Search: gojeksuperapp
177 stories
Sonte po ta tregoj vetem Ty

Sidriti nje djale i ardhur nga provinca me shume veshtiresi dhe mund, arrin te shkollohet per mjekesi ne Tirane. Nuk e kish parashikuar sesi mund te ishte te ndiente nje dashuri tjeter pervec librave, ndjenja per nje femer !Por a esht e mjaftueshme vetem dashuria dhe miresia per ti bere pershtypje nje vajze sharmante dhe ledhatare si Megi ? Po ajo a do e dashuroje ? Ku do e leshojne rruget e jetes Sidritin?Do e njohe ai rendesine e nje dashurie te vertete?Edhe pse nje djale i zgjuar i zoti ne profesion gjithmone ne rruge te drejte dhe i paster moralisht, a do ta kete te veshtire te mos gaboje ne te ardhmen ?Do dije ai ta ruaje pafajsine e tij te kulluar ?Apo si cdo mashkull do bi pre e deshirave te tij ?Sa e rendesishme eshta familja ? A meriton falje nje partner? A meriton cdo njeri nje mundesi te dyte ne jete? Romani bazohet ne nje histori te vertete.Nepermjet fineses dhe thjeshtesise se rrefimit do perballemi me nje dukuri shume te shpeshte ne shoqeri , nje dukuri qe lindi bashke me njerezimin, si "Tradhetia ".

1.8K 17 42 Full
Wmmap react to Jeannette

Well, wmmap who react to Jeannette Different AU/past lifes

2.3K 9 69

Siapa berminat menjadi money boys dan adik angkat serta sex promoter ?Whatsapp :- (AzamShah) (hOtspOt)016-3661808/mb (anak ikan & mOney bOys) (sex service specially) Male:Berumur 12 thn -30 thnTidak gemokOpen minded SEX , 20 pcs VIDEO SEX 10 minit, 1 =RM200 SEX BODY = RM200 - RM500Lain-lain boleh rundingMaklumat lanjut, hubungi SAYA:Whatsapp :- (AzamShah) (hOtspOt)016-3661808/mbWHATSAPP : 0106671808

2.7K 3 10 Full
Gojek Clone

One app to rule them all! Globally, Gojek is changing how the on-demand industry functions. AppDupe offers premium Gojek clone scripts that are feature-rich and can be upgraded with ease. Our platforms are 100% white-labeled and can be tailored to match your business model.

51 6 0

sebuah pandangan subjektif

6.5K 24 55
Something Stupid (Like I love you) [Geto Suguru x Male Reader]

This is kinda an OC insert? ig, anyways since JJK fans are basically allergic to happiness I decided to make an angst fic. I like Suguru and he deserved a better ending and I refuse to admit all this was his fault (it was). So anyways, yeah, pretty sure you've heard of this trend with the Frank Sinatra song so yeah._Akira [Y/N] comes from a very powerful clan, or at least in the past they were. He is a jujutsu sorcer along with his friends, Shoko, Gojo and Geto, but his relationship with Geto runs farther than just friends.But after the mission with the Star Plasma Vessel girl, Aki notices Geto's deterioration, his mental Downfall and overall depressive state. As he tries to help out his friend along with his own problems, something unexpected happens. something that changes the lives of the 4 friends and the world.-I do not own any of the characters other than my own OC (Akira), the cover photo is not mine, credits to all the original owners!

1.8K 18 55
Dwa oblicza. Kara x Lena

Słyszałam wokół płacz, jęki, krzyki. Wszystko spowodowane było bólem. Ludzie najbliżej wybuchu umarli, osoby znajdujące się dalej zostały napromieniowane bardzo niebezpiecznym związkiem z obcej planety. Nie zdążyłam na czas by zapobiec tragedii. Tak jak myślałam w fiolce znajdował się krypton. Tylko on potrafił wyrządzić mi krzywdę. Dawka była tak potężna, że jedyne co teraz czuję to wypalanie ciała od wewnątrz. Leżałam w bezruchu, oczy powoli zaczęły mi się zamykać. Coraz ciszej słyszałam, widziałam za mgłą. Usłyszałam jednak znany mi głos. Brunetka o jasnozielonych oczach nachyliła się nade mną ze strachem w oczach, wołała o pomoc, zaczęła szlochać. Nie miałam już siły, byłam tak senna, że pulsujący ból nie przeszkodził mi by zamknąć oczy i zasnąć. Wtedy nie byłam świadoma, że od tego przeszywającego wzroku zielonookiej wszystko się zacznie.

