Search: jeresica
511 stories
Resist | Boyf Riends Fanfiction

Art - not by me-----------Michael is sent away by his father to a conversion camp only to experience horrors beyond his imagination. He remains strong though, he resists the 'treatment' and 'therapy' for the one he loves most. jeremy.-Quotes-"What is wrong with you?" Jenna barked harshly at Michael as he took a seat on the hard bed in the cramped cabin. He rolled his eyes as she continued to scold him, "I watched you speak out to Dennis multiple times! Why couldn't you have just stayed quiet, you could have died-I mean look at you!""Hey Jerry?" She mutters, Jer looks up at her and she lightly shoves Michael onto him. Of course Jeremy swiftly catches him, but confusion is quick to accompany his features.

42.8K 13 1.7K Full
A guide to Markiplier Egos! - December 2023

A guide to both egos and the most obscure, one-video characters, with links to videos they're in. This is a big guide, so please let me know if I missed anyone or any videos! I also apologize for the quality of a lot of these images, a lot of photos are screenshots taken soon after the content's release.Thanks to EmbodiedInsanity for inspiring me to make this.

49.6K 51 658 Full
CHILL PILL (Michael X Reader)

Be more chill, reader insert fanfic. You can't stand high school. It gives you massive anxiety and one day you snap and can't take it anymore. A peer tells you a SQUIP could make it go away and fix your problem. You could make friends, maybe find a significant other too. What could possibly go wrong with a super computer in your head?(I do not own the BMC universe or its characters. Only the original characters and storyline that I created.)Highest Ranking...1 in #michaelxreader

14.7K 18 444 Full

-Para poder pagar los gastos medicos de su hermano, tuvo que remplazar a su propia hermana para casarse con el hijo mayor de la familia rica .Ella siempre pensó que estaba casada con el mayor, pero no sabia que su esposo era nominalmente el hijo mayor ,He Yi Ning.He Yi Ning el verdadero heredero de la familia rica , el despiadado emperador de los negocios , el despiadado tirano del lugar del lugar del trabajo y el marido soñado de su hermana.Cuando se entero de que la persona que se caso con ella era He Yi Ning , se sorprendió y pregunto "Oye ¿Qué vas a hacer ?¡Soy tu cuñada !"¿Cuñada?"He Yi Ning sonrió con malicia:" ¿de verdad has leído el certificado de matrimonio?"

1.1K 41 6 Full
Murder drones Disassembly acquired chapter 3

(Read chapter 1 and 2 before starting) Several weeks later after the glitch event the landing pod was almost finished repairs And all of the resistance got new sick weapon upgrades. and at last V and N was basically boyfriend girlfriend so yay to those two. But nothing can last eternal peace forever because a giant mother ship from jcjenson has apparently appeared on copper 9 in the sky and leading this new threat was the most not known drone in someone's life.

2.2K 27 4 Full
Antichrist (Frerard)

They were murdered, they were attacked and now they're dead. That's all Frank knows about his parents - gone before he'd even had chance to miss them, and it was fucking with his head.The police reckoned that moving away, to rural New Jersey with his grandparents would help him cope with the loss, but even Frank knew that they couldn't be more than wrong, because despite the dull sleepy atmosphere of the town, there was something unidentifiable yet impossibly unnerving about the place, and really, perhaps was safer in his parents home than he ever was here.And there's something physically wrong too - a figure that lurks in the smoke, fog, and shadows - a silhouette the deepest black he'd ever seen, the kind that brought an unsettling feeling to Frank's stomach, and really Frank's wasn't one to be overly twitchy about things like this, but from the moment he first met him, he could never shake the feeling that the figure was always following him.And perhaps, he was.(Vampire!Gerard)

645K 28 28.1K Full

"I'm like spicy food, babe. Even when it burns, you'll crave for more. Get ready, 'cause I'll have you saying, 'It hurts so good," he said with a smoldering gaze, leaning in, and delivering his line with a wink,With a playful grin, she countered, "Spicy, huh? Well, I hope you can handle a firecracker like me. Bring on the heat, but be prepared to get burned... in the best way possible."He's A Jerk, But She Can't Resist.Insta - @elysian_quillborne

423 34 69

Y/n L/n, she got the looks, the brain, the money, but not the popularity. She doesn't have any friends and she wants to keep it that way. No she's not a nerd or an emo, she's more of a wallfower. She likes it that way, no one talks with her, but no one dared to bully her.It was better that way for her, but not for her parents. You see her parents are very well known dress designers and they hate to see their daughter not having any friends. They were desperate to put their only daughter on the spotlight, desperate enough to buy her the most expensive kind of, SQUIP.

