Search: ketuateras
93 stories
Kisah Hidup Ali ( E.A)

Ali mempunyai penyakit kanser otak yang di mana tiada siapa yang tahu kecuali ayah ibunya dan ketua terasnya. Pada hari Isnin, Ali harus pergi ke MATA HQ untuk mendapatkan rawatan otaknya. Ali menerima rawatan tersebut, tetapi malangnya Ali kehilangan ingatannya buat selama-lamanya. Akibat kehilangan ingatannya, emosi dia pun terganggu. Daripada ceria, pemalas dan cuai menjadi dingin, rajin dan kuat. Setelah tiga tahun( Ali berumur 15 tahun), Ali pun kembali ke MATA kerana dia tersilap langkah semasa dia menjalankan tugas yang di beri oleh ketua teras untuk menyelamatkan ejen MATA yang di mana tercedera akibat berlawan dengan komeng. Mampukah Ali mengingati mereka?ataupun dia akan melupakan semua tentang kisah silam nya? Ingin tahu baca lah cerita ini! (Aliya Djin dan Zain masih hidup ngan Djin tak belot MATA jadi tu lah)

418 6 8
Perpetual Infatuation

A Clumsy girl, crushing over a guy since 4 years yet never talked to him. Now, when finally she has his attention, her crazy and unfiltered self is only making the situation embarassing to the next level.A tale of first Crush, Embarassing moments, Ignorance, Hurt, Stubbornness, and Love. ••••••Celebrity Crush, Stranger Crush, Internet Crush, College Crush, High School Crush, Neighbour Crush, Cricketer Crush, but there is one crush in all of our life who was, is and always will be the most special, Our First Crush. The crush because of whom we experienced butterflies in our stomach. Introducing Nandini, who is been crushing on a guy, more specifically a playboy from past 4 years. she has been stalking him day and night, whereas he have no idea there is someone getting mad over him.Now, when finally he noticed her, her clumsiness and nervousness is not helping at all. But, as they say don't give up so that's what she's going to do. โš ๏ธThe female lead is going to be immature, and childish throughout the book, so don't read the book if you want the girl to be mature and responsible because you will only get disappointment then.Lets see how the story unfolds when the good girl has huge infatuation on the bad boy!Xoxo,MarbilHighest Ranking:#1- FirstLove#1- Crush#1- Ignorance--------------------------

213.1K 48 16.1K Full
Misi Ali

Baca je lah tak payah nak banyak tanyaSaya hanya meminjam karakter mereka. Credit tersebut diberikan kepada pemilik asal karakter tersebut

1K 16 42

Kisah tentang seorang ketua mafia, Weir Thaddeus yang bertemu dengan seorang gadis yang masih belajar. Demi untuk menyelamatkan galeri lukisan milik keluarganya, Shea Marrietta terpaksa meminta derma dan di galeri lukisan itulah pertemuan pertama mereka.Pertemuan pertama yang membuatkan ketua mafia itu jatuh hati buat pertama kalinya terhadap gadis remaja itu. Namun, masing-masing memendam perasaan sehingga menyebabkan mereka terpisah dek kerana satu salah faham.Setelah 5 tahun, mereka berdua bertemu kembali. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Semua watak didalam short love-story ini adalah rekaan daripada imaginasi saya sebagai penulis. Tiada kaitan dengan sesiapa yang masih hidup atau yang telah meninggal dunia.

