Search: margherita
12,880 stories
The Offspring of Dragons

The story develops in a land where humans and dragons have always coexisted. The selfishness, cruelty, greed and fear of the different of human beings has led, over time, to the killing of such a number of dragons that they have become a species almost in extinction.Aidan is a half-blood dragon hunter, the son of a human and a dragon.He doesn't really hunt to kill, but to prevent the two species to which he belongs from mutual extermination.In a village Aidan meets another hunter. Her name is Ember.A strong, primordial bond immediately begins for both.In an attempt to reconcile two species, the two main characters will discover a lot about their origins, face their greatest fears and discover new feelings.

352 44 227
Physician of Myddfai

I would like to thank everyone who will take the time to read this historical-fantasy book. The story takes place in Wales, around 1300, concerns two important families who have bonds of kinship and friendship, together with shared secrets. Elements of mythology, historical references, fiction and fantasy have been included in this book.The characters were invented and inserted into families that really existed at the time. The story is purely fictional and in the book every reference to real historical characters has been modified and adapted to combine the historical and fiction parts.Enjoy reading!

575 63 372 Full
JOHN CENA- a love story

It may be almost impossible to spot a famous person outside at a store or on the street, but could you imagine them falling in love with you?

2.7K 13 81 Full
... Unspoken Words....

An emotional and painful journey into some missing conversations between upstead!!Starting from the end of ep 9x04!!

5.8K 7 83 Full
La Margherita

Soffiava una leggera brezza, in quella mattina di metà agosto, tra le colline e le vallate, insinuandosi tra i fili d'erba e gli steli dei fiori....Scopri la storia della margherita ed immergiti nel mondo della fantasia!-Fabulae Team: la fantasia divenuta realtà-

14 1 3 Full
Not Margherita

Mission? To get her choice of food. Not HIS.

35 1 13 Full

è un racconto che narra la storia di un amore profondo e tormentato, ambientato in una fredda sera d'inverno. Il protagonista, attratto dalla malinconica bellezza di Margherita, si ritrova immerso in un'atmosfera surreale, sospeso tra sogno e realtà.Margherita, figura centrale del racconto, è una donna avvolta da un'aura di mistero e fascino. La sua malinconia, lungi dall'essere tristezza, cela una profonda sensibilità ed un'anima ricca di emozioni. E' una donna fragile, ma allo stesso tempo forte e tenace, che lotta contro i demoni del suo passato.Un Amore Impossibile?Il protagonista si sente irresistibilmente attratto da Margherita, ma è consapevole che il loro amore è complesso e forse impossibile. Lei è un'isola selvaggia, inaccessibile a chi non comprende la sua natura tormentata. Lui, pur desiderando proteggerla e alleviarle il dolore, sa che deve rispettare il suo silenzio e la sua solitudine.Un Viaggio Introspettivo alla Ricerca di Se StessiLa sera trascorsa con Margherita diventa per il protagonista un punto di svolta nella sua vita. Confrontandosi con la sua malinconia, è spinto ad un'introspezione profonda. Deve affrontare i suoi demoni interiori, le sue paure e le sue insicurezze per poter essere finalmente all'altezza del suo amore.Un Sogno di Futuro InsiemeNonostante le difficoltà e le incertezze, il protagonista non rinuncia al sogno di un futuro insieme a Margherita. Il suo amore è puro e incondizionato, e gli dà la forza di andare avanti e di lottare per ciò che desidera.Un Racconto Aperto all'InterpretazioneIl racconto si conclude con una nota di speranza, lasciando al lettore la possibilità di immaginare il futuro dei protagonisti. La loro storia è un invito a riflettere sulla complessità dell'amore, sulla fragilità dell'animo umano e sulla forza dei sogni.

0 1 1 Full

A journey into some underrated friendships, that will lead to unexpected bondigs.Multi chapter story.This is a direct following of "Unspoken words".

2.9K 6 51
This love of ours

This is an upstead story . My version of how they met, how they built their bond and their love.

1.5K 4 39
So Human

One year, four days, and twenty-minutes ago, seventeen-year-old Alice Gaede woke up in a hospital bed with no recollection of who she was. That's when Rachel took her in, and made her perfect: perfectly beautiful, perfectly smart, perfectly obedient, and most importantly, a perfect fighter. Her files read "special case." Without memories, though, Alice has no understanding of normal human behavior. In the hopes of teaching her social skills, Rachel enrolls her in the local high school. Alice is unprepared to face this emotional, vulnerable, crowded human place, but despite Rachel's plans, an unlikely friendship with classmate Wrena and a surprising love interest with charming Corin forcefully exposes her to the idea of joy, pain, and what it means to be a human. As she begins to questions everything Rachel had ever taught her, her old life makes a shocking appearance, and Alice is forced to make a devastating choice. How human is she, really?