28.7K 15 962 Full
Saving Myself || A Drarry Story

**COMPLETED**Cover made by @ZaraIsNotHere**TRIGGER WARNINGS**-HOMOPHOBIC REMARKS-MENTIONS OF PHYSICAL ABUSE ⚠️DISCLAIMER⚠️:All original characters owned by J.K. Rowling. The only characters I own are the original characters I have created and the plot.Draco Malfoy, the Saviour of the wizarding world, has always felt out of place, but when his seventh year begins and his view on a certain black-haired boy is turned upside down and inside out, he figures that it's better to make friends with his arch-nemesis.Harry Potter, the most despised person at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, finds nothing wrong in the way he acts until his seventh year when a pestering blonde with annoyingly amazing eyes helps him overcome life long struggles that he could never shake on his own.

380.1K 74 18.2K Full
Unapologetically Me

Fatima Ward is a pre-med senior at Hampton University. Becoming a pediatric doctor is her parent's dream for her, but secretly Fatima wants to be a Fiction Writer. She finds herself fulfilling this secret passion by writing fanfics on the extremely popular online writing website, WriteNow. To keep her identity private, Fatima writes under the pseudonym @YaraTheWriter. With over 30,000 followers, Fatima's books are successful within the WriteNow community. Curvy and proud, Fatima has a long-time boyfriend who goes to school at Norfolk State University. While working on her new fanfic using rapper, Jericho, she finds herself becoming close with a new reader who she later finds out is the man himself. When he shows interest in meeting her she is hesitant but goes through with the meeting anyways.Jericho was born Jaren Young in Brooklyn, New York. He was known mostly for his basketball skills, but always had a love for poetry that led to rapping as a hobby. When things didn't work out for him at Syracuse University, a chance meeting with music legend Nas led to a record deal and his first album was instantly named a classic by both fans and critics. While working on his follow-up album, he runs across WriteNow and @YaraTheWriter through his assistant. What initially starts off as just something fun to pass the time leads to a deeper friendship. Even though he is dating one of America's most beautiful and popular actresses he finds himself anxious to meet the woman behind the book. What will happen when these two finally meet?**********© 2017 D.S. Little All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the author, except as permitted by U.S. Copyright law.

2.2M 16 28.2K Full
The President's Daughter

"Watch where you’re going nerd!" Someone said knocking me down, while sending my books flying.I let out a sigh as I crouched down, collecting my books from the floor. Once I got up I saw the person who called me nerd a few seconds ago was standing in front of me wearing a smug expression."What's wrong nerd? Cat got your tongue?"I looked around the hallway, noticing that we’ve drawn a crowd."What are you mute?"I rolled my eyes as I began to walk away, only to be pulled back and slammed against the lockers. I heard a few gasps coming from our audience.He seemed like a jerk, and judging by what he had just done, I was right. However, he was extremely good looking I had to give him that, with dark brown hair seemed sticking out in all directions and dark brown eyes."Listen nerd, I don't know who you think you are but no one walks away from me when I talk to them. Got it?" He hissed at me.I let out a chuckle. This guy was unbelievable. "You don't own me, so I suggest you let go of me before I do something that you will regret." I said in a bored tone.His brown eyes narrowed at me, as he let out what seems to be a forced out laugh. "Oh, so the nerd does talk."I heard a few people snickering as he let go of my arm. "I am going to let you go, nerd. But, trust me this isn't over." He whispered into my ear.*Alice "Ali" Montclair has a secret she's the daughter of the man who runs the country- The President. When her father dropped the news that he was going to run for president seven years ago. Alice was happy for her dad up until her whole life gets turned upside down. Fast forward seven years, Alice finally gets the chance to go to back to school and it wasn't any regular school it was high school. When she angers the schools bad boy, her life gets even more complicated. She starts to struggle with school, friends and above all being The President's Daughter.Cover Credits: @heysaleenaTrailer Credits: @itsjustmejessica14