10.7K 60 372 Full

Rizzkey Daim, sebut sahaja namanya seluruh ahli kongsi gelap pasti mengenalinya. Dia ketua Dark Ball yang digeruni dan dihormati semua. Menjadi ketua sejak umurnya 15 tahun dan lebih berkuasa apabila dia membunuh ayahnya sendiri, ketua Dark Blood. Siapa sangka, pembunuh handal ini bertemu dengan seorang gadis biasa dan menjadikannya isteri pada kali ketiga pertemuan mereka yang tidak disengajakan. Jiwanya meronta ingin menjaga gadis itu. "Apa yang awak nak buat dengan saya ni?" - AKMA SOFEA"Aku nak kawin dengan kau." - RIZZKEY DAIMSemudah itu? Ya, kalau Rizzkey mahu semua mesti dituruti. Dia ada segalanya yang manusia mahu. Duit dan kuasa.Tapi tidak bagi Fea, dia tidak pandang lelaki kerana duit. Dia tidak berfikir cinta, umurnya baru 17 tahun. Terlalu mentah untuk menjalinkan hubungan dengan mana-mana lelaki. Dia gadis yang sangat menjaga harga dirinya. Tidak boleh dibeli dengan wang atau apa sekalipun.Rizzkey? Kisah? Mestilah tidak. Dia berkahwin dengan Fea kerana dia yakin Fea adalah jodohnya selepas mereka bertemu 3 kali berturut-turut tanpa dirancang. Yakin benar.Nasib. Fea menyesal dengan nasib 'malang' yang ditimpanya. Kenapa mesti lelaki seperti Rizzkey yang menjadi suaminya? Lelaki itu ketua geng mafia, membunuh orang, buat kerja haram, tak solat, bertatto dan macam-macam lagi yang buruk pada diri Rizzkey yang dibenci Fea. Sampai dia tahu yang Rizzkey tidaklah teruk mana. Lelaki itu peka. Lelaki itu menjaganya. Lelaki itu risau dengannya. Fea kalah dengan Rizzkey. Kuat manapun dirinya, dia tetap lemah apabila dengan Rizzkey. Dia perlukan lelaki itu.Tidak mudah hidup dengan Rizzkey tetapi lelaki itu banyak membantunya. Fea terima nasib itu. Nasib yang dia rasa malang dulu, bertukar kepada nasib baiknya. Dia baru sedar yang Rizzkey telah menyelamatkannya dari masa lalunya.Tiada persoalan. Hanya kisah dua manusia yang dipertemukan kerana nasib. FATE.

14.3K 46 427
The Second Born Bridgerton // Benedict Bridgerton

"๐‘ฐ ๐’”๐’‚๐’š ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’˜๐’“๐’๐’๐’ˆ ๐’•๐’‰๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ๐’” ๐’Š๐’ ๐’‚๐’๐’Ž๐’๐’”๐’• ๐’†๐’—๐’†๐’“๐’š ๐’”๐’Š๐’•๐’–๐’‚๐’•๐’Š๐’๐’ ๐‘ฐ ๐’‡๐’Š๐’๐’… ๐’Ž๐’š๐’”๐’†๐’๐’‡ ๐’Š๐’, ๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐‘ฐ ๐’๐’†๐’—๐’†๐’“ ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’˜ ๐’˜๐’‰๐’‚๐’• ๐‘ฐ ๐’‚๐’Ž ๐’…๐’๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ. ๐‘ฉ๐’–๐’• ๐‘ฐ ๐’…๐’ ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’˜ ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’• ๐‘ฐ ๐’‚๐’Ž ๐’‰๐’๐’‘๐’†๐’๐’†๐’”๐’”๐’๐’š ๐’Š๐’ ๐’๐’๐’—๐’† ๐’˜๐’Š๐’•๐’‰ ๐’š๐’๐’–." Peaches is a Featherington, and like her brash and horribly dressed sisters, she is to be thrown to the lions of the ton for this season's marriage market.She does not wish to find love or romance or to marry. So she is shocked when she finds she cannot resist no other than the second born Bridgerton.Benedict x OC Completed! 50,000 words Best ratings: #1 in Bridgerton, #1 in BenedictBridgertonHope you enjoy ๐Ÿ’—Characters and overarching story do not belong to me! OC characters and storylines only. Some bits of the series have been changed to better fit with my story so not 100% accurate to the TV show or the books! The ages are a little inconsistent too and I apologise for that... In line with Quinn's books, Peaches would be about 15 - I imagine her around 22. I don't condone relationships with minors! I didn't really think anyone would read my book, so I didn't focus too much on ages being accurate to the original books! It's my first fic and I've made some mistakes but please stick with me!

1.7M 54 49.3K Full
Naruto: The Strongest Kakashi (Remake) Part 2

Petualangan Kakashi keluar desa terus berlanjut. Mencari kekuatan merupakan keharusan baginya demi mengubah dunia yang menjadi lebih baik. Ketika 2 tahun kemudian, Kakashi akan kembali ke Konoha. Saat dimana Klan Uchiha akan melakukan kudeta. Dipimpin Fugaku, mereka menuntut keadilan bagi Klan. Konflik inilah yang menjadi jalan pembuka plot asli anime Naruto dimulai. Petualangan Kakashi Hatake terus berlanjut.-------------------------------------Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel!I am not the author of Kakashi The Strongest in Naruto World, I am just translating the story.

