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3,494 stories

Victory and loss, joy and sadness, celebration and mourning. Stories of all such moments can never be avoided in times of peace and prosperity or conflict and chaos. This story tells of the trials, successes, and failures endured or enjoyed by many who fought to free a galaxy from tyranny and darkness. Many friends are lost; some are avenged, while others are simply missed. While battle is the cataclysm of death and tragedy, it is also gateway entered by many whose mettles' shall be tested, whose names and deeds appeared meaningless and obscured. Yet, there are those few who will walk through the other gate as legends to be gazed upon, or whose names would pass through the gate carried on the lips of those who remembered their final moments. This is the story of the battles fought and trials faced between 1 ABY and 2 ABY.

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TODO en un tropiezo!!

Todo empieza cuando un chico va caminando de repente mira por varios segundos asía bajo Y se tropieza con una bonita chica la chica muy apenada agacha la cabezaEl chico dice oye disculpa soy un tonto me distraje La chica dice no hay problema los dos estuvimos distraídos no sucede nada el chico sigue caminando y recuerda que vio que la chica choco contra su hombro con su bolso y iba abierto el chico se regresa pasos atrás en donde se tropezó con la chica mira un numero telefónico tirado lo coje y lo guarda Reacciona corre a buscar a la chica por suerte la encuentra le toca el hombro la chica voltea y le dice Si que sucede? el chico le pregunta: cual es tu nombre? la chica contesta: Mi nombre es Roxana el chico Sonrie dise lindo nombre la chica Sonrie pero lamentable mente le dice oye me gustaría conocerte más pero me tengo que ir el chico dice seguro que nos volvemos a encontrar la chica Sonrie Los dos llegan a su casa Normalmente duermen... Día siguiente el chico toma su celular busca el numero telefónico y llama El con otra voz habla y dice por favor con Roxana la chica: si ella habla el chico cuelga Sonrie la chica lo deja pasar 2 horas mas tardes el chico le vuelve a marcar la chica contesta y el chico dice: Hola Roxana sabes quien soy? La chica dice esa voz es muy hermosa inolvidable nos tropezamos ayer el chico: JAJA si soy el La chica: oye un momento como conseguiste mi numero El chico dice: disculpa el atrevimiento pero lo tome de el suelo cuando tropezamos se callo, y por eso fui a buscarte ayer para preguntarte el nombre por eso para marcarte La chica dice Wow por que hiciste eso de verdad me asombra El chico Dice por ti lo doy todo La chica: silencio... El chico pregunta te invito a tomarnos un café la chica: Ok a que hora, en donde el chico: A las 5:00 en el dicho la chica: Ok oye oye Quisiera saber tu nombre El chico: mi nombre es Jean La chica: Me encanta tu nombre igual de bonito que tu, Jajaja bueno Jean nos vemos Adiós

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Spring Day

"don't say that ,it Hurts me "-kim Namjoon How To Live as an idol? Fight fear when socializing? Face fear To haters? Or fear Of fans? A Lot of fear a namjoon made him afraid if face To face With Fans and haters But what If he Meets With His Fans? ...Namjoon Bottom Jungkook topjimin Top Yaoi... Gay... If you don't like stories like this,please don't read them

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Eat the whole food and eat the delicious food

🙏 Machine Translation Novel, For Offline Reading Purposes Only!, Please! Don't Vote and Report , Cover Pic & Story Not Mine. Credit to the rightful Owners pls. 🙏Title: Eat the whole food and eat the delicious foodAuthor: Shao DiguaBrief introduction: The catering Queen Shi Yanxing traveled through time. From nothing to being richest in the world! From billionaire to a poor family, it is only a journey through time. Former catering Queen Shi Yanxing said that this is not a problem! The experiences and lessons learned in the past will become the nourishment of this life. From the first box lunch to the first chain restaurant in Dalu Dynasty, Shi Yanxing took his widowed mother and young sister back to the peak of his career step by step, becoming the richest woman in ancient times. The myth! As a strong woman who was once self-made, the heroine has been making good use of her experience and wisdom from beginning to end. She has taken every step steadily, pursuing interests while not forgetting to give back to the society. From beginning to end, her character has never failed, and her plump and real image is vivid. On paper. Food is interspersed with political and business struggles, making your mouth water and your heart pounding at the same time. It can be described as exciting.Purpose: Women strive for self-improvement and contribute to the world.A career-oriented straight woman who has no intention of falling in love and only wants to make money VS a male protagonist who looks rough and bold, but is actually very panicked when he falls in love with the woman he likes.Content tags: Traveling through time and space, a delicious food story.