248 26 78
Margherita Pizza: A Food Blogger's Guide by Mustafa Egemen Şener

As a passionate enthusiast of Italian cuisine, the Margherita pizza holds a special place in my heart. This dish isn't just a meal; it represents a harmonious blend of simplicity and rich cultural history. I am Mustafa Egemen Şener, a fervent advocate of authentic Italian cooking, especially in the art of pizza crafting.

35 1 0 Full
Gli Anomali

La storia si sviluppa in un impreciso futuro nel quale alcuni esseri umani hanno sviluppato capacità magiche. La società è divisa tra quelli che possiedono il potere, la magia chiamati streghe o stregoni e quelli che sono definiti conformi, normali.Con il tempo si è venuta a creare un'istituzione per usare e controllare gli esseri magici, detta L'Agenzia che agisce im modo indipendente dallo stato e ha il pieno controllo della gestione delle streghe e degli stregoni. L'Agenzia è formata da una gerarchia di consiglieri e da elementi addestrati e in servizio attivo, detti Hunter. Questi collaborano con Streghe e Stregoni anch'essi addestrati e strettamente controllati per stanare e fermare quegli elementi chiamati Anomali.Gli Anomali sono persone che secondo L'Agenzia hanno perso il controllo del potere e sono divenuti pericolosi.

30 4 21
Are You Reading?

"We are not suffering life. We're just suffering our own memories and our own imaginations."- About love, life, everything in between.- -

91 10 0 Full
90s' kids - The worst generation

Piccola raccolta di momenti delle nostre amate Supernove come se fossero stati della generazione anni '90... Non so se riuscirò a trovare qualcosa per tutti, ma quello che ho trovato finora mi diverte.- Attenzione: black humor al capitolo due.- Attenzione: SPOILER al capitolo quattro per chi non segue il manga.

125 5 4

A short story about a girl who has been through hell. These journal entries are written by her about her life and about her bullies. A seventeen-year-old girl who didn't deserve what life threw her way and whose life ended in a tragedy.

704 13 116 Full
lying about it all

a girl and her brother run away from their problem

19 1 0 Full
What Do You Mean?? (one shot)

this is a short a prompt that i decided to put on wattpad . the prompt says "you are sitting on a park bench when some one shouts your name." so.. here you go.

29 1 2 Full
Lacrime D'amore

Avanna, una ragazza di 25 anni, ha sposato un ricco miliardario per salvare la sua famiglia dalla rovina, suo marito è Eric Altman. Eric è conosciuto da tutti per la sua dinastia, stronzaggine e ricchezza. Avanna ed Eric sono due persone completamente diverse che però si sono ritrovate sullo stesso cammino. Avanna sogna di diventare una stilista di moda. Sogno realizzabile grazie al marito Eric... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dall'altra parte invece c'è Federico Callegaro, anche lui di 25 anni, ma è diverso da Eric. La sua famiglia va avanti con il loro negozio di tessile e Federico sogna di diventare un architetto per tirare su famiglia. Purtroppo però è un sogno ad occhi aperti, visto la numerosa famiglia, i genitori non riuscirebbero a pagare tutte le scuole. Un sogno ad occhi aperti finché Federico non incontrerà, per puro caso, Avanna...

86 4 10
La piccola margherita di Roma

The childhood story of Margherita Fiametta Adesso, the lady of Italy, from her loss to growing up alone.

53 4 4
More Than a Pretty Face (Vincitore Academy 1)

Contemporary Milan, Italy.In the dazzling world of Vincitore Academy, Margherita, a half-Korean firebrand from humble beginnings, ignites a clash of wills with the P2, the city's elite quartet of dazzling and infuriatingly entitled boys.Yet, privilege holds no sway in Margherita's eyes, and damn it, she's ready to prove it!As she fearlessly challenges Luca Vincitore, the enigmatic and arrogant leader of the P2, Margherita unveils the hidden layers behind his perfect facade. Luca, unaccustomed to anyone resisting his charm, finds himself drawn to the one person unafraid to expose his true, less-than-pretty inner self.However, desire is a double-edged sword. As Luca does not get what he wants, Margherita's animosity toward Luca takes a complicated turn, fueled by an undeniable chemistry. Meanwhile, her heart flutters toward Lorenzo Tristante, the quiet yet mysterious musician...and Luca's best friend.Get ready for a tumultuous journey through love, lust, and self-discovery.Against the backdrop of Milan's glamorous cityscape, each character grapples with heartache, the complexities of relationships, and social hierarchies. Brace yourself for an emotional rollercoaster that will leave you breathless. Read it now!***This is a retelling of "Hana Yori Dango" or "Boys Over Flower" though much has changed from any iterations out there. However you will find some common themes and some of the most memorable scenes. I appreciate your support, comments, and feedback (and stars if you like it!).This story is now complete!I am working on the sequel, "Worth It." I will publish one new chapter every Friday, starting on 2/9/24 :)

2K 23 266 Full

Scarlett Bianca Allen was given up for adoption when she was 3 days old. Being in the system for 7 years ruffend her edges, making her hate everyone and everything. That was until she was adopted by the Allen family. Living with them for 6 years she learned the true value of family. Till one night while she was at a sleepover her family got in a car crash while going out for pizza. Her whole family died, her will to live died. Then she started going by Daisy, her little sisters favorite flower and that last thing she had given to her.Two years later the orphanage got a call from the Romano family, asking if there daughter was still in the system. Finding out she is they were shocked, but immediately took her back in. Now she's living with her biological parents in Italy with her 6 other siblings. And she is determined to hate them.

