "Yeah?" "Yeah; she told me even she doesn't get invited to the family barbeques." Silence fell and I was unsure if it was because of Dylan's surprise or if I'd just let things turn awkward. However when I turned and looked at Dylan he was smiling at me. "She would be right." "So how come I got the all-inclusive invite?" Dylan brushed his hands on his knees but continued to watch me. "Because I wanted to see how you would feel around my're like, my best friend." "That's all?" I asked and picked up my sketch pad. As he continued to stare at me I began to sketch out his face. "Well...maybe that's not the only reason..." He explained softly. I continued to sketch his face, unable to meet his gaze because of my nerves gnawing on my stomach. He set my sketch pad aside and I couldn't breathe because his closeness was sending me into near shock. "Why did you come to my house Saturday night...I saw you pacing outside your jeep for nearly an hour before you finally just drove away." I breathed, suddenly smelling a hint of cologne on him mingled with the earthy smell of flowers and fresh dirt. He grinned and I felt his lips nearly brush my ear as he murmured. "I was trying to work up the courage to do this." *****************************************************Irina has lost more than a nineteen year old girl should ever have to lose. After her fathers sudden death, she moves in with her older perfect sister Lilly and her three kids to the beach front town of Goulding cove. Irina has an idea of what to expect with her recently widowed sister, a lot of babysitting, housekeeping and time management. Until she runs head first into her fate in a gas station. Literally. Join Irina and her brood as they navigate through the ups and downs of their summer in Goulding cove, a beach front town where anything and everything can, and will, happen.

121 25 3
Cover Cover•Open For Requests

A display of the covers that I have made

4.9K 165 677
The Hanby Twins - A High School FanFic

Brian and Shona Hanby have been together since the beginning of their lives. They grew up together, learned together, played together, recorded together, moved together, and relaxed together. They were inseparable. During their teenage years, they're parents moved to the United States from Ireland. Luckily, it was the same town that a lot of Brian's online gaming buddies were also going to school. The group soon accepted both of the twins as one of their own. But, parts of the past mix with the present and bring a whole bunch of new problems to the group's plate. Hai! I've been writing this story for years, admittedly. I wrote it all through high school and now my first year of college as a gift for a friend online. As I'm starting to finish it up, I've decided to start uploading some of the chapters. I don't own any of the following characters: Wildcat, Delirious, CartoonZ, Scotty, Moo, Marcel, Vanoss, Mini, Brian, Lui, Nogla, or Nogla's siblings. This story was written to fulfill a debt I owed to my friend online. I'm not on ROBLOX any more and have no way to give them this book without it being censored. (We all know about ROBLOX's unnecessary censorship.) And so, Cookies, if you're reading this; this is the story you asked for!

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