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"Don't you dare intrude in my life, for I never wanted to be fixed nor ever needed to be." He said with his voice booming all across the room. Although his words cut deep through my beating heart, I can't help but to smile even if I could already feel the pang of deplore that is already englufing the love that I feel towards him. "Oh but darling, I am not here to fix you. I am here to hold your hand while you fix yourself." I answered back.All of a sudden, the man who kept on pushing people away, that same man who built walls around his heart for a long time of being alone, crumbled right in front of me. Right at that moment I have suddenly realized that he had finally let the sorrow of the past to overcome the act of bravery that he's been using as a facade. His psyche was already burdened because of the lost of the only person who once filled his world with perfectly luminous hues. For his soul was an art, and arts weren't meant to be beautiful. They were made for people to see the meaning behind the arcane strokes by a painter who's insanity was often misunderstood. -*-*-*-I am Nathalia Johannson, and I am the STAIN within Gale Marcus' pristine life (well that's pretty much how he describes me). His goal is to get rid of me, for I cause lethargy to his average and common routine of 'living the life' if that's what he call his daily rounds of signing papers and attending meetings all day. But this STAIN won't get off that easily, for I have one goal that I ever so wanted to reach,and that is to bring back the colors to his once kaleidoscopic life before life itself drain the only speck of color left in him.

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"On Tuesdays I hate the world, I want to burn things down. I want to wipe off every single trace of human existence. Is it weird? Does it ever happen to you? Don't you ever want to track down every single person who has underestimated you and spit on their faces, tell them you're better than what they thought of you, and that you're better than they'd be in ten years time?" I sighed roughly, intentionally exaggerating my breaths. "And on Wednesdays?" Mahi's almond eyes glistened with empathy, as she listened intently. "On Wednesdays, I feel bad for feeling like that." I could feel the regret weighing down on me, clamped up in my chest. *****Safiya E. Yousufzai had had her hopes crushed and her dreams stepped on. In a world where people laid down their lives in the name of honor, she made the horrible mistake of freeing herself of customs and traditions. She was stupid and brave enough to take the fall...just to spiral into a void of misery. Now, she spent all her time in preparation...preparation for the havoc she was about to cause. Everyday the moment her eyes flickered out of sleep, she'd toss a coin and decide: every day of Safiya's mediocre life was either a Tuesday or a Wednesday. She spent her time crawled up in an unknown corner of a barely known city. Coiled up, with her neck arched into a tasteless book. Occasionally, she'd take a peek of the outside world and then go back to her lies and fiction. But she had these thoughts in her head; thoughts that clawed at her. She.Needed.Escape.

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Song Lyrics!

Here's some lyrics from your favorite songs!!

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b r o k e n f r a m e s (An Errorink fanfic) King!Uke! Ink x Soldier!Seme! Error

This one is gonna be my favorite just you wait and see-Ink just got crowned king, (and is a very good one, might I add.) but he's having complications with his kingdom. The area gets attacked by a Buttload of parasites that linger and take shape and form of another person, making it hard to tell which is what. The only difference is their agressive semi-neutral attitude and behavior between them and soldiers. Luckily, Inks most trustworthy Soldier-in-command, Error, (who he just so happens to have a huuuuuge crush on) promised to protect him.However, Error sees things differently.Having a crush on the king, unless the king likes you back, which is uncertain, is illegal and results to torture "till your guts splatter across the room." Error is afraid, but maybe the king likes him back? He may never know.But a problem gets in the way.A parasite sneaks into the castle disguised as a old woman, infecting the king!Luckily, Ink survives the sudden attack, but it turns his left eye black with a red eye light that moves in sync with his opposite eye. He can't see out of his left eye, and things are awful blurry in his right. Doctors say his vision might not last long.And they were right.Ink eventually goes completely blind, but his eyes remain open and his eye lights move in the direction of sounds. But in time for Ink to see the last glimpse of his Soldier-in-command and hear his voice saying "I love you."Things go uphill from there!The parasites disappear and the kingdom is safe. As well as there now being TWO kings!But let's start from the beginning, shall we?-Contains Errorink-