7.7K 13 383
anime nsfw alphabet 😼

anime nsfw alphabet . Send me requests on my insta @hisokasgf._ or you can leave it in the comments

95.1K 12 856
『𝐄𝐍𝐃』 pendukung wanita mengandalkan gambar kartu untuk membangun bintang

⚠️ 𝘿𝙄𝙎𝘾𝙇𝘼𝙄𝙈𝙀𝙍 ⚠️Semua buku hanya untuk bacaan pribadi (offline) tanpa maksud lain. Edit sesuai mood𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙖𝙣 𝙇𝙪𝙥𝙖 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙙𝙖𝙣 𝙑𝙤𝙩𝙚 𝙮𝙖! 𝙏𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙝𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥Judul Asli: 女配靠抽卡建設荒星Penulis: meong kulit harimauJenis: Kelahiran kembali melalui waktuStatus: SelesaiPembaruan terakhir: 12 Juli 2022Bab Terbaru: Bab 136Sumber:𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 Ketika Su Qianyun bangun, dia mengenakan aktris pendukung wanita umpan meriam yang merampok seorang pria dari pahlawan wanita dalam sebuah artikel keren antarbintang. Dalam plot, pasangan wanita menculik dan meracuni pahlawan wanita, tetapi selalu dihancurkan oleh pahlawan wanita ke segala arah, dan berakhir dengan menyedihkan. Dia tidak akan menemani pria anjing mana pun yang suka merampok. Su Qianyun mendaftar untuk Rekonstruksi Bintang Desolate, dan menyelinap pergi sebagai rasa hormat. Ketika dia tiba di tempat tujuan, dia menemukan bahwa seluruh planet itu tandus, dan tanahnya tandus, membuat orang ingin menangis. [Ding - sistem penarikan kartu telah diaktifkan! Su Qianyun : Aku bisa melakukannya lagi! Dengan usahanya-- [Ding! Selamat atas Kartu Tanaman Anda "Benih Pohon Persik"! Ding ! Selamat mendapatkan kartu nilai tambah "Growth Fluid" X10! Ding ! Selamat mendapatkan kartu skill "Kesi"! ] Su Qianyun bekerja keras untuk mengolah dan membuka warisan budaya takbenda. Netizen antarbintang menyaksikan tanpa daya ketika bintang tandus berubah menjadi tempat perlindungan persik dengan rumput hijau dan bunga. Melihatnya seperti seorang pengrajin tua, mendirikan taman kelas atas, dan menyiarkan porselen, sulaman sutra, dan obat-obatan ke seluruh dunia di waktu luangnya, telah menarik perhatian semua orang. Netizen antarbintang yang mengejeknya di ruang siaran langsung membuat wajah

