Search: laetitia
54,951 stories
The Sun Is Also A Star - Maybe One Day

What happens after their encounter on the plane ?Do they still love each other ? Or has that love been erased by time ?I loved reading Nicola Yoon's "The Sun Is Also A Star", and I decided rewriting the end. /!\ The book must have been read beforeCover by @EvePetal

28.4K 17 558 Full

the moon mirrors the pallor on my faceand i sit here retching songs into stone for you

1.7K 9 164 Full
The Broken Heart Syndrome

" Stress cardiomyopathy, also referred to as the "broken heart syndrome," is a condition in which intense emotional or physical stress can cause rapid and severe heart muscle weakness (cardiomyopathy). This condition can occur following a variety of emotional stressors such as grief (e.g. death of a loved one), fear, extreme anger, and surprise. It can also occur following numerous physical stressors to the body such as stroke, seizure, difficulty breathing (such as a flare of asthma or emphysema), or significant bleeding. ""If patients often recover and survive if they are diagnosed early, there isn't any concrete treatment to "the broken heart syndrome", and many die because of it."I sigh heavily while reading these harsh, painful words on the Internet. The medical team who's currently trying to help me told me basically everything about my illness, but I'm afraid that they are lying to me. That they don't want to tell me the whole truth. That I'm dying of a broken heart...

2.3K 7 77
Des soins ou l'amour naitra

Tu travailles dans la médecine et tu es embauché dans une grande agence..

130 13 30 Full
What lovers do (Sous contrat d'Edition avec Shingfoo)

5 plumes 1 histoire. Les couples qui ont fait les histoires des auteurs de la team Shingfoo reviennent le temps d'une Saint Valentin.Alors qui sera le plus romantique?

726 8 28 Full
Soul Of The Force (A Star Wars Story)

In a galaxy far, far away the time is in an era of cold war. The treaty of Coruscant has been signed by the the Republic and the Sith Empire but they still fight, always ready to strike at each other. Both sides clashing, never finding a balance. Phoerei Bear, a young sith lord with great battle records and a strength in the force not seen in anyone like before. Will she be the Sith Empire's greatest weapon or their most dangerous foe?I do not own star wars except the characters I've created and this is my first fanfiction I have written so please enjoy.

271 9 0
White Rabbit

Korrine Kingsleigh is the last member of the Kingsleigh household. She had inherited everything her parents had and became the Countess Kingsleigh, the Queen's white rabbit, her most skilled servant. Korrine Kingsleigh also possesses a demoness maid named Nadine Lemaire, known as the feline demon of Hell. Along with that, she herself possesses a power no one has ever learned about until she meets the Earls Phantomhive and Trancy and their demonic butlers. What will the two bring her? Will she gain something that she never expected to recieve? Or will both mistress and maid gain something more?

432 49 11 Full
Memoirs of Laetitia Pilkington

The Memoirs of Laetitia Pilkington give a wonderful glimpse into several worlds of the 18th Century - respectable Dublin, into which she was born the daughter of an eminent doctor; Dr. Swift and his circle, in which she moved until the failure of her marriage; Grub Street and the demimonde of London where she was afterwards forced to scrape a living. She was friend and confidante of Jonathan Swift, Samuel Richardson, and Colley Cibber. Sometime she hob-nobbed with Dukes, sometimes she was in a debtor's prison. Throughout it all she kept her courage, her wit, and her remarkable memory for the telling anecdote, which she drew on for her memoirs.

45 5 0 Full
« No motivation »

Facts about my life

13 1 1 Full
Victoria G Interviews Laetitia Mahicka

On June 15, 2020 I sent interview questions to the incredibly talented actress, model, and singer, Laetitia Mahicka, then on June 20, 2020 she took some time out of her schedule to answer them for me through Email. It was truly an honor getting to interview her. I hope you all enjoy reading this interview!

4 1 0 Full

The story is about a guy who keeps on being born in different reality's, different people and different life stories. However he fells in love w someone and cannot live without them.

10 1 0 Full
Un amour de servante (Saturo Gojo x OC)

Ils se connaissent depuis qu'ils sont petits. Elle est devenue la servante de l'exorciste le plus fort de sa génération, il y a promis qu'ils seront toujours ensemble. L'univers de JJK ne m'appartient pas mais j'aime cette univers et je voulais m'essayer à l'écriture.