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Campus Love

Your fellow school mates organised a club that they thought teenagers needed in their life, DNYL, a club for broken hearts. You thought you would be the only one to join but your mind changed when you spotted five more people in the room. And one boy was the one person you didn't want in the room. The one boy that broke your heart. Renjun. He is the school photographer and writes for the school newspaper. He was your partner in art class and his passion towards art was what you admire in him.Jeno. He is the library assistant. You always found him in the library and ended up hiding away and chatting to eachother til all hours.Jaemin. He is the goalkeeper on the soccer team and the most popular boy in your grade. You always caught him winking at you and he always stopped by your locker to say good morning to you, making your heart flutter.Chenle. He is the captain and centre of the basketball team. You would always find him in the gym of a lunch time, shooting hoops by himself. Sometimes, you would walk in and watch him, whilst striking a conversation.And Jisung. He was the class president. He was very shy and cute but he would change completely when you sat next to him in Geography and English.One of these boys were the reason as to why you joined the DNYL club and you were afraid that you would fall in love with him even more.Genre - non idol!au, high school!au, fluff, angst, sad, suggestive BUT NO SMUT, NCT Dream x reader

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Under The Red Banner

This is part one of a series that I'm writing, this is very much in progress right now so I appreciate any support and advice you have! Now, for the reason you are here...It's 1940, France has fallen. Antoine bears guilt, not only for the failures to his country but failures for the friends he left behind on the front in a wild run for survival. Now, he's faced with trying to find someone to take him in and begin to pick up the pieces in his life. All the while, Antoine's inner demons make any efforts to start anew a seemingly impossible task. Alyssa is afraid. she knows what the Germans have done to their Jews. Will the same fate fall upon her family? Though if you ask her father, the main concern should be protecting the Cafe they own from the same harassments as their Jewish brothers have suffered inside the Reich. Though what scares her most is about someone, her childhood friend Antoine who she hasn't been able to hear from in months. With the way the fighting went, every natural instinct tells her he's nothing more than a bullet-riddled corpse. But something keeps her from giving up hope, she doesn't know what it is... but it's more than friendship she knows that.Captain Max Teufel is on top of the world. He, along with the rest of the German Wermacht have just defeated the Allies in France in just six weeks! As he paraded through the streets of Paris one thing became clear, there was an opportunity to stamp down his authority in this country. While some higher-ranking officers wish to curtail him, Teufel aims to do nothing else but to impress his military idol, Erwin Rommell.

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En el resplandeciente Reino de Retgred, donde las torres de mármol se alzan hacia el cielo y los jardines rebosan de flores vibrantes, el joven príncipe Azai, heredero al trono, crece bajo la sombra del heroico sacrificio de su padre, caído en batalla. A sus ocho años, Azai encuentra consuelo y guía en el general Aeron, líder de los Caballeros del Reino, y en su intrépida maestra de esgrima, Elizabeth. A pesar de su corta edad, Azai se sumerge en un riguroso entrenamiento, desarrollando las habilidades necesarias para convertirse en un líder digno de su linaje.El camino de Azai hacia la grandeza se ve marcado por desafíos, incluyendo una feroz batalla contra una quimera, de la que es rescatado heroicamente por Elizabeth. La amenaza de un resurgimiento del Rey Oscuro Darakan y la aparición de quimeras oscuras cerca del palacio desencadenan una serie de eventos que obligan al joven príncipe a confrontar peligros ocultos y traiciones en el corazón del reino.Con la guía de su abuelo, el venerable Rey Aric, y la protección de sus leales aliados, Azai comienza a desentrañar los misterios de su legado y a forjar su destino. La novela teje una narrativa de valentía, sacrificio y el inquebrantable espíritu de un príncipe destinado a liderar, mientras se enfrenta a las sombras del pasado y las amenazas del presente en su camino para convertirse en el futuro rey de Retgred.

