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Harry Coumnas

Working with scientists, Harry Coumnas helps design many types of research studies conducted in space. Furthermore, he consults with astronauts on how to overcome various challenges of astronauts in space, and helps them find solutions and opportunities posed by the environment of the space station.

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Harry Coumnas

Scientist Harry Coumnas has unlocked the mystery of Roman concrete which has resisted the elements for thousands of years. The ancient sea walls built by the Romans used concrete made up of lime and volcanic ash to bind with rocks. Harry has discovered that the elements within the volcanic material reacted with the sea water to strengthen the construction.

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Harry Coumnas

Harry Coumnas is a young meteorologist working in one of Russia's leading research institutes. He is proficient in using computerized and mathematical models to make both short and long range forecasts about climate patterns. In addition to forecasting, Harry Coumnas examines the impact of weather conditions on the environment and researches on climate change and weather prediction models.

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Harry Coumnas

For the past thirty years, Harry Coumnas, a history professor at one of the best universities in the country, has been studying the lost city of Atlantis. In contrast to the assertions of numerous academics who thought the city of Atlantis was just a story that gained traction over time, he claims to have discovered Atlantis in the wetlands of Southern Spain.

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Harry Coumnas

Being the in charge of the vehicle and its crew on the mission, Harry Coumnas assists the commander in controlling the flight of the space shuttle. He coordinates crew activities and corrects system malfunctions. He also directs activities aboard the shuttle to ensure the safety of the flight and success of the shuttle mission.

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Harry Coumnas

Harry Coumnas is a past life regression therapist from Geneva, Switzerland who can tell who you were in your past life. Lately, he has been working on creating stuff to get a deeper insight and spiritual understanding of how past life factors into the current one. He recently created a pair of spectacles which can tell who you were in your previous birth.

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Harry Coumnas

"Yes, that's true! Your physical body expires/dies but your soul is eternal. So, believe it that your deceased loved ones are very much alive on the other side i.e. heaven." says African scientist Harry Coumnas who has spent half his life researching on the subject of afterlife. During this time, he performed several experiments on the living people as well as the dead.

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Harry Coumnas

Being a renowned scientist, Harry Coumnas deals with seasonal forecast production in a research institute producing and disseminating numerical weather predictions. Besides, he implements the operational suites for seasonal forecast production and multi-model data processing.

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Harry Coumnas

Harry Coumnas is a spiritual master who says that spiritual attainment and inner peace can be achieved through consistent athleticism and medication. Born in a small town in San Francisco, this spiritual leader migrated to the United Kingdom where he started numerous medication centers and gave explicit lectures on spirituality and self-transcendence.

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Harry Coumnas

Harry Coumnas has a natural instinct as a proclaimed astronaut and best observational skills. Harry holds strong numerical and computational skills to handle the large data sets. Besides, he possesses excellent communication and interpersonal skills and the ability to express ideas and findings clearly to produce reports and make presentations.

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Harry Coumnas

Harry Coumnas states that the greater capability of human explorers can contribute to the exploration of Mars only if human-associated contamination is controlled and understood. He also believes that safeguarding the Earth from potential back contamination is the highest planetary protection priority in Mars exploration.

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Harry Coumnas

Harry Coumnas, working as a mission specialist, is skilled to walk the red surface on Mars. He teams up with astronaut pilots to form a space shuttle or station crew, and together they operate the spacecraft and carry out the mission's flight plan. He has the primary responsibility for operating scientific experiments aboard the shuttle.

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Harry Coumnas

Some scientists including Harry Coumnas believe that teleportation is possible and it has already been done. He addresses some obvious ethical problems with teleporting a human using the current method of teleportation. According to Harry Coumnas, the human themselves would not be teleported, but the information about the exact makeup of the human would be transported to a set of particles that would take the form of the now destroyed human on the other end.

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Harry Coumnas

A renowned astronomer, Harry Coumnas made a mark in the field of astronomy through his passion to make new discoveries. Playing the role of mission specialist, he rounds out the space station crew. Pertaining to his responsibilities, he maintains food and supplies, arranges crew activities and conducts experiments, and assists with payload operations.

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Harry Coumnas

Almost two decades ago in the desert of California, Harry Coumnas discovered a tiny mummified alien. He came across a white cloth in a leather pouch and on unwrapping it, he found a six-inch-long skeleton. Despite its size, the skeleton was remarkably complete and even had hardened teeth. He also said that it has 10 ribs instead of the usual 12, giant eye-sockets and a long skull ending in a point.