184 9 0

Fanfiction sur Robin des Bois ( en prenant en compte l'histoire de la comédie musicale ).J'ai commencé à écrire cette fanfiction sur un compte skyblog il y a bien longtemps puis je me suis dit que je pourrais la mettre ici pour que d'autres personnes puissent la lire . Je n'écris absolument pas régulièrement , je préfére prévenir :)

281 9 9
Facebook In Hogwarts, a Jily fanfiction

What if the marauders had Facebook?-James Potter and Lily Evans romantic story + Hogbook, a magical social media-100 views | nov 3rd 2017 |200 views | nov 22nd 2017 |300 views | jan 2nd 2018 |400 views | jan 17th 2018 |500 views | april 12th 2018 |600 views | july 14th 2018 |700 views | august 14th 2018 |800 views | october 28th 2018 |900 views | january 30th 2019 |1k views | july 31th 2019 |

2K 12 84
CottonCandy Twisted Vines

Welcome to CottonCandy Land -'ღ'-

20.5K 15 2.6K Full

We all know the story, you know, the one about a girl who is not popular, the one about a girl who has a lot of drama in her so-little life, the one where she falls in love with the bad boy, even though she swears to the entire world that she doesn't even know his name. This story is popular, this story quickly became a classic, it even became a dream for some girls. But do we know the other side of the story?Being popular, being the quarterback and being perfect aren't easy things and nobody likes to talk about that, we all pretend everything's fine, we all pretend everything's ordinary. It seems easy, it seems natural and it even seems normal for some people, but literally no one understands that being perfect comes with some concessions, probably because we can't have it all, can you? Maybe we should all ask Dylan Stevens. He's your typical stereotype; he's gorgeous, popular, smart and athletic. Of course, girls easily come with that description, but despite what everybody believes, he's not a womanizer, not since he had his heart broken two years ago. At least, that's what everyone thinks, that he had his heart broken, that he didn't do anything wrong, that he knows better. But do they know the truth?Junior year starts for him and his friends, and he still thinks it will be a normal year, he thinks nothing will change, he thinks he will be stuck in a boring teenage life. To be honest, he even thinks his parents won't let him go with all the girlfriend stuff, and he can already tell that he will mind, that he will go crazy. But nothing, absolutely nothing, can prepare him for what's next.Right here in Hamilton, Montana, Dylan will learn something. Being popular, being the quarterback and being perfect aren't easy things. But seeing your ex best friend you broke two years ago? It's too damn complicated. Isn't it, Dylan Stevens?

30 3 10
Fantasy: The Forgotten World

There are two realms belonging in this current path... One of Reality, one of Fantasy. The two realms have both long have forgotten each others' existence and paths to each realm... But that will alter when Amy Olivar is brought into the world of Fantasy. Amy Olivar of Willowbrook will unlock the Sorcerer's Book and open the portal to the Fantasy Realm. When she discovers the stories behind, she will learn that she will need to complete the story before she is trapped for eternity. On her journey, she discovers her allies and enemies, but at the end of the story, what will she discover? Her fate? Or doom?

1.8K 15 82 Full
Love never dies


2 11 0
The Bruise


278 4 1
The Vampire Diaries

Voici cette fiction que j'ai moi-même écrite , je l'imagine comme ça, bref bonne lecture.!!!...Cette histoire sera centrée sur Delena et un peu Klaroline et Steroline !!!

661 12 99

Two teenagers drowning in their own emotions.She was the 'I'm fine' type of girl. He was the 'no you not, tell me what happened' type of boy. Could I make it more obvious?

311.7K 66 7.1K Full
Somewhere in Batangas

hiraeth series #1: somewhere in batangas (completed)an epistolary collaboration | kayus and keisha

49.2K 109 1.4K Full
Harcelée Mais Vivante

Histoire vraie, du vécu, une maladie suite à ça. L'harcèlement scolaire est présent partout et dans toutes écoles. Au jour d'aujourd'hui, nombre de jeunes en souffre, parfois en silence. Désormais je me sens prête à partager mon vécu, mais aussi la maladie qui s'en suit et les envies d'en finir.

174 10 0