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11,181 stories
The Magician's Prince

Ryoku Nagami was one of many young children trying to grow up on the oppressive Iron Pier. One fateful day Ryoku loses a stick fight against an older boy who was trying to prove something. An onlooker, the mysterious Magician, sees the fight and is impressed with Ryoku's fighting. He offers to take Ryoku with him and promises him a future of significance if he chooses to do so. The Magician has a plan. A storm is coming. Sometimes the best way through the storm is to steer directly into it. This story is based on prompt 82 from the ONC2021 contest. - Age and wisdom are certainly not mutually exclusive, but when a case of mistaken identity results in a teen taking charge of a small nation, who knows what might happen!I plan to make a small twist the the prompt in that the Ryoku assumes the identity and physical appearance of one of the tribal princes. This leads his people to "mistake" him for the actual prince which is all part of the Magician's plot.This is the first story I've ever written so I welcome any and all feedback. I prefer to post updates in groups so I can do some light editing before posting. Even if there is some time without an update, I am committed to finishing the 20,000 word contest. Hope you enjoy!

26 5 3
white rabbit | h.s

wonderland is like any other indie rock band, except that they're not. one day, they're performing at pubs, gathering just enough of a crowd to make a penny, the next, they're selling out arenas, full of screaming teenage fangirls, driving ferraris, flying private, and consuming thousands of dollars worth of drugs. what happened in a night's sleep that completely changed the fate of five young guys, now the face of rock music everywhere?iris is not a stranger to the hands of fate, except her's were anything but nice. one day, she's a student at the university, studying music, the next, she's kicked out on false claims. sent down a spiral of messy beginnings and even more messy endings, iris had become reckless, when her world crashes into that of wonderland's. will the lead singer of the band be the one who pulls her out of the mess, or will her curiosity of their sinister fate drag her in deeper, him taking her into the wonderland with her, like the white rabbit?

22 2 2
The Luna's Four

Anika Johnson doesn't believe in love, world peace,mother nature, light at the end of tunnels and the fact that babies are cute, yeah she's cynical like that but can you really blame her, she's been pretty much abused by a catholic rule loving father and has been bullied and slut shamed by weed induced teenagers at school so she isn't all sunshine and rainbows. Now bring in the fact that she has to go on a field trip and spend time with said mother nature with three crazy bffs and class mates from hell then you've got a recipe for disaster but fear not she is determined to finish this road trip unscathed, in one piece and nobody is going to bring her down well tell that to the universe because on the three day field trip to the enchanted kingdom of the were kind she stumbles into the room of the ancient king where a mystical box lays and opens the box, out comes crawling four massive men and a mysterious woman. Scared? well she isn't and what better way to prove it than by slapping one of the men and running away but it seems the universe is not done with her because back home she's certain those four men are trying to kill her and one keeps calling her his mate whatever that is, couple that with an abusive father, a dying mother, three sworn besties and a sister she detest and then you ask me why she hates the universe. Please pretty please give this book a chance

4 2 5
Mar'shana and Ace's Adventure in Babtqftim

Mar'shana and Ace were hanging out at their local arcade, playing video games and enjoying some snacks when suddenly, a bright light enveloped them. When the light dissipated, they found themselves in a strange and eerie place - the world of Bendy and Boris Quest for the Ink Machine.At first, Mar'shana and Ace were terrified. They had never seen anything like this before. The world was dark and foreboding, with twisted versions of familiar cartoon characters lurking around every corner. But soon, they realized that they had to find a way out of this place, and the only way to do that was to solve the mystery of the Ink Machine.Mar'shana and Ace set out on their adventure, using their wits and skills to navigate the treacherous terrain. They encountered all sorts of obstacles along the way, from terrifying monsters to treacheroustraps. But through it all, they stuck together and never gave up.As they delved deeper into the mysteries of the Ink Machine, Mar'shana and Ace uncovered a sinister plot that threatened to destroy not just the world they were in, but also the real world outside. They realized that they had to stop the evil forces at work and save both worlds.In a final epic battle, Mar'shana and Ace faced off against the mastermind behind the evil scheme - none other than the infamous Ink Demon himself. It was a grueling battle, and it seemed like all was lost at several points, but in the end, Mar'shana and Ace emerged victorious.With the Ink Demon defeated and the Ink Machine destroyed, Mar'shana and Ace were able to return to their own world, grateful for the adventure they had just experienced. They knew that they would never forget their time in the world of Babtqftim and the incredible things they had accomplished together.

7 4 0
Dragon Berry Vitamins

Congratulations to @theoldPoet for winning the April competition with his tongue-in-cheek poem, 'Dragon Berry Vitamins'. As always this collection is now open to any who want to add Poems, just for fun. (Rules are >>> flashlight ... dragon ... cup ... juice ... cats ... chairs ... toys ... vitamins. Make a Poem (no more than 16 lines) using all 8 of the key words.)