50.3K 200 9.9K Full
KETOS (Lee Mark)

PASTIKAN BACA ATTENTIONNYA JUGA YA!๐Ÿ’100% gua ngarang sendiri๐Ÿ’Update kalo otak lagi encerKisah Hye In atau biasa teman-temannya memanggil dengan sebutan Yinyin, dia anak baru dari Korea yang bersekolah diluar negeri yaitu di Kanada demi mengikuti ayahnya yang harus berpindah tugas kesana.Rasa kecewanya masih belum padam karena harus meninggalkan negara kelahirannya, demi mengikuti ayahnya yang mendapat tugas di Kanada. Dirinya adalah orang yang susah bergaul, meski bahasa Inggrisnya cukup ia kuasai namun itu tak membuat dirinya langsung bisa beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru dan orang-orang baru.Hingga suatu saat dia bertemu dengan sosok Ketua OSIS yang menjadi primadona para cewe-cewe sekolah, Hyein mendapat guncingan dari teman-temannya disekah karena kejadian dia duduk bersebelahan dengan ketua OSIS di perpustakaan. Dari kejadian itulah Hyein menjadi pusat pembicaraan anak-anak sekolah hingga membuatnya merasa tidak nyaman.โ˜†Fiksi Remajaโ˜†Fiksi Penggemar

536 10 22
Let It Flow In Love ...

1.... The day......" Turunkan sedikit harganya Dan aku akan menyetujuinya . kau bisa mendapatkan dananya besok pagi. " suara penuh wibawa seorang CEO Kim . siapa yang tidak mengetahuinya. Dan ingat hanya sekedar tahu , bukan mengenal. " ......" " baiklah ..... 2 millions won bukan suatu masalah. Hanya pastikan aku tidak merugi . aku rasa cukup. Asistenku akan melanjutkan nya. Terimakasih." Berlalu keluar ruangan menuju private lift menuju kantornya dilantai teratas gedung Kim company. Menarik satu nafas panjang Dan menyandarkan tubuhnya . hey , kau lelah tuan CEO . Ting...... Menandakan pintu lift segera terbuka. Melangkahkan kakinya ringan ... Seraya melonggarkan dasi yg sedari tadi mencekik rapi lehernya. Sebuah senyuman tercetak diraut wajahnya. Lihatlah ada bidadari tengah tertidur dikursi kebesaran nya .... Seketika lelahnya lenyap menguap. Memandang wajah damai sang gadis . sudah lamakah hingga ia tertidur seperti ini .... Sekilas merapikan poni sang gadis . Heolsss

30.9K 9 2.6K Full
The black-hearted lady brought space to the countryside(1)

Author: Green Orange Lemon TeaStatus: SerializationUpdate: 2024-03-2Chapters: 1~200 daughter of a gangster was reborn in the most difficult time of the 1960s. Fortunately, she had her own base and no worries about food and clothing; unfortunately, she was a descendant of a capitalist family, and her parents died, leaving her an orphan. In order not to become a hot topic in the eyes of others, she simply chose to live in the countryside. Unexpectedly, she still couldn't escape the calculation. The villagers thought: "That little educated youth, with that small body, can be blown away by a gust of wind!" In fact: "Oh, the little educated youth carried two large bags of food, and his face was not red or breathless?" "Come and see, the little educated youth killed the wild boar!" ..... DISCLAIMER!!!• This is purely MTL novel { this is not edited, so there will be grammatical errors, incorrect pronouns or words so please read it with caution}• I do not own the story nor the cover.• For Offline Purpose Only so please do not report or vote, Just Read. Thank you

208.4K 200 3.6K Full
Paw Patrol Odyssey

A collection of Paw Patrol stories that some wish could be on the show.Some stories are connected while others go down different paths.

62.8K 200 663 Full
Dragon Ball: Paradise Lost

An ordinary, low-class Saiyan dies an unceremonious death. Circumstances occur and attendant to the God of Destruction himself offers her a second chance at a peaceful planet where even a loser with an incredibly rare type of S-Cells such as her couldn't screw things up and doom the entire universe.

7.3K 101 100 Full
The Smosh in our Stars | Shayne Topp x fem!Reader

Back at Blandview High in 2009, your best friend since kindergarten booked a gig on a movie called "Dear Lemon Lima." However, when he returns, he gets such an ego that you two drift apart. Years later, after putting him out of your brain, you decide to quit your 9-5 and pursue your passion for sketch comedy. Your friend tells you to join the YouTube channel Smosh and you decide to audition to be on their main cast. You get hired, and on your first day, you meet eyes with someone you haven't seen in a long, long time.

