Search: lucascastellan
21 stories
The Other Castellan

Draco Malfoy was hiding.Not from the Gryffindors, not even Voldemort himself.No. He was hiding the truth from everyone.Born in America, being a Half-Blood, growing up with his insane mother, the younger brother to Luke Castellan, the best swordsman in the last 300 years, the first demi-wizard in his year to attend Hogwarts, Lucas Castellan had a lot on his plate.But he couldn't tell anyone, or else both worlds would be destroyed, and that would be his fault.And he wouldn't want that, would he?Join Lucas(or Draco, if you prefer), as he undergoes his perilous and very much annoying quest to protect "The Boy Who Lived," otherwise known as Harry Potter.~~~~~~The current word count is 100 521 as of Chapter 36.~~~~~~Rights to J.K. Rowling and Rick Riordan.Cover made by me.I only own the plot and some OCs.

78.3K 39 3K Full
TENNIS COURT ⋆ Child and Teen Faceclaims

Baby, be the class clown, I'll be the beauty queen in tears.CHILD AND TEEN FACECLAIMSCLINQUAANT © 2021 / COMPLETE

359.8K 200 1.2K Full
Face Claims 1.0

appreciating some unappreciated faces. let's give them a round of applause. a book in which i post about 5 different yet rarely seen face claims a week, hoping that at least one person will stop using the same basic faces over and over... i'm not bitter. highest rankings: #5 random (12/1/16) #1 face claim (11/09/16) book 1 is completed, but book 2 is published now! 3rd book is out now!

1.3M 197 20.9K Full
𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐀𝐒, face claims ¹

-i can make you seewhatever i want you to see.( face claims )

83K 163 1.1K Full
Male Cast

Okay, Lachowski is getting overused (i get it tho, he's hot af)There are other men who are just as attractive, but aren't getting much recognition. I have a whole list ready for you. That's right. I've been doing my research ;)Check out my Female Cast for a list of gorgeous women :)

269K 157 2.8K
ask the footballers

because why not ask your football hotties some questions.©PhelpsFeels, 2017highest ranking #714 in random

58K 200 3.1K Full
Period Face Claims {2.0}

This ain't my first rodeo| #85 in random |

1.1M 195 8.6K
face claims.

underrated face claims to use in your stories :)

13.3K 170 179
Male Cast

bc Francisco Lachowski is getting overused.tbh I completely understand, he's hot af.♡ ♡ ♡art: Henrietta Harriscover edit: me :)

561.5K 190 4.3K

helping you to find face claims for your cast that aren't overusedー POC included!

472.5K 114 7.2K
Music To Listen To

Different music I love to listen to whenever I'm feeling sad, mad, happy, or whenever I feel like it. Who knows? Maybe you'll like it too!!Have fun! Comment, share, like, and follow!!⚠️ Warning ⚠️: None of these songs are owned by me in any way. The only thing that's mine are my comments about the music. Thank you for reading my book!!

1.2K 92 259 Full
My Shipping Book

A random book of pairings that I ship. Enjoy!

177.2K 160 1.8K
Face Claims: Book III

Book 3 of my face claims series, picking up where book 2 left off we are continuing with the L's.I have both well known and lesser known actors, actresses, musicians, YouTubers, etc.Enjoy! 🖤💙💜

737 200 0
I Don't Know What To Do:Carmella/Alexa Bliss Love  Story

Lucas Nathan LEVESQUE is the 26-year old nephew of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon, who is currently in a relationship with WWE Superstar Carmella. He is a professional wrestler and Reality Television Star, he currently appears on Season 7 of Total Divas. As of 2017, Lucas has a net worth of $4 million dollars. He lives in Orlando, Florida, U.S. In 2008, when he was just 15-years old, he was put up for adoption and later that year on August 1st, 2008, he was adopted by his aunt and uncle, Stephanie McMahon and Triple H and he moved in with them two days later. In 2014, he debuted in NXT and that is when he met Carmella, they have been dating since August 2nd, 2014. Lucas works for WWE where he appears on SmackDown Live, he Wrestlers under the ring name "Nathan Jackson". Carmella is Nathan's manager and Nathan is Carmella's manager. He has a daughter with Reality T.V. Star, model, entrepreneur, socialite, and Social Media Personality, Kylie Jenner. Nathan and Kylie's daughter was born on February 6th, 2018. What happens when Lucas meets RAW Women's Champion Alexa Bliss? Will Lucas catch feelings for her? How will this affect his relationship with Carmella? Read on to find out!!!