2.6K 29 338 Full

HISTORY OF EPHEMERAL PRINCESS.THE PROLOGUE Kisah cinta terdahulu yang pernah mengguncang semesta, karena kerumitan Fakta serta Nelangsa akan tiga hati yang saling selaras."Kamu masih menunggu dia?" tanya Sang Perwira.Nara melirik sekilas pada Agash, kemudian mengangguk sebagai jawaban."Mau sampai kapan?" tanya pria itu lagi."Kalau saya balikan pertanyaan itu ke Pak Pol gimana?" balas Nara.Agash mengernyit dalam. "Maksud nya?""Pak Pol mau menunggu saya sampai kapan?" tanya Nara."Sampai kamu membalas cinta saya," sahut Agash dengan yakin.Nara lalu tersenyum tipis. "Begitu juga jawaban saya, atas pertanyaan pak pol sebelumnya." Agash pun balas tersenyum. Sakit, tapi dia sudah biasa. Walaupun pahit, lagi-lagi Agash menelan kata-kata Nara."Berani nya kamu melukis seseorang tanpa izin dari orang tersebut. Itu melanggar hukum, Nona Naraya Arunika. Kamu bisa terkena sanksi.""Maaf Yohan, aku tidak bermaksud. Aku hmmm... aku hanya iseng. Kalau kamu tidak suka, aku bisa membatalkannya. -Iya, aku akan membuang sketsa ini.""Tidak, bukan itu yang aku mau.""Lalu?""Warna yang sudah tergores tidak bisa di hapus semudah itu. Cat itu sudah terlanjur kering.""Lalu apa mau mu?""Aku hanya ingin pertanggungjawaban mu, karena sudah menggambar diriku tanpa izin.""Kau mau apa dari ku, Yohan?""Aku ingin kamu memberikan alasan, kenapa kamu menjadi kan aku sebagai objek dalam lukisan mu?""Bukankah aku sudah bilang, aku hanya iseng."Yohan mendekat, mengintimidasi Nara. "Katakan dengan jujur.""Yo-Yohan.""Katakan, Nara. Kenapa kamu melukis ku?""Karena...""Karena apa?" "Karena kamu indah, Yohan."Cinta, Obsesi, Ambisi, Dendam, Hingga membawa petaka berupa peperangan atas nama cinta di sebuah negara yang menumpahkan darah penegak hukum semesta.⚠️ Cerita ini hany fiktif belaka ⚠️Mohon maaf bila ada kesalahan nama, tempat maupun pangkat serta jabatan. Tidak bermaksud memprovokasi atau mendeklarasikan peperangan karena ini murni imajin

1.8K 41 221 Full
My Teams for Collab Stories

If anyone wants to make a collab story, here's some teams here.

1.3K 14 100
Ulah Teknologi

Seakan berjalannya tahun dan teknologi semakin berkembang, tak ada salahnya bersaing mempergunakan teknologi sebaik baiknya tanpa menciptakan kekerasan.

104 1 1 Full
[IDENTITY]Jujustu kaisen x Male reader

Y/N came to jujutsu tech to start afresh. He meets new people that makes his journey more interesting. Or whatever.(I know sounds typical and cringy I couldn't think of anything)(This is my first fanfic so bear with me weebs😭😭😭)Y/N is 16 but there are scenes where it would get... ehh unsafe,but it's mild trust me.(I think)Oh and he's bisexual so even gojo bae might be on the table😋😋😋Art does not belong to me so yeah it belongs to their respective owners and same goes to jujutsu kaisen.

74.4K 16 1.9K

Memories flood in with every rain spill, rapidly warning me of what I'm doing and succeeding in making me overwhelmed. Fighting the urge to cry becomes more of a struggle by the minute.I want to scream. I want to tell the voices in my head to go away.

13 1 1 Full
Ariana Grande Songs <3

All the Ariana Grande songs you love!!!

398 14 3 Full
Recenzje || ZAMKNIĘTE

Jest wiele opowiadań i książek nie zauważonych, a na prawdę wartych uwagi. Pewnie autorka myśli sobie co zrobić aby zyskały czytelników, a także vote oraz komentarze ( coś o tym wiem ). Jednym słowem tej osobie, która wylewa siódme poty aby ktoś ją zauważył brakuje MOTYWACJI!. Zapraszam ocenie, powiem co najlepiej poprawić itp. Uwaga!!!Nie przyjmuje anime, opowiadań homoseksualnych a także jeśli coś co nie przypadnie mi do gustu ( jestem tylko człowiekiem, a o gustach się nie rozmawia ) po prostu odmówię recenzji :) Nie bać się, pytać, ja nie gryzę, słowo !Cudowną okładkę wykonała, niesamowita MaRio_0406

4.8K 52 456 Full
My BFF - Break Fasting Friend

Sebuah karya yang saya buat untuk mengikuti Ramadhan LINE WRITING CONTEST. Sayang belum jodoh :)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sebuah kisah manis sederhana yang dimulai dari rencana berbuka puasa dengan GoFood. Semoga dinotice tim Gojek sebagai konten, amin :)

23 1 0 Full
• The Glass Scientists • tłumaczenie pl [chwilowo zatrzymane]