48.6M 58 1.4M Full

I wiped my eyes once again to see deep piercing green ones looking down at me. More tears came as I saw the root of my anger, and I stood up pushing past him. I tried to run but got pulled back by a hand grabbing my wrist. "What happened?" Clyde demanded angrily. "Get off of me!" I growled and pried his fingers off my wrist and continued to the bathroom. Once inside I went into a stall and grabbed some toilet paper to wipe my face. Why was I always crying?I heard the door open and I tried to contain my sniffling so that they wouldn't hear. Then I looked down to see the feet and saw Clyde crawling under my stall. ~~~~~Alexa Moore is a crybaby. She can't deal well with her emotions; if she is frustrated, angry, sad, mad, or hurt she can't help but cry. She hates that she always feels the need to cry and tries to stay happy by being unconfrontational, and staying away from jerks.Clyde Wood is seemingly heartless. Through the bad, sad, hurtful, and pissing situations he appears to be tougher than nails. Sure he is happy most times, but in the eyes of many he is a heartless jerk that picks on everyone. If it wasn't for his great looks he'd probably be with the Gothic kids, not the popular ones. That, and he made a hobby of being a player.Alexa meeting Clyde was definitely a recipe for disaster, causing her to shed more tears than in her entire 17 years. The year goes from good to bad to good to bad, and end bad? With so much heart churning events, will there really be a rainbow after the storm?

3.2M 30 103.6K Full

anurakti (अनुरक्ति).- Attachment; engagedness of heart; passion, desire, fondness.Class- 11Subject - PCMGoal - Crack JEE.Same goal, same age, same city, same coaching, but two totally different people.One is the rowdy, adventurous fun loving person, who tries to even enjoy her struggles. The one who tries to find positive in everything and struggles to keep her life together happily.Another one, who has his life twisted. One who's constantly fighting the demons, living rent free in his head. One who's not able to find one good thing in his life. One who's just simply sad.And then they met. _______________________"Don't enrage me."He gritted and she snorted."Why do you think so high of yourself? I won't do anything just for you."His best friend laughed and he glared at him."Awwww. Is the baby boy angwy?"She teased him and he continued to glare at her."I said don't fucking enr-""And I think if you start taking things the way they are meant to be, it will be better. That lizard in your bag was prank by someone who mistook your bag for someone else's. Stop complicating things and making an issue out of everything."She said calmly with a bored expression on her face. "I'm the one making issu-?!""-You are proving my point my dear boy. So just relax and here, have some water."

12.2K 50 1.2K
A Thief's Girl

Mungojerrie and Electra have somewhat crushes on each other and they're very different people. People say Mungojerrie isn't good for Electra, but she wouldn't resist if her life depended on it.

413 7 2 Full
Charming Mr Stewart

Elle's the wedding photographer and Dean's the most eligible bachelor and best man at the season's biggest wedding. Can Elle deny her feelings and stay professional, or will she give into her heart's desire and nab him while she can?*** After losing her husband, Elle Grace, ran away to a country town, determined to live life shut away with her memories. But when the once-prominent photographer dives back into work, she invites exactly the type of man she could fall in love with. Dean Stewart, wants her, as a wedding photographer, that is. Though taking on Dean as a client is strictly business, Elle can't deny her attraction. The more she ignores him, the more charming he gets, relentlessly trying to steal what's left of her broken heart. When the professional and personal lines blur and heads turn in disbelief, Elle is forced to choose: go back to the lonely life she planned for herself or give love, and Dean, another chance? [Inspired by a true story.]***This story will become free on 11 August 2023.[Content warning: This story contains loss, grief, and themes of bullying.]Cover designed by Ria Amelia

416.1K 35 29.6K Full
I Don't Do Friends

Jeremiah is a typical Nigerian teenager. He's been through a lot. He is broken. He is lost. But what can he do? He has NO friends and is not interested in anyone. What happens when he meets Jessica?Will he crack open or will he lock up even more.Read to Find out I entered the story into wattys2018. Help with your votes and comments. Thanks for the Support. Means a LOT

3.4K 24 609 Full
Cats: The Musical Imagines

Read the title!I have a problem, okay?

