Search: mostbeautifulnamesofallah
47 stories
99 names of Allah with meaning

AN EXPLANATION OF THE PERFECT NAMES AND ATTRIBUTES OF GOD."He is Allah (God),the Creator,the Originator,The Fashioned, to Him belong the most beautiful names:whatever is in the heavens and in earth, do declare His praises and Glory. And He is the Exalted in Might, The Wise." (Quran 59:24)"The most beautiful names of belong to Allah (God): so call on Him by them;..."(Quran 7:180)

77 12 0 Full
500 of the Best Book Titles

Find a great way to start off your next story!

4K 11 27 Full

When a soldier discovers the Firstborn dragon egg, his life is turned upside down. But as he discovers what it really means to be the Rider of an elemental dragon, he finds himself head over heels in an adventure that not only threatens his own life, but the life of his hatchling as well.

62.6K 21 3.8K Full
My Villain {Loki ff -hun}

Alexis Foster soha nem gondolta volna, hogy egyszer kijuthat a galaxisba, ráadásul egy teljesen idegen bolygóra. Ám amikor ez nővére, Jane kérésére megtörténik és a lány Asgardba kerül, megismerkedik az éppen büntetését letöltő, cellában raboskodó Lokival, aki fenekestül felforgatja a lány életét. Vajon a különös, bátor és talpraesett midgardi lány is képes lesz megváltoztatni a csalás és hazugság istenét? És mi történik akkor, ha a találkozásuk nem csak egy puszta véletlen? Miről szólhat az a bizonyos, titokzatos prófécia és mi történik akkor, ha egy olyan küldetésben kell részt venniük, amelyből nem biztos, hogy mindketten élve visszatérnek? A történet szereplői a Marvel Comics tulajdonában állnak, így minden jog őket illeti. A főszereplő viszont az én ötletem szüleménye, akárcsak a történet, így minden jogot fenntartok rá! A történetben lesz néhány elem, amely megegyezik a filmekkel, ám lényegében inkább a saját elképzelésem után formálom, alakítom azt, tehát nem követi magukat a filmbeli történeteket , hanem kissé átalakítva kerülnek bele események/karakterek.Kellemes olvasást kívánok mindenkinek!

217.9K 74 17.5K Full
Karasuno's talented manager | Tetsuro Kuroo

Karasuno's talented manager | The story of a young girl named Hikaru Akabane and a charismatic captain named Kuroo Tetsuro. Hikaru, a gifted pianist, has been competing in various piano competitions since a young age and has achieved great success, earning her considerable fame. She owes part of her recognition to her father, a renowned volleyball coach. During their middle school days, Hikaru and Oikawa were in a romantic relationship. However, their relationship ended when Oikawa entered high school and decided to prioritize his volleyball career, leaving Hikaru heartbroken. Among the players, one caught her attention, particularly when Karasuno had a match with Nekoma. It was Kuroo Tetsuro, Nekoma's tall and charismatic captain. Hikaru was captivated by Kuroo's playfulness and his strategic mind on the court. His leadership qualities shone through his actions, and she couldn't help but admire him. "HAIKYUU" KUROO TETSURO X FEM READER OC, FEAT TOORU OIKAWA 30 August 2023 - ☁︎ Wednesday©copyright 2023

14.1K 30 293
just a thought.


3.7K 190 1.5K Full
the fair folk | oc book

"They will paint a beautiful picture of what awaits you there, but its beauty is false and hollow" ~Warnings About The Fae

5.2K 128 319

Another poem. It's about love. Kinda.

2 1 0 Full
My country humans universe (would also contain indian states )

Hello there fellow people I am an indian and And this would be my first countryhumans book { I would mostly write about india and the Indian states,and the other south Asian countries , I might also write about the African countries and the countries of Oceania (Australasia)}English is not my first language So there could be spelling and grammar mistakes so sorry in advance.Ahhh....Actually if you want you can also request or suggest me to write something, But don't Request or Suggest me to write something inappropriate...Please.

9.6K 76 350 Full
Bad Boy Lessons

Ella and Tyler have been friends for as long as they can even remember.Meeting in a library at the age of six, to working together in comic book store ten years later, these two nerds get a slap in the face from the students of high school when they realize just how geeky they really are.So it's up to Ella's teaching, handy work and amazing acting skills to turn both her and Tyler into two of the most popular students at Halecrift High School.But what happens when things start to fall apart? Are these Bad Boy Lessons worth their ten years of friendship?

32.1K 25 2.4K
Tiltott Vágyak

Mi történne akkor, ha egy Árnyvadász bele szeret egy Alvilágiba? Mi a garancia arra hogy helyesen cselekszik?Vajon a társai mit szólnak ehhez?Reménytelen a szerelem Samatha számára?Ebben a történetben kiderül!Ha szeretitek az Árnyvadászok sorozatot tudom ajánlani ezt a könyvet!😊Jobbára a sorozaton fog alapulni az egész.!FIGYELEM! -trágár szavak-16+ esetleg 18+os jelenetek-erőszak

21 5 0
Trường học của các AU sans

Đây là nơi các sans học hoặc ...v.v..

4.2K 14 136
A sötétség ölelésében

Ebben a különleges könyvben olyan igaz rövid horror történetek találhatók, amelyek az éjszakát szorongással és hátborzongással telivé varázsolják. Ezek a történetek nem csak arról szólnak, hogy sötétben rejtőző veszélyekre vigyázzunk, hanem arról is, hogy a valóság néha sötétebb és rémisztőbb, mint a legfantasztikusabb rémálmok.Minden oldalon újabb szálak fonódnak a szokásos élet és a borzongás között. Ez a könyv nemcsak egy hagyományos horror gyűjtemény, hanem egy utazás a lelkünk mélyére, ahol a szörnyek gyakran emberi formát öltenek. A történetek megfognak, és a gondolataidba ivódnak, mintha sosem tudnál szabadulni tőlük.Elmerülsz majd egy elhagyatott ház sötét titkaiban, követsz egy elképesztően hátborzongató sorozatgyilkost, és bepillantást nyersz egy rémisztő múltba, amely sosem hagy nyugodni. Ahogy lapozgatod a könyvet, az éjszaka új jelentést nyer, és a csend egyetlen nyögését is hallani fogod.