2.2K 16 3
Covers [CLOSED]

Sometimes I make cool shit on Photoshop.REQUESTS CLOSED

93.4K 147 7.3K
New Discussion Book

This is the New book where I talk about anything I want to talk about

20.9K 200 254 Full
Meet The Authors edition #7 (Nov 2020 to June 2021)

More intriguing interviews, which provide readers with writing tips and recommendations. Read through the interviews and get to know some amazing Wattpad writers.-this is where the continuation of the November 2020 resigns--Also, there is where the Summer 2021 edition begins and the issue finishes in the 8th edition-cover by @Adrianna_over_hereReached one thousand views July 24th, 2021

1.2K 198 264 Full
Music = Life with Lyrics 2

Music people like to listen to that have lyrics too. Videos are sometimes/ most of the time very creative and unique. Had to make a second one due to the limit being 200 and Wattpad becomes not functional with not being able to edit. So in order to have everything alphabetize and working, I had to make a new one. Enjoy!

4.5K 158 16
Vinovat e regele!

Când Louella este obligată să fugă cu micul ei prinț în altă țară, ultimul lucru la care se așteaptă este o viață fericită și o dragoste adevărată. Obligată să își părăsească căminul, singurul lucru care o interesează este protecția prințului moștenitor. Iar, pentru a i-o oferi, este gata să se căsătorească cu un bărbat cu mult mai în vârstă decât ea. Când Julian Cameron află de complotul împotriva regelui, abia de are timp să îi ducă de la castel pe prințul moștenitor și pe mama acestuia. Calea a fost lungă și grea, iar pentru a-i proteja, Julian a fost nevoit să îi ascundă în altă țară, în palatul unei rude îndepărtate. Însă acolo, totul se întoarce împotriva lui, deoarece tânărul ajunge să înțeleagă că este îndrăgostit de femeia pe care trebuie să o apere. De când circumstanțele i-au obligat să petreacă inevitabil de mult timp împreuna, Julian și Louella au înțeles că sunt pierduți pentru vecie în mrejele dragostei. Însă, odată ce în joc intră onoarea și simțul datoriei, dragostea trece pe planul doi. Louella are misiunea de a apăra viața posibilului prinț moștenitor, iar dragostea nu intră deloc în planurile ei, iar Julian are rolul de a-i proteja pe amândoi și, la timpul cuvenit, de a-i ajuta să se întoarcă acasa.

32 3 7
The Flower of Hope

In a quaint village nestled amidst rolling hills and lush greenery, there lived a girl named Elara. She was the epitome of beauty, with eyes that sparkled like the morning dew and hair that flowed like cascading waves of gold. But it was not just her physical appearance that captivated the hearts of those around her - it was her kindness, her compassion, her unwavering spirit in the face of adversity.From a young age, Elara had faced more than her fair share of challenges. Her family was poor, and she often went without the comforts that others took for granted. But instead of wallowing in self-pity, she embraced each day with a smile, finding joy in the simple pleasures of life - the warmth of the sun on her face, the laughter of children playing in the streets, the scent of wildflowers blooming in the fields.Despite her hardships, Elara dreamed of a better future, a life filled with love and happiness. And it was this hope that sustained her through the darkest of times, like a beacon of light guiding her through the storm.One day, as she wandered through the village market, Elara caught the eye of a young man named Lucas. He was handsome and charming, with a smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts. From that moment on, Lucas was captivated by Elara, drawn to her inner beauty as much as her outer radiance.Their love blossomed like the flowers in spring, gentle and sweet, filling the air with a sense of magic and wonder. They walked hand in hand through the village streets, sharing their hopes and dreams for the future, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could overcome any obstacle that stood in their way.But fate had other plans for Elara and Lucas. One fateful night, tragedy struck the village, leaving devastation in its wake. Elara's home was destroyed, her family torn apart by the cruel hand of destiny. In the midst of the chaos, Lucas searched frantically for his beloved, his heart heavy with fear and uncertainty.

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