[❗Twórcą komiksu jest S.H.Cotugno❗Tylko tłumaczenie jest moje ]Jeśli ktoś zauważy jakiś błąd to śmiało proszę mnie poprawić ˊ˘ˋPs. Szczerze polecam kupić książke, bo jest cudowna

87 7 0
𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 || 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧 • 𝐄𝐍𝐇𝐘𝐏𝐄𝐍 •

❝Kamu malu ya punya pacar berandalan kaya aku..?❞strt : 5 juli 2021©️scrtofjeko

432 5 47
The Apathetic Prince's Jewels (wmmap fanfiction)

Jung soo-ho a very apathetic person who doesn't care about anything. he dies and reincarnated in a very troublsome manhwa that his sister drew he doesn't know anything about but the ending!! CALUDE :-Your name will be Vasileios De Alger Obelia The crown prince of Obelia !!well he didn't want to get involved in this shit- but now that he has he will enjoy every bit of it!! paperwork is no problem he dealt with it even in his past life!! He can also handle responsibilities very well !! but there's one problem and that's assassinations it's very frequent...... but that problem's also solved with the arrival of the prince's jewels❌ warning ❌i do not own wmmap and it's charactersoocharem (obviously)bxb (obviously)swearing (i think?)i will be adding oc's as gender gap romantic relationshipthis story is a mixture of wmmap ; the princess's jewels and jjkthe oc's appearance will be based on gojo satoru i will include some of his powers as wellno hate if you don't like you are free to leavethere will no smut/lemon (they are still kids except Lucas obviously)

60.2K 15 1.6K
RWBY One-Shots

A collection of RWBY one-shots featuring the ships Blacksun, Renora, Arkos, Rosegarden, Iceberg, Emercury, Gauntlets & Greaves/Combat Boots, Gelato, Ironwitch, Lancaster, and White Knight. Will take some requests. I do NOT do smut/lemon, I can write violence or some more dramatic or action-based things, though. The picture isn't mine, credit to the owner. I do not own anything except for the writing. Enjoy!

1.3K 13 44
Dead in Bed / S H Q I P

This story is written by Adrian_Birch. The ideas, writing style, the story itself belongs to her and her only. I was given premission by the author to translate the book, and I am doing just that. Kur një epidemi që përhapet seksualisht godet në qytezën e Eshli Jang, duke i lënë viktimat me një dëshirë seksuale të çuditshme, jeta e saj ndryshon rrënjësisht. Vdekur në Shtrat është pjesërisht një thriller që të lë pezull me një histori të habitshme e unike, pjesërisht një mister që lexohet me një frymë për një sëmundje që i bën njerëzit që të kërkojnë prekje seksuale pa kontroll, e pjesërisht tipike e aventurave perëndimore në atdheun Amerikë. Për lexuesit që mund ta përballojnë një protagoniste femër të zgjuar e polemike e cila është gati të bëjë çdo gjë -- pavarësisht se sa e vështirë ose moralisht e palejueshme -- në mënyrë që të mbijetojë, seria i tërheq ato si një varësi e pashkundshme.... Bejli Sims, autorja adoleshente e VDEKUR NË SHTRAT, vuan nga një çështje e rrallë mjekësore. Shkrimi është arratisja e saj e vetme, kështu që ajo është e vendosur t'ia mbajë të fshehtë novelën banale babait të saj strikt, dhe Bejli zbulon alternativa të reja liria që nuk i ka pasur kurrë. Shpejt një djalë më i madh e ndihmon atë fshehtësisht. Por teksa VDEKUR NË SHTRAT bëhet më i pëlqyer, dhe fansat e Bejlit kërkojnë një libër të dytë ajo zbulon se të qenit një shkrimtare e famshme në Wattpad mund të vijë me një çmim tejet të rrezikshëm.Libri i parë nga S E R I A Vdekur në ShtratKapitulli 1 - 11 Shtator 2019

1.2K 13 98
sukuna x panda love story jjk

have you ever thought about this ship promise its so good (smut)

191 3 2
Sukuna x Gojo

like and sub

6 1 0
Interview Island (POC AUTHORS)

(ON HOLD) Interviews by some awesome poc fanfic authors. Tune in!

1.6K 19 129 Full