405 12 18
In The Last Days Of Natural Disasters, Hoard Two Billion Supplies To Survive

(Book 1) UNEDITEDThis story is not mine. Just for offline reading. -------------------------Extreme cold, extreme heat, earthquake, blizzard, rainstorm, flood, hail, heavy fog...Natural disasters followed one after another, animals and plants mutated one after another, and human beings survived in the cracks.Civilization is almost wiped out, and social order is gone.Shen Xun struggled to survive for four years in the apocalypse, and finally died tragically at the hands of his best relatives.Half a month before he was reborn and returned to the end of the world, Shen Xun sold the shares in the company left to him by his parents, took the 2 billion he got, and started hoarding supplies crazily.This time, she wants to stay away from her best relatives.Looking at the space full of supplies, Shen Xun felt full of security.The male protagonist appeared very late, and the relationship between the two was slow to heat up, and they joined forces in the later period.Mainly to survive natural disasters.The heroine is an occasional crazy critic.have pets.

436.9K 200 10.3K Full
Returning to '90s, She Became Famous in Major Surgical Fields

Book 9Back in 1996, the eldest daughter of Oldman Xie's Family, Xie Wanying, said that she wanted to be a surgeon, to which many people laughed at her." A Phoenix gives birth to a phoenix. And a dog gives birth to a dog. A truck driver's daughter will be a doctor, when pigs learn how to climb trees. ""I'm not just going to be a doctor, I'm going to be a cardiothoracic surgeon,"Xie Wanying said.Her sentence created a thousand waves in the medical circle. A relative doctor of their family even ridiculed her sternly and said: "Do you know how high the admission score for medical students is? Can you even pass the exam?""There are zero female cardiothoracic surgeons in the country, if the top female doctors could not make it that far who do you think you are!"A group of people ridiculed: "You will only get admitted to a third-rate medical school and be a hygienist in a small county. Who will you marry in the future? "But she proved them wrong, at the end of the college entrance examination, Xie Wanying entered the top class of surgery in the country with the province's top prize in science. She entered the top hospital in the capital and was sought after by the director of the surgical departments while she was still an intern. "Student Xie Wanying, you must come to general surgery.""No, you must go to our urology-""Pediatric surgery lacks female doctors like Xie Wanying."All her relatives Wechat moments:..........At this time, Xie Wanying independently completed the national youngest tetralogy of Fallot surgery, represented the domestic cardio-thoracic surgery association to participate in the international medical forum, and published the world's first minimally invasive heart valve repair operation, which was a worthy feat considering she was the top female surgeon!Author(s)่‚ฅๅฆˆๅ‘ๅ–„For offline purposes only/Not mine

71.2K 200 1.5K Full
Heroes of Olympus Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader Story

From his first dealings with the demigod with one shoe, to his final clash with the giants at the heart of Ancient Greece, follow (Y/N) as he journey's with the seven on their task to find the doors of death. Give it a read, I hope you enjoy. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Heroes of Olympus, Percy Jackson or any characters, art and/or lore associated with the canon occurrences. This is a fanfiction giving the author certain creative rights. All art and music of any sort are also not owned by the author and full recognition goes to their original and amazing artists/actors. And the author.All Rights Reserved

70.3K 106 3K
Quick Transmigration Cannon Fodder's Record of Counterattacks

Ning Shu had dropped dead. But in a burst of good fortune she became a task-taker in charge of counterattacking for pitiful cannon fodder. Thus, Ning Shu, in one world after another, took all kinds of life roles, encountered all kinds of 'you're heartless, you're ruthless, you're making trouble for no reason' people. She encountered all sorts of white lotus flowers, green tea bitches, scheming bitches, by the batch.Does any true beauty still exist in the world!? bellowed Ning Shu angrily. You annoying trash! I'm just here to counterattack, please don't get in the way of me completing my task. Transmigration main character, reincarnation main character. There's only a lazy task-taker, no undestroyable main character halo. Ning Shu had no choice but to painfully gather moral integrity in each of the worlds.Arc1 - arc3this light novel doesn't belong to me am just posting it here for those who are interested and to read offline.Author(s) Hen Shi Jiao Qingๅพˆๆ˜ฏ็Ÿซๆƒ…

