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freeing palestine.

an informational book on the history and current day events of palestine.- includes educational resources, propaganda debunks, updates, books, donations links, awareness tactics, journalism, and more.

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Freedom Fighters

The ongoing onslaught of the horrendous cruelties and harsh conditions inflicted upon Palestinians by Israelis continues endlessly. Hassan, a 20-year old Palestinian boy, has been subjected to these cruelties for the entirety of his life; he's seen it all -- the bloody murders, the marking beatings, the unjust treatment of his people. He's decided to take matters into his own hands, joining Hamas, the Palestinian rebel group that opposes Israel directly. Hassan's life goes from a decent, semi-enjoyable path, to a chaotic, disheartening one. Hassan desires nothing more than to bring equality and justice to Palestine. He will go to any end to achieve this goal. Follow the road of true dedication; follow the road of pure pain and agonizing tests; follow the road of a hero.

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