457 6 14
The business partner

Evelyn Sinclair, a twenty-eight-year-old heiress from New York's elite Upper East Side, is impatiently waiting for her wedding to Alexander Camden, that will bring her dream to life while uniting two powerful families. However, her world shatters when she receives an anonymous message hinting at a devastating secret about Alexander. Determined to uncover the truth, Evelyn discovers that Alexander has been unfaithful, a betrayal that shakes her to her core.As Evelyn grapples with this revelation, she faces betrayal from within her own family. Her mother, Vivienne Sinclair, is entangled in a bitter rivalry with the McCallister family, particularly Edmund McCallister, the charismatic and successful "prince of Wall Street." Edmund was Evelyn's high school crush, though he seemingly never noticed her, and their families' businesses are now fierce competitors. This rivalry is exacerbated by the longstanding feud between Evelyn's divorced parents, with her mother blaming the McCallisters for the downfall of her marriage and for their affiliation with her ex husband.In the midst of the turmoil, an unexpected ally emerges. Edmund McCallister, recognizing Evelyn's strength and resilience, steps forward to offer his support. Despite their families' enmity and their complicated past, Edmund is drawn to Evelyn's determination and grace. As they work together to navigate the treacherous waters of family loyalty, business competition, and personal betrayal, a deeper connection blossoms between them.Evelyn, with Edmund's help, not only confronts the treachery within her own family but also learns to trust and open her heart again. Together, they dismantle the barriers erected by their families' history and forge a new path, proving that love and loyalty can overcome even the deepest of betrayals. In the end, Evelyn emerges stronger, reclaiming her life and finding true love in the most unexpected place.

2 1 0
Can I trust you?

Charlotte è una ragazza che non ama stare con gli altri, ha 16 anni e frequenta un college a Londra.Spesso viene presa di mira dai ragazzi e dalle ragazze della scuola per il fatto che è molto studiosa e non si preoccupa di apparire "perfetta" o "bellissima" agli occhi degli altri.La sua vita procede con continui scherzi e prese in giro da parte degli altri, e lei si chiude sempre più in se stessa e nei suoi libri e non si fida più di nessuno.Un giorno però qualcuno cercò di guardare meglio nei suoi occhi color ghiaccio, cercò di leggere la sua anima. Un ragazzo che lei non si sarebbe mai aspettata di poter conoscere, un ragazzo che le mostrò che non sempre le persone sono come vogliono apparire, un ragazzo che si chiamava Liam...Riuscirà a fidarsi di questo ragazzo? Riuscirà ad accettare il suo aiuto dopo essere stata distrutta e lasciata lì, a ricostruirsi da sola? E soprattutto, riuscirà finalmente ad aprire il suo cuore ed imparare cos'è l'amore?(One Direction FanFiction)

646 14 48
Love battle // damiano and ethan

Bella is a 19 years old girl from italy whose biggest dream is to go to eurovision concert and is a big fan of maneskin..some say dreams just stay as dreams but maybe they do come true..

28.1K 20 755 Full
Chronicle of Burden

Following a series of tragic events, the world is coming to an end as the Final Herrscher is done playing its cruel waiting game.With Doomsday drawing ever closer, the former Captain of the battleship Hyperion embarks on a seemingly impossible quest: travel through the Sea of Quanta to another world and deliver a message to prevent the tragedy that happened in his world from ever happening anywhere else.NOTE: This is a fanfiction. All right go to miHoYo.

20.9K 23 597 Full

For so long, James Lake Jr. believed there was just one Trollhunter passed on for decades and centuries.At Midnight, he caught many sightings. They wore the same armor as him, but dark colored. This raised questions on Jim's knowledge about the Trollhunters warrior that passed on for decades. Who was this Trollhunter who appeared at Midnight?((Trollhunter doesn't belong to me! It belongs to Guillermo del Toro; the creator of TrollHunters))• Highest Rank: #1 gunmar •• Highest Rank: #1 jimlakejr •• Highest Rank: #1 blinky •• Highest Rank: #1 ocbook •• Highest Rank: #1 trollhunters •• Highest Rank: #1 teamwork •• Highest Rank: #1 darknessandlight •• Highest Rank: #3 midnight •• Highest Rank: #1 teamwork •

95.3K 67 2.6K Full