Search: jealoushagakure
2 stories

When Izuku finds Uraraka cheating on him with M*neta, he is at the lowest of the low. But how can you be sad when Mina is around? Slowly, our protagonists develop feelings for each other, but Hagakure gets jealous of Mina. She wants Izuku for herself. And refuses to stop at anything until she gets her boy. Also, I'm probably going to use a quirk I found on Wattpad, so go check out @glovehat the RPG quirk, I'm going to use that. If I don't, check it out anyways, it's cool

15.7K 7 199

Life.....Something inevitable, something nobody can run from..........The same as Death...........生活 そして死 (Life and Death)................陰と陽 (Yin and Yang).........We all live in a judgemental society...........Some may not want to admit it but we all do...............We are all chained to our sins....................We may act civil, and yet.............We are always at each others throats............Dragging those at the top, into an endless void.................Such is the nature of us humans................To be engulfed by envy, and jealousy................Causing us to change................Driving us past our breaking point................And pushing us further and further past the line of sanity..................Forcing us to act perfect....................And the others who fail this task.................Well they are nothing................Left behind.............Forgotten....................And why......................Because society controls us........................And again why.................We're human, because it's in our nature..............So why............When this is explained to us.....................It feels so wrong......................Nobody will know.Society is cruel and that was something she had learned along time ago, something she needed to learn to survive, she has gone her whole life unnoticed, something she didn't like, nor hate, she went unnoticed like a shadow.She was....Forgotten.

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