103 8 10
Slender's girls [befejezett]

Hey gyerekek unom a fjem így egyik kedvenc oc-m storyát (Shaphire-ét) fogom elmesélni(?) UwU es beleirom Kedves ismeröseim es egyben legjobb baratnöim Kariait is !

716 33 94
The Purple Corner 16

Where I talk about Prince stuff, songs, videos, interviews , funny related stuff, etc.

6.4K 200 1.1K
Black Petals: My Truths, My Stories

I'm Rose, a Cape Town soul, where the waves dance to our heartbeat. My emotions paint the sky with colours only my heart understands. My petals are my stories, unfolding with each breath, tear, and smile, rooted deep in the soil of my heritage.

25 11 0

In the realm of Thalamus, a call to adventure resounds, beckoning Sairu into a world of danger and wonder. Drawn by an undeniable force, he steps into the unknown, excitement and trepidation intertwined. In a land where magic pulses through the air like a heartbeat, Sairu discovers his extraordinary abilities - unparalleled sword mastery and a deep connection to magic. Yet, Thalamus holds more.Navigating its landscapes, Sairu faces challenges that unearth his unwavering courage, shedding doubt with each triumph. Amid perils, a chance encounter alters his path. An unexpected ally emerges - a mythic being of shadows and light-their companionship brims with strength, vulnerability, secrets, and understanding, unraveling Thalamus' mysteries.As Sairu's journey unfolds, Thalamus' fate intertwines with his. Dark forces threaten its existence, testing not just strength but character. He must confront fears, rallying others against looming shadows. Epic battles unfold, challenging beliefs and forging alliances. With a sword and magic, Sairu fights for destiny and Thalamus' survival.Thalamus evolves as Sairu's journey progresses - a character itself, revealing ancient secrets and varied landscapes. Amidst trials, Sairu's nature emerges. Destiny draws him closer to turmoil's heart, revealing companions who unite against darkness.An ordinary elf discovers extraordinary power in this epic adventure, forges world-spanning bonds, and battles against all odds. Sairu's story etches into Thalamus' annals, a legend for generations. Prepare for a sweeping journey where destiny's winds howl and mysteries unfurl.

34 3 4
Internal Thoughts

Just thoughts

1.4K 160 5
Szkolna legenda || postrach pierwszoklasistów

Jest to historia o 3 przyjaciołach które pewnego dnia znikają w nie wyjaśnionych okolicznościach, każda z nich jest inna Lara- umie się bić i jest typem sportowca, przy okazji najpopularniejsza dziewczyna i zarazem przewodnicząca szkoły Idalia- inteligentna i bystra dziewczyna, która rozwiąże każda zagadkę, a przy tym ma zwariowane poczucie humoruJulia- dziewczyna jest dusza artystyczna w wolnym czasie maluje na czym popadnie.Lecz co się stanie gdy te 3 dziewczyny zostana uwiązane na bardzo długi czas i będą musiał robić wszystko aby przerwać ? Tego nie wie nikt lecz jednego mogą być pewne to będzie przygoda ich życia 💫💫💫 Start 1.09.20 rKoniec

58 9 8

" jungyun "" ape lagi jengkuk diam bole tak kau basuh je ayam kau tu "" aku nak tanya ni "" erm ape ? "" kau percaya tak kalau aku cakap aku suka kau ? "" apa kau merepek biskut ? gurauan ape yg kau cuba sampaikan ni ha? "" aku tak bergurau "" tak la- lawak tho jungkook "" aku serius ni jungyun "nak tau lagi??? baca la okieee?! paipai🐰💜

359 15 22
Gatcha Life Art Book

Just Random Edits I Did Some Corisopnd with what I was Doing on youtube at the time :P

2.7K 120 270

I have witnessed a girl who not only was beautiful she was smart,too. I couldn't believe when was walking by I saw a group bullying her. Did I stop them? NO.I was a coward and I didn't want the group to think I was another target so I just walked past them. Ignoring the looks that she gave me and the hopefulness in her eyes.

55 2 0
Tears of the Zodiac

Pre-War Empire of Draco. The great empress Andromeda is guided by the stars to pick 12 soon-to-be heroes, the great zodiacs of their century. However it is too late. These heroes were then newborns, not yet ready to face the struggles of war. Still they are trained from the point they turned 5. As the war raged on supplies dwindled, The Zodiacs' training could no longer continue and the very close group was ripped apart at the age of 14.Postbellum Empire of Draco, 2020 the end of an era. A powerful uprising of conspirators lay waste to a once powerful empire. Millions left to fend for themselves, all vulnerable and victim to the now violent and strict government. The Zodiacs were no-where to be found and the public had lost all hope. Each Zodiac was separated to different ends of the land, each waiting to be found by their lost family of 12 to once and for all resurrect the empire of Draco and reclaim their homes.Rankings:#8 in scorpio#11 in taurus#8 in Aries

727 9 13
Múlnak az évek. vers

szomorkás vissza emlékezés pár régi emlékre

11 1 3
Mysterious girl

This story gonna be about a girl and jungkook falling inlove like fools ...oh and the girl is not gonna reveal her name..yet and when a member from loona is revealed her name will be revealed so....ENJOY!-_-

2 2 2