613K 178 20.5K Full

COMPLETEGULF KANAWUTDisaat hatinya telah berlabuh jatuh terlalu dalam, ketika itu juga hatinya sakit bagai ditusuk sembilu. Pedih terluka dan menyakitkan melihat org yg dicintai bersama dengan insan lain hanya dengan alasan demi dirinya.MEW SUPPASITMew sangat merindui sosok isterinya, selama 7 tahun ini dia tidak pernah berputus asa atau berhenti mencari keberadaan isterinya. Hampir seluruh pelosok dunia mew mengarahkan suruhannya mencari gulf tapi nihil tiada sebarang khabar atau petunjuk dimana isterinya berada. Membuatkan mew semakin frustasi, mew berubahan menjadi seorg workerholic kesihatan langsung diabaikan olehnya. Dia lebih kerap lembur di perusahaannya, pulang larut malam atau langsung bermalam di kantornya. Keluarganya dan keluarga mertua mew merasa sangat bersalah dan kasihan dengan keadaan mew. Dempak kehilangan gulf membuat hidup mew bertukar 360°.APAKAH MEW DAPAT MENEMUI GULF? DAN ADAKAH HUBUNGAN MEREKA AKAN KEMBALI BAIK? semuanya akan menjadi tanda tanya. Ayo sama sama kita ketahui gimana lanjutnya kisah mewgulf.FF mami yg ini chapternya tidak lebih dari 20 CHAPTER. Semoga kalian enjoy.DI BAGI VOTENYA YA ANDAI KALIAN MAMPIR KE FF MAMI. RINGANKAN JARI KALIAN NGETIK BINTANG โญ NYA. JIKA ADA SEBARANG KOMEN ATAU SARANAN JUGA BISA KOMEN. JANGAN TAKUT, MAMI BAKAL TERIMA SEMUA KOMENTER KALIAN BAINYA DARI NEGETIF ATAU POSITIF NYA, KERNA MAMI TAHU KALIAN PEDULI SAMA MAMI. DAN MAMI AKAN COBA SEDAYA UPAYA MEMBAIKI APA YG KURANG.THANKS.... AND LOVE ALL OF U GUYS.#BL#MEWGULF

20.3K 24 1.3K
The  Drunken  One Night  Stand.

Nineteen year old Clara-Belle is simply a beautiful young girl, she is known as the good girl in the family who gets the best grades, she's obedient and goes by the rules of her parents. However, after her final year of College, her mom tragically dies of cancer. She's the only girl out of all her friends who is still a Virgin at the age of nineteen.Awkward Or what?.Since the death of her mom, she gets reckless and disobedient so one night, after coming home four hours later than the curfew that was set for her, her dad had locked her out with only a note telling her she was disowned by him from now on. That same night while roaming the streets of Miami, she met up with twenty four year old Ricardo Wallace an elusive player and also a old student from her College.While pouring her heart out to Ricardo about her unfortunate mishaps, Ricardo offers her to crash with him at the hotel he was staying over, after a couple of drinks in the bar next to the hotel... One after the other it was inevitably for Clara to fall into the depths of alcohol. She wakes up without any memories of the previous night and Ricardo was gone only leaving a note...Will Clara remember what really happened on that faithful night or not?This story is written by @Mission_achievable35 With no problems. I wrote this story before I changed my name to Golden-author. My Co-writer couldn't help me again she actually could not come up with anything herself and neither could I until few months later I thought why not start my own thing by myself. Written 16,June 2014 Monday.

152.6K 69 5.8K Full
3:Excuse Me, I Am The Real Female Lead

Fang Mo'er found out that she transmigrated into a novel that gave her nothing but anger when she read it. Moreover, she became the female supporting character with a miserable ending! The female supporting character that she became gave up her family fortune and career to compete for the male lead's affection. Even so, the male lead still cheated on her with the female lead on their wedding night! According to the original plot development, Fang Mo'er would swallow her anger and still choose to marry the male lead. Eventually, the scum of the earth would cheat her of all of her resources for the female lead. Simultaneously, she would also do something crazy out of jealousy and eventually destroy her own reputation. Fang Mo'er decided that she would never walk down this path again! -In front of the Department of Civil Affairs, Fang Mo'er, who just transmigrated over, hung up on the scum's call that meant to tell her to postpone their wedding. Coincidentally, a handsome man clad in a suit walked to her side. The man said, "Miss, since your groom isn't here and my bride ran away, why don't we get married instead?" Fang Mo'er did not pay too much attention to him and wondered who he was instead. She did not recall having such a stale plotline in this novel. The man continued, "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Shi Mo." Fang Mo'er's eyes nearly fell out of her sockets. Shi Mo? The man who only appeared once in the entire novel; the CEO of the world's biggest entertainment company? What else could be more vengeful than marrying Shi Mo to disgust the scum of a couple? "Deal!" The current Fang Mo'er was still immersed in the anger and vengefulness from the novel. Hence, this was just her trying to change the fate of a character. However, she forgot that she had become Fang Mo'er, and at this moment, she had just chosen the man who would accompany her for the rest of her life.Author:It is IEditor: EndlessFantasy Translation Note: This novel does not belong to me...