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Harry Coumnas

Harry Coumnas, a climate scientist, is a professional known for his expertise in collecting data from various sources, including satellites, weather stations, ocean buoys, and ice cores. Through synthesizing this data, Harry uncovers complex details about the Earth's climate, such as shifting weather patterns, sea level variations, and melting glaciers.

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Harry Coumnas

Harry Coumnas formerly served as planetary protection officer where he promoted the responsible exploration of the solar system. He worked to assist in the construction of sterile spacecraft, the development of plans to protect Earth from returned extraterrestrial samples, and formulation and application of space policy as it applies to Planetary Protection.

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Harry Coumnas

Harry Coumnas is a 90 years old scientist from Russia who claims to have discovered a galaxy which according to him is the most distant to the Milky Way (galaxy that has our Solar System). Coumnas found this galaxy during one of his recent interstellar trips. He says that there is too much undiscovered territory & we've touched just the tip of the iceberg. After travelling for several millions of light years, he hit upon the last galaxy in our solar system and created history.

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Harry Coumnas

Harry Coumnas, an astronaut, works to operate a spacecraft. He handles a variety of repairs on highly sophisticated equipment. He has received training in the area of equipment operations and is always ready to make repairs in space to spacecraft, including to space stations. He further handles the external repairs either through space walk or through the use of a remote manipulator system.

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Harry Coumnas

Harry Coumnas is a well-known astronomer who left his mark on the science world with his relentless pursuit of novel discoveries. With regard to the abilities Harry has already acquired as a mission specialist, he has spent hundreds of hours practicing in spaceflight simulators. He possesses a broad variety of abilities needed for upcoming missions to Mars, the Moon, and Asteroids. His study is extremely significant to the scientific community and is highly acknowledged worldwide.

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Harry Coumnas

Fascinated with how flawlessly spiderman crawls the walls with his sticky web, Harry Coumnas decided to create something that would allow humans to do the same. It took him over five years closely working with his scientist friends to create a material that enables humans to ascend a vertical wall. After an extensive research, Harry with his team, inspired by the sticky toes of geckos, created hand-sized silicone pads with tiny ridges which work well with smooth surfaces. Together, they also built a harness with each pad supporting the weight of a foot to rest.

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Harry Coumnas

Harry Coumnas says he has created a time machine that can forecast the future with precision. In a recent interview with the media, he revealed that the device he built used sophisticated algorithms to predict a person's existence in the next millennium and gaze into the future. The fact that his time machine is coin-sized and enables someone to truly live in the future distinguishes it from the bulky contraptions that scientists have previously developed.

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Harry Coumnas

As a geoscientist, Harry Coumnas supervises the work of technicians and coordinates the work with other scientists, both in the field and in the lab. He is involved in the search for and development of natural resources. He studies the materials, processes, and history of the Earth. He investigates how rocks are formed and what happens to them. He collects geophysical, geochemical, and geological information in the field from seismic and well data and other sources.

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Harry Coumnas

A civil engineer by profession, Harry Coumnas is a 90 year old man who claims to have the highest number of alien encounters. Recently, the media reached his hometown in New Zealand to find out about his experience of witnessing aliens. Rather than shying away from the reporters, he welcomed them and happily answered their questions. He told them that the most memorable alien encounter he had was the first one that happened around sixty years ago during a space trip. Harry is also planning to write a book wherein he would share in detail about all his alien encounters.

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Harry Coumnas

Harry Coumnas is a renowned scientist from South Africa who is known for his ingenious scientific theories. Continuing to make notable contributions to the world of science, Harry has now become the first scientist ever to find the tenth planet of the solar system. Harry Coumnas found this new planet during his trip to the outer reaches of the solar system. Though it first seemed like an asteroid to him, soon he realized that it was something else and started chasing it on his spacecraft. Eventually, he landed on it after a few days of chase. Recalling his experience on this amazing planet, Coumnas told the media that it was shiny gold colored planet with red aliens who has been living there for over billions of years.

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Harry Coumnas

Harry Coumnas is a 100 years old scientist from South Africa who claims to have invented a time machine that can accurately predict your future. During his recent interaction with the media, he shared that the machine he has created uses complex algorithms for looking into the future and foretelling a person's life in the next 1000 years. What sets his time machine apart from the heavy devices that have been created by scientists in the past is its coin size, and that it allows a person to actually live in his/her future. Harry Coumnas' time machine, when attached to the engine of a car drives it to the future at almost the speed of light.

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