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BTS x Reader Fanfic

The 8th Member-Coffee Shop-Manager-Fairytale-Farm-Adopted-Hogwarts-Arranged Marriage by BTS AUMafia! Hybrid! Teacher! Student! Vampire Lord! Boss! Werewolf Outcast! Alpha! Mermaid! Fairy! Prince! Patient! Goat! Bully! Centaur! Yandere! Tsundere! Dandere! Deredere! Stalker! Seven Deadly Sins! Mermaid Hunter! Vampire Hunter! Trainer! BTS x Vampire! Werewolf! Mermaid! Fairy! Princess! Chubby! Skinny! Depressed! Doctor! Student! Assistant! Omega! Human! Bullied! Goat Farmer! Neko! Yandere! Stalker! Child! Orphan! Ballerina! Choreographer! Dancer! Background! Ghoul! Fan! Idol! Mistress! Hostess! Maid! Trainee! Readeri... don't know okay?

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Entre Luces Prohibidas: El Amor Clandestino de Tilly y Ray

Tilly y Ray, dos almas destinadas a vivir en la oscuridad de Grace Field House, encontraron un rayo de esperanza en su conexión prohibida. Tilly, valiente y determinada, se veía atraída por la astucia y el ingenio de Ray. Su amistad evolucionó lentamente en un amor profundo que florecía en los rincones más oscuros de su existencia.En cada mirada furtiva y roce de manos, se podía sentir la electricidad de su complicidad. Se encontraban en momentos robados, compartiendo confidencias en silencio y prometiéndose mutuamente protección y apoyo. Cada encuentro clandestino reafirmaba su amor, creando un vínculo inquebrantable que desafiaba todas las normas impuestas por su sombrío entorno.Pero el amor de Tilly y Ray también estaba lleno de angustia y sacrificio. Sabían que cualquier muestra pública de afecto podría alertar a "Mamá" y a los demonios que acechaban en las sombras. Se veían obligados a ocultar sus sentimientos más profundos, evitando cualquier indicio de amor que pudiera poner en peligro su plan de escape y la seguridad de los demás niños.A medida que luchaban por su libertad, su amor se convertía en una fuente de fortaleza y motivación. En medio de la adversidad, encontraban consuelo en sus miradas y palabras de aliento susurradas al oído del otro. Cada riesgo que tomaban, cada obstáculo que superaban, era impulsado por el deseo de un futuro juntos, lejos de las garras de los demonios y las sombras que amenazaban con separarlos.A pesar de las dificultades y los peligros inminentes, Tilly y Ray se aferraban a su amor como un faro en la oscuridad. En medio del caos y la incertidumbre, encontraban momentos de ternura y calma, donde podían expresar su amor en sus miradas y suaves toques, aferrándose a la esperanza de un futuro donde su amor fuera aceptado y floreciera sin restricciones.

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Random Playlist | On-going Foreveeeeeer!

Looking for the lyrics of the song you love? Take a look at the content maybe I've put it inside ^.^Kamsa! ♡

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my haunted past: keep comming back

She's only seventeen her whole life's ahead of herShe hates school because the people there make fun of herHer boyfriend trys to tell her, "that's not how it seems"But everyday she gets more lowerd with her self-esteem He lets her know that "every night Will have a brighter day"She even tried to overdose and take her life awayShe's feeling helpless there just sitting down besides her bedAnd then he moves his hand and places it besides her headHe tries to hold her, but with every touch she still resistsAnd then he sees the scars that bury deep within her wristsShes feeling numb, He trys to beg and plead and asks her whyShe says that 'this way i has more control of how i feels inside'He asks "how long it's been this way""Because you got me here just feeling so damn helpless"She says 'its been a while, i guess i needed better luck'And then he screams at her and tells her "baby never cut""I know your heart is hurting, you think the road has end, you may just feel that blade your holding is your only friend... but baby don't cut"Th next day at school, she's feeling better than the day beforeEven cracked a couple smiles as she walked the corridor But all that seemed to end, she dropped her books when she walked into classAnd every single student seemed to point and laughShe couldn't take it anymore, she sent her boy a textShe said 'I love you with my body, heart and soul to death'He thought nothing bout it and replayed "baby, same same"But death, he didn't know that she literally just meant itShe ducked her next class, ran home into her bathroomShe didn't think she would brake her promise that soonOne cutTwo cutsThree cutsFourThe blood just started dripping from the wrist to the floor"I know your heart is hurting, you think the road has end, you may just feel that blade your holding is your only friend... but baby don't cut"The mute and the 'loan wolf' in My Haunted Past: Keeps Comming Back

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