5K 65 951
Trump's Transgender Gaslighting - Intentional Insights

President Donald Trump marked an order on Friday, August 25 following up on his prior tweets that he "won't acknowledge or enable transgender people to serve in any way in the U.S. Military." Whatever you consider the declaration, the turn from the Trump organization about it adds up to gaslighting of the transgender group. Consider the terms of this request. It keeps any new transparently transgender enlisted people from joining the military. It likewise arranges the military to assess the status of as of now serving transgender fighters and conceivably dispose of them too in accordance with Trump's unique tweet. Transgender troops criticized the request, saying it will make "finish disparity," in the expressions of one. The chief of the LGBTQ backing bunch Palm Center said that Trump is "pull[ing] the carpet out from under a gathering of administration individuals who have been protecting our nation." By differentiate, the pioneer of the traditionalist Family Research Council commended Trump, expressing that "political accuracy doesn't win wars - and the president is finishing strategies that imagines it does." obviously, similar articulations could be made - and were made - about enabling ladies to serve in the military. For this situation, the transgender group is the objective of Trump's gaslighting. The issue they confront is whether to address the outright lies originating from the White House about the pronouncement, or stress battling Trump's prejudicial activities. Christie's utilization of gaslighting to legitimize debasement and manhandle of energy focuses to the standardization of gaslighting inside our political framework. Just by meeting up in a fair way to get out such lies and focus on truth would we be able to want to make gaslighting inadmissible and safeguard our majority rules system. To know more about visit out website-

4 1 0
Unique Mix

"What's wrong with Hun? Hun is also a person, and Hun can also do something big." This is the dissatisfaction expressed by Liu Fei when the outside world has different views on Hun. Because of the words that once beloved a woman after betrayal changed Liu Fei's life, she resolutely gave up college life and became a lunatic. Because of an accident, he released the county party secretary in the epicenter of the car; because of an accident, not only did he inadvertently save the daughter of the provincial party committee's daughter, but also gave him an unexpected surprise-with strong skills and knowing the minds of others What's more unexpected to him is that the secretary of the Provincial Party Committee is actually Zhenhua Huaxia, the youngest Provincial Party Secretary and Politburo member. Due to his own abilities and advantages not possessed by outsiders, coupled with extremely strong external factors, his life changed again. It ended up being an alternative, unparalleled, superb mash. ["Superb Mix" is the sibling of "Grass Roots". Different protagonists, the same birth, the same effort, reached the same respectable position. 】

15 108 0
Malakai, A. Stephanie

Cel mai apreciat roman din categoria #teenfiction de pe Wattpad. MALAKAI e mai mult decât o poveste. E un destin care-și caută, independent, pașii. Două volume aparte în care coincidența devine baza unor întâmplări ce aveau să dea peste cap un viitor strălucit. Două universuri diferite se unesc în lupta cu ele însăși pentru ca bătălia finală să aibă ca protagoniști sacrificiul și speranța. Prin MALAKAI trăiești viața ca un moment, ghidat fiind de puterea unei iubiri atipice în care instabilitatea e acel cuvânt care nu cunoaște margini. Malakai - Vol. 1 Nimeni nu știe exact de ce Malakai se îndreaptă spre pierzanie, dând cu piciorul șansei de a avea un viitor strălucit. Iar Hannah nici măcar nu e curioasă. Unii ar spune că a fost un miracol, dar ea i-ar contrazice. A fost o pură coincidență care avea să-i dea viața peste cap. O dimineață ca oricare alta. Un accident. O viață salvată. MALAKAI nu este doar o poveste de dragoste. Este o poveste despre coincidențe, supraviețuire, despre prietenie, responsabilități, sacrificii si speranță. Și despre cum uneori partea cea mai grea nu e să salvezi viața altei persoane, ci să o ții in viață. Malakai - Vol. 2 Hannah nu intenționa să își complice viața, însă i se frânge inima de fiecare dată când îl privește pe Malakai. Își dă seama că deși e în viață, Malakai vrea să dispară și își promite că nu va permite asta. Așa că face tot posibilul să-l scoată din universul lui întunecat. Convins că toată lumea îl părăsește la un moment dat, Malakai face tot posibilul să o țină pe Hannah la distanță. Însă insistența ei reușește să îi dărâme zidurile, iar secretele ies la iveală. Instabil e cuvântul pe care Hannah ajunge în scurt timp să îl deteste. Malakai e instabil, iar când își dă seama de asta, simte că deja e prea târziu și nu mai poate face nimic să-și protejeze inima.

411 1 20
(When the Caged Canary Sings Chapter 1) - Novella Sneak Peek

Isolated in the bleak mid-winter snow, Jackary Murphle, conceals himself from the harsh image of the world at Toad House, a country manor inherited after the tragic deaths of his parents. He believes that he has no place in the world, and his confidence in his creative abilities stunts his ambitions. He is the image of stagnancy, a formerly ambitious newspaper contributor, has become transformed into 'some grotesque hermit-like creature,' a man diminished to little self-worth, his appearance repulses even himself as he obsesses 'over the endless creases, and grooves that had appeared within his skin, his skin of a tissue paper thinness.' With the family business of burying the dead, dead and buried along with the passing of his parents, he becomes reliant upon the income of his brother who has taken a labouring job in the nearby village buried in the nook of the valley, at the foot of the moors. With various 'stomachs hungry for animation' the house becomes a fruitless anchor for the two brothers as they struggle to keep the house going for the sake of their parent's memory. The 'penniless poet' thirsts for some form of literary recognition as to contribute to the running of the house, yet his agoraphobic state, and his desire to isolate himself from the rest of the world leaves him obsessive and the image of procrastination. Alone and vulnerable, among the disorganisation of the home and the chaotic order of objects which clearly identify with the main protagonist's loneliness and lack of direction as he desperately clings to items and objects that anchor him to some form of previous existence. It is in the depths of an isolated night that the strange visitor, Douglas Black, who claims to have arranged a viewing of one of the rooms to let, that throws him beyond the realms of comfortability.

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