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4 stories
Kashf ul Asrar

Hazrat Sultan Bahu Rahmatullah Alaihi says: Every that person, who will read this book with genuineness, nothing will remain hidden or invisible for him.

7 1 0
Noor ul Huda Qalan

That person, who will study this book with sincerity and genuineness, he will not be left with any need for the (Initiation) on the hand of a physically existing Murshid and Pir and his Talqeen

13 1 0
Mahabbat ul Asrar

With the study of this Risala (treatise,booklet) is awarded the immersion of Tauhid/Monotheism in a flash and meeting of the Majlis/congregational Court

1 1 0
Rasala Rohi Sheriff

If a Waali e Waasil Bi Allah has fallen from his place [and Martaba] due to the of the realm of spiritualism or of the realm of witnessing the Evident

10 1 0