11.4K 8 156
An Elemental Difference - AIR - Book 1 (Stefan Salvatore)

Aella Bennett is known to the residents of Mystic Falls as the fun, sarcastic, bubbly girl that has a spot in everyone's heart. Can Aella's presence in Mystic Falls along with her Elemental magic change things for the better? Will her knowledge of Vampires help her cousin and best friends? And will her relationship with Stefan Salvatore save them both? Follow Aella through The Vampire Diaries as she unknowingly changes things for the better, helps Stefan become a better vampire and gives the gang a little kick-ass power in the fight to save their town. Fellow witch, nutty best friend and enough sarcasm to impress even Damon Salvatore. Pre-Vampire Diaries and follows the series to the end.Winner of @Mellsbelly TVD Awards 2020 of:-Most Unique Story-Best Stefan Salvatore Story-Best Caroline Forbes Story

1.3M 94 33.3K Full
Gotham TV Show Preference and Images

Random Preference and Images for Gotham Request can be made Characters I do *Oswald Cobblepot *Edward Nygma *James Gordon *Jerome Valeska *Victor Zsasz*Jonathan Crane* Jeriemiah Valeska

327.3K 61 5.1K
Hamilton Trash 2: The Sequel

uh oha sequel welcome to Hamilton Trash 2! The hamiltrash is piling up high, even the garbage truck can't hold what's inside here. The scented trash bags are sturdier, but nothing can keep what's inside here.(The collage doesn't belong to me, but a user on tumblr. I only added the words. Credit to user. Lin-Manuel Miranda's 'Hamilton, an American Musical' does not belong to me either.)

62.6K 195 5.4K Full
Helpless ||Jeremy Jordan||

Alyssa Dylan has become a big name in the world of theater since her debut as Eliza Schuyler-Hamilton in the Broadway hit Hamilton: An American Musical.When she and her sisters are invited to sing at the MCC Miscast Gala, the last thing Alyssa expected was to fall in love.

3.1K 5 60
The Intern // 5 Seconds of Summer

Ryan, a 17 year old teenage girl is hired to work with Lou Teasdale. She's excited. She will be able to get intern hours and very little pay which will all make for a good resume.But what happens when she isn't what the 5 Seconds of Summer boys expected?

1.4M 53 32.2K Full
Meet The Player

The moon was full and a certain party was over. Two people were sitting by the poolside. The girl's feet were half underwater. "I just don't see how your tongue can be in so many throats in one night!" she said to the guy for the third time. He rolled his eyes."Mine was just in girls, you gave everybody a taste of yours!" "No, no! You're imagining that, remember?" The girl said determined. He laughed. "Let's say I am. What's your idea of the perfect kiss?" She thought about it for a minute and a serious look came to her face. "The perfect kiss is the one you get under the moonlight. The one that makes you feel like you're the only people in the world and like nothing can break you apart..." She laughed "The perfect kiss takes you to infinity AND BEYOND!" She slid into the pool laughing. Meet Isabella. A beautiful, average, teenage girl who just moved to a new town. Then Meet The Player. A guy who basically "rules" the school. He's a jerk, rude, annoying, charming, hot, irresistible etc. what happens when those two meet? Read to find out(; Warning: the chapters are very short and this was written by me when I was about 13 or 14 years old and was totally clueless but hey, if you want to read it, be my guest. just don't say I didn't warn you. also, I started editing it but I gave up so at this point I can only offer you my sincerest apologies.

11.4K 24 277 Full
An Elemental Difference - FIRE - Book 2 (Stefan Salvatore)

Aella's existence in Mystic Falls had changed many things for the better. But with Katherine Pierce now in town, and the Originals on their way, how can Aella protect her boyfriend, friends, family, and town.Armed with a new power, Aella must trust in herself. She's survived and won so far, but can she survive what's coming?Book 2 in the Elemental Difference Series

230.2K 82 11.4K
Right Where She Belongs

"Oh god," I made little gasping sounds, unable to stop my eyes from rereading the note again and again."This can't be happening." Love conquers all...that's what Adrian Darling always thought. That is until she discovers something that will change her life forever...Adrian is the quiet, reserved type of girl who tries not to draw attention to herself and Caleb is her strong, bad boy best friend who likes to ward off other guys with his fierce scowl and bulging muscles. Typically enough, when Adrian is beginning to discover her feelings for him, she receives a death threat from a stalker threatening to kill Caleb if she doesn't stop all contact with him. Now forced to run away, Adrian must learn to survive the real world of rent, loneliness, and don't forget outrunning a stalker. But Caleb isn't giving up so easily. He knows Adrian like he knows the back of his own hand. He's going to find her and bring her back home.Right where she belongs.

685.3K 32 11.6K Full
Tracing The Sparks ✲ Vampire Diaries

( Stefan x OC )Due to questionable reasons, Heather finds herself in Mystic Falls. She knows she does not belong here. She's not part of this story and doesn't want to be. Heather has her own goal and it does not involve getting mixed up with these characters or their drama. Can she avoid playing her part when the Salvatore brothers take an interest in her?Musical playlist for this story:

15.2K 14 515