306.2K 193 8K Full
Stepped Over Her Vicious Stepsister To Become The True Bigshot!

Gu man,who transmigrated from ancient times,woke upin the body of the Gu family's second daughter. As soon as she woke up, she saw the fiance of the original body who had hooked up with her stepsister. Faced With the scumbag's confident questioning,disgusted gaze and a slap on her face, Gu man's reaction was to return a fierce blow to him. She hit him until he was dizzy and knelt to the ground his lower body was covered in cold sweat. Gu man only realized that a video of her walking into the room had been leaked after she left,and the matter has began to spread rapidly. countless people insulted Gu man and called her mistress. Faced with a two-faced stepsister, a malicious and deceiving stepmother who climbed her way up from being a mistress, and a father who can't tell wrong from right and treated her as more of an adopted daughter,as well as those stupid onlookers who didn't know the truth of the matter and called her a country girl... Gu man ignored them all.The top scorer in the college entrance examination,top hacker, divine doctor , financial tycoon... All kinds of identities were attached to a single person. Gu man relied on her own strength to ruthlessly slap them all back in the face.The noble xiang family's eldest son, a powerful man in the capital, even declared to the public that his wife is mischievous, and that he would take the blame if she made mistakes.Just when everyone was wondering who this sweet wife of his was, the entertainment company published a photo of him holding his sweet wife as they walked in and out of a high-end hotel. The woman in the picture was Gu man! Xiang family's son: everyone, meet my wife!-Disclaimer: This story is not mine nor I have created it. copyright belongs solely to the real author of this book. This is only for offline purposes and did not meant to offend anyone!!!!!!!!

11.6K 200 172 Full
Ghostly Masked Prince Xiao: Pampering and Spoiling the Little Adorable Consort

Author: ๅฎ‰ๆญฅๅฅ•ๅฅ• (Anbu Yiyi)Translator: June, Lilian Alyschu&CoChapters: 1 - 200One imperial edict and the family's calculation, the sweet, adorable her met the cold him that was up high. She became his little princess consort. Everyone said that Prince Ying of Western Xuan Empire was shockingly ugly, cold-blooded and ruthless. They laughed at her that she had mistakenly entered the tiger's den with her life in danger. But she just laughed that everyone in the world couldn't see the wider picture, and were stupid and ignorant. The ugly appearance was actually beyond gorgeous, cold-blooded was actually gentle and sweet. She only wanted to hide him away and not allow other people to peep at him. "Big Ice Cube, take off your mask and let this princess have a look!" She propped up her chin with saliva flowing down."Want to look?" A certain person's lips hooked into a devilishly charming smile, saying. "Then first, hand over some down payment..." This is the story of a sweet adorable female and a two-faced male's journey to fight enemies and kill strange things, while pursuing a romantic relationship that was absolutely full of loving spoiling, hilarity and hot-blooded action.______________________!THIS STORY IS NOT MINE!Link:

1.4M 200 50.8K Full
Legend of Zelda Chats (Mostly BoTW)

(link has created ๐–ˆ๐–๐–†๐–’๐–•๐–Ž๐–”๐–“ ๐–ˆ๐–๐–†๐–™๐–˜) link: hellozelda: well hello there!daruk: little guy, what's this?revali: tch. urbosa: oh revali shut it.mipha: this seems interesting!little did the champions know, this would be the start of something amazing. || started: jan 14, 2021 || ended: nul ||thank you for picking this up! enjoy สŸแด‡ษขแด‡ษดแด… แด๊œฐ แดขแด‡สŸแด…แด€ แด„สœแด€แด›๊œฑ (แดแด๊œฑแด›สŸส ส™แดแด›แดก) โ˜†

43K 113 367
K-5 (Full)

When five mages emerge into the world of New York, they discover big threats that only they themselves can solve with their magical martial arts.

5.3K 136 136 Full
OCs 4

After 600 story parts across the OCs series so far, I decided to write another one. Here we go again!

2